Zyllos, on 29 September 2014 - 08:02 AM, said:
If the community wants tonnage sharing while PGI wants to allow for variable group sizes, it is easy to accomplish this.
No it is not easy. If CW was forcing everyone to form a 12-man team outside of the MM before hitting drop it would be relatively easy because in the group screen you could figure out shared tonnage. But CW does have pick up groups formed from solo players and sub-12 player groups. That means tonnage sharing becomes a lot more problematic.
Think about the order of procedures:
-MM makes the attacking 12 man team.
-Attackers ??? and end up with a legal tonnage team.
-MM sends out defense call, builds a 12 man defending team.
-Now while attackers sit there and wait the defending team needs to build a tonnage legal team.
-Once defenders have finished the match can finally get under way?
You can't set time limits because what do you do if the limit expires? Through everyone back into queue and start this all over again? Count it as a loss for that faction (horrible idea).
You should be able to see the massive problems with such a system. Players getting disconnected or being afk or refusing to not horde a lot of tons would result in matches hanging without starting. Players would want to leave some groups because they don't feel they are being given enough tonnage which means the MM needs to ...? Remake the entire match? Have the ability to pull another person in from the queue?
Sharing tonnage without forcing 12-man teams is a big ask. Anyone who has ever played LoL or Dota can tell you what its like when its a ffa in a pug to pick roles. Far from easy. And giving shared tonnage ability to 12-mans would just result in 12-mans stomping pugs even harder in CW which is probably going to make a lot more people unhappy than its benefit even though shared tonnage makes great sense and adds even more team building options to 12-mans.
Kay Wolf, on 29 September 2014 - 08:07 AM, said:
is for Community Warfare, NOT for PUGs.
CW is PUG inclusive. PUG = Pick Up Group. Anything that isn't a full 12-man is a PUG. Paul is telling us they are reworking the MM for CW so that it automatically combines your PUG group and puts you into a 12-man presumably with the same ui that we have now for grouping. But that's a new "feature" that could be "position at the time'd" quite easily.
Ozric, on 29 September 2014 - 10:01 AM, said:
With this in mind some level of minimum tonnage must also be part of a 4 mechs/max tonnage model.
I was 100% with what you were saying until this sentence. Why must it be a part? The only upside of a minimum is to prevent players from trolling their own team by bringing 4 Locusts or something inefficient like that. Except if people want to troll they can just bring **** builds or SHS or 0 armor mechs. So we aren't preventing trolling. What does minimum tonnage matter?
At most a tiny tiny tiny fraction of players will be using less than 240 or whatever the number is and I don't see how it hurts the game. The main type of player that might go under 240 will be someone new with limited mech selections who can't make a 240 deck without using no pilot skill trial mechs and so opts to take a 190 or 210 or whatever deck of his own mechs he has customized and skill'd.
We must not forget that mech restrictions of one kind or another will be important too. Perhaps restrict things to only one per chassis with assault or heavy class mechs, but one per variant of lights and mediums? Minimise wolf troubles and, dare I say it, make it easier to get into CW (without trial mech hilarity). Getting some good mechs leveled for CW is going to be rough for new players anyway.
The more you restrict the worse it is for new players. Everything you wrote there is anti new player. I don't think you understand what you are saying. Restricting to some silly 1 or 2 max of a chassis is terrible for newer players and does not play nice with the current mech leveling system.
Again you also fail to make any argument for what the upside of such restrictions is beyond people won't be able to bring two Mad Cats. The Mad Cat needs to be balanced better than it is and then it won't be a big deal if people who like it bring two.
Edited by Hoax415, 29 September 2014 - 10:34 AM.