I rarely visit your cockpit as decorating the inside of my BattleMech has never appealed to me. In-fact I have only visited twice in 2 years. Today I went to take a look at this so called "cupcake standing cockpit item" given away as part of the "1 year customer appreciate program". I LOL'd hard at the "CLAPPING SURAT". However I also noticed the number of "50CAL NECKLACE" that I own is listed as 0. This is about the only cockpit item I have ever liked and I recall using it some time long ago on some 'mech so I'm sure I owned it at one point. Then it occurred to me that perhaps I do still have it and it is just listed as "0 owned" because it is equipped. So I equipped "COCONUT MONKEY" to my Cicada 3M and sure enough the "owned" goes to 0.
Please reconsider your definition of "owned". I own 1 "COCONUT MONKEY" irrespective of whether it is equipped on some 'mech. At the very least I have a licence to use it. I should be able to equip it to any 'mech from the cockpit screen (thereby unequipping it from any 'mech it may be equipped on). Can you equip cockpit items? Perhaps the buttons should read "Stand", "Hang" and "Mount". Anyway I digress. I now suspect I have a 50CAL hanging somewhere in some 'mech but I'll be damned if I can find it.
What is the easiest way to find stood/hung/mounted cockpit items?
Edited by warner2, 24 September 2014 - 02:53 PM.