211. I will not commit mechception.
211a. I will not put a smaller mech in what appears to be a larger mech just so I can pop out of it alien style.
212. I will not install DosBox in my Daishi just to make the original Mechwarrior game my interface.
212a. Nor will I do this for any of my lance mates, especially without telling them.
212b. Nor will I create a virus to do this to all mechs in existence, that is just outright silly.
213. I am not allowed to eBay my mech.
213a. Nor my lancemates' mechs.
213b. Especially if I don't put a reserve on it.
213c. Nor will I start it at $0.01 bid and a $5 buyout. With free shipping.
214. I will not to 213 except with Craigslist.
215. I will not invert my mech's controls.
216. I will not invert the control of my lancemates' mechs.
216a. Especially if I don't tell them.
216b. Especially if we're about to go into battle.
217. I will not be in charge of mission code names again (feel free to have fun with that one)
Edited by Captain Red Shirt, 06 March 2012 - 04:19 PM.