CN9 ACE PILOT, on 14 September 2014 - 07:57 PM, said:
We don't need messengers when those messengers already post their opinions just fine, along with others.
In my opinion, all this will lead to is a sharper reaction from the community when something "they" want didn't get implemented, since it's supposed to be what the "community" wanted. The consumer will never know exactly what it wants, because it will never have access to all the information, particularly in something like MWO, where one thing can cause a mountain of glitches, and a burden on an already smaller department.
I disagree, no one likes a backseat driver. We known not neither their limitations, or means of implementations, for all we know they have already tried the things that have been suggested but cannot implement it either for server stress, ce3 limitatinos, or contract obligations. Nor would they be able to tell us if the contract requires them to not share that information.
Find one good, solid opinion, mated to a couple of pages of sensible discussion and feedback on that opinion, in the seething, fetid morass of bitterness, recrimination, unrealistic expectations, outright hostility and buckets of Imgur memes that comprise this feculent swamp we all know as the MWO forums, man.
Someone needs to cull the wheat from the chaff. That's the entirety of a player task force's job - foster discussion on its given subject, find the ideas worth refining and presenting to the community, work with those ideas' original presenters/posters in order to generate a proper proposal for that idea, and then guide debate on those proposals that have been deemed,
by the community which includes everyone else, to be worth a good solid look. When we've all picked a favorite, that favorite gets pitched to PGI.
This is how actual development businesses work. PGI is basically offering to cut us in on the high-level design stage of the game, with the caveat that
we have to put together an actual proposal worth considering, and not just shotgun them with half a billion badly described, contradictory ideas with no real effort or foresight put into them. Or, in other words, we have to give them the same sort of solid, fleshed-out, unified idea that they would expect out of one of their own design concept teams.
If we can't do that, if we continue to just spew word-vomit at them by the ton and expect them to deal with it, then they'll be perfectly within their rights to tell us all to shut up and play what we get.