You could just form bigger groups, there are many many avenues where people can find pick up groups of various level of tryhard to pug with. Forming a larger group means that your groups elo is a larger influence on the opponent elo MM will try to match you against.
"no me and my friends hate playing with others! we don't wanna! its too much time commitment! i hate using voice!"
OK well then all you can do is contribute as much as possible to the team you are on...
"noooooo me and my friends don't want to try that hard. its lame. we don't want to bring consumables we want to run mediocre builds on mediocre mechs if we feel like it! Just because we're playing together doesn't mean we don't just want to have casual fun! Stop forcing us to play with tryhards!"
OK so you aren't going to contribute 100% AND you won't form a bigger group when you believe that group size is the determining factor in winning...
Congrats you are playing casually, nothing about that behavior says you are trying very hard to win. But then if you don't win you are going to cry on the forums and blame the devs, the game, other people for trying harder than you, matchmaker, elo etc.
Sounds totally legit.
Think about the community and the game as a whole for once. This entire attitude expressed in this thread is ridiculous.
Edited by Hoax415, 23 September 2014 - 11:45 AM.