wanderer, on 29 September 2014 - 03:29 PM, said:
Actually, in TT the destruction of a side torso XL for a Clanner destroys two-thirds of the engine's critical machinery. Three hits to an engine disables it- it simply has lots of crit locations to represent being a big target- and this is also part of why later 'Mechs have options for what's called Compact Engines and Gyros. You can put more stuff into the same location, thereby insulating it against those lethal three crit hits being so likely.
It's not [redacted] rocket science- if you read the rulebook, there's an easy, clear answer to your problem. Just make engines damageable like they should be with the appropriate increases to heat load as they absorb more hits and you've not only fixed Clan XLs, you've made a better damage model for all 'Mechs. One third of engine health gone = .5 heat/sec. Two thirds = 1 heat/sec, and obviously fully destroyed = dead engine. A Clan XL side torso will generate 1 heat/sec when trashed, which is a nice solid penalty - and everyone else's engines will behave like they should when damaged as well.
And likewise, get a real overheat system working. You've been using the same kludgy, almost penalty-free placeholder for years now. If the overheat bar had actually caused increasingly negative effects from the get-go like it should, we would never have "needed" ghost heat and 100%-overheat dancing would have been the [redacted] it should have been from year 1.
As stated I cannot take weeks out of the schedule to implement a full system like this at the moment - with all engineering on Community Warfare.
This is an additional penalty for Clan mechs in the meantime.
Solahma, on 29 September 2014 - 03:29 PM, said:
What about the missing weapon modules? when can we expect those?
Oct 7th