because you have 2 Hero at hand:
Leonidas Brannock - Gaus instead of AC 5; LRM 20 instead of LRM 15
ZEUS-6X.... the best - new toy - the Binary Lazor....
The other "Standard" Version only differ in the choice of the "Main Gun" the AC5 vs PPC vs ER-PPC
Although no Zeus would be a "new Mech" because you can rebuild it with Awesomes or Victors
The Charger 3K - is unique with 5 energy weapons, jumpjets and missiles
Other Versions of the Charger - are mediocre (5 energy weapons) or slow - or a weaponload that can be rebuild with VTR-9S(

Strictly its a faster smaller version of the Atlas. But you hardly can make the AC 20/Gauss version work - you have to add a XL Fusion - to do this....and a Gauss in the same location as the XL is a death sentence.
AC 20 is not possible.
Last not least some people may start to compare the Cyclops with the Boars Head (and i don't want to read those tears)
Edited by Karl Streiger, 21 September 2014 - 11:37 PM.