When I just want some kills or win, I jump into my CN9-A with TAG, 3xLRM10+A and a mlas.
It's the combination of being a fast missile boat and also being a medium, so you don't have to wait in line that makes it so easy to use.
I won't take up a precious heavy or assault slot in the PUG, but I'm not bringing something that can't contribute to the fight against the Timberwolves and Direwolves either, so I have a really good w/l ratio with that one.
I felt that what I bring do makes a difference. Assault missile boats for example take up a precious Atlas, DW or Wubshee slot, same with my LRM Catapults. If I bring that one, my team gets to bring one less TW, MD or Phract. All this for standing around and shooting lrms. Booooring.
Since most mediums are fairly bad, it's the perfect size for brining a support mech, since you are not taking the place of something that would give your team a better chance of winning anyway.
Edited by totgeboren, 28 September 2014 - 01:33 AM.