Weaselball, on 22 September 2014 - 08:19 AM, said:
Heavy missile-bearing arm... check.
Heavy ballistic-bearing arm that switches with a heavy energy-bearing arm on different variants... check.
CT and side-torso mounted lasers, with the option of mounting one up high... check.
Dat cockpit, unobstructed view... check.
Unless PGI royally messes up with the mech's in-game model the Zeus shouldn't be anywhere near "Awesome" size, except maybe at the peak in its shoulders. An easy solution for this would be to give the shoulders more armor, a-la their planned improved perk system in game.
All this i can equip on BM or Cyclops, now in game we have 3 80t(with ManOWar) mechs, and only one 90t mech.
Edited by GOPLIT, 22 September 2014 - 09:16 AM.