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Worthy Adversaries 2

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#361 draiocht


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:17 PM

View PostTvrdoglavi, on 06 October 2014 - 11:27 AM, said:

I can't figure out the team damage part.

How much damage players hit their teammates with could be useful for PGI to add to the mission summary & death screens. Sometimes, players might not be noticing that problem.

But if you're certain to never hit a teammate, then you have that number: 0.

(Tho, teammates who intentionally walk into friendly CERLL beams and stand there... well, that's a different problem.)

#362 Gauvan


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:19 PM

For doing what I planned to do over the weekend anyway, I received a bunch of extra C-bills if the match went well. So for me this tourney was a welcome thing.

I'm not a competitive player and spend a lot of time in the solo PUG queue. The MM seemed about on par with the usual to me—uneven but much better than it was in the old days. I was also playing in a number of weight classes (well, L/H/A) and had qualifying rounds in all of them. Heck, I'm pretty sure one of my qualifying rounds was in a trial Blackjack I took out because I needed a break.

My experience was that if you got reasonably lucky with the MM and played reasonably well you'd earn some bonus C-bills, the amount this happens depending on time played and your skill. Less skill can be compensated by playing more, etc. If I was a little more skilled or had slightly better gear I could have gotten where I am faster but I don't feel the qualifications to get the bonus were unfair.

#363 Eglar

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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:24 PM

my games

started late Sat early Sun.

#364 DarthPeanut


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:32 PM

Thanks for sharing. Interesting to see some of your match stats.

#365 Barkem Squirrel


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:38 PM

I thought this event was going great. Then I was talking to my team and that made me look more into what is happening around me.

I would call the game play that I am seeing this weekend as, the get out of my F@#$%*& way or else, mentality.

The gameplay is different this weekend too because if it. You can do crazy things like ambush two or three mechs by your self and know back up will come running to get the kills. I took on a Hellbringer, Summoner and Direwolf with no back up. Killed the Hellbringer, blew half the direwolf off and legged the summoner before they got into the caldara. So what do I do, run up to the bridge into the caldera, blew the arms off a Jager mech, blew the leg off an ember. Then I die, not to fire from the front, but from the friendly direwhale right behind me trying to kill the ember. Yep, my back up. This is what I am seeing along with my team.

Are the team damage numbers for this weekend higher than normal?
Can we have team damage done in our end of round screen?

Are the team kill numbers for this weekend higher than normal?
We already have this now in the end of round screen and was a welcomed addition.

Now getting the 130 points for the 500,000 bonus. not that hard, but I wish it applied to losses also. Yes, you can have 200+ point losses. Believe me that sucks. A little over a years ago, making the 130 pts might have been my best game ever, but now I can make that in a loss as I am finding out way too much in assaults. There will be more of these events in the future.

Edited by Barkem Squirrel, 06 October 2014 - 12:39 PM.



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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:55 PM

My only frustration is that the cbill rewards are tied to wins. I understand why, it just sucks when you're having a qualifying match and your team melts around you.

Edited by Kevjack, 06 October 2014 - 01:29 PM.

#367 Carthoo


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 01:05 PM

Well, i had to say (as noob) that this action was worst teamplay experience - ever.

Teams leaving 1-3 Dire Wolves/ Atlases alone (when matchmaker puts them into worst starting location). My DW died 5-7 times without a chance to do something.

Also - I had SO MUCH 105+ battle rating (ingame, not tournament) games which were loss, that i could NOT believe it. For example today - team ignored my warning to wait for their assaults and jumped into combat. When my DW got there, things went messy - 6 solo kills, almost 1000 dmg. We lost, and i was cursed by guy who was hit by ONE torso salvo from me, coz he moved for enemy i had almost killed and enemy used that to hide behind him. Also i was cursed by guy i told to get in combat /when i was bingo ammo/ saying he doesnt have anything left. So he died last and lost, instead of making a goat of himself, giving our remaining guys some bonus...

And teamdamage? Number of my games wasnt rewarder (those 500k), coz team is happy to hide behind assaults, but once it seems assault survives and enemy is close to die, everybody jumps right into your line of fire (cuac5 have nicely visible fire) to get a free kill - stealing your reward and getting damaged (also stealing more of your points).

Im glad for action, thanks. Really. But what it does with people....thats another story :(

Edited by Carthoo, 06 October 2014 - 01:07 PM.

#368 Thorqemada


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:00 PM

View PostTvrdoglavi, on 06 October 2014 - 11:27 AM, said:

It would also be nice if your score would be displayed at the end of each match. How do you all calculate your scores? I can't figure out the team damage part.

Team Damage is the Friendly Fire you do to your Teammates - if you do 800 damage and 200 is Friendly Fire 600 goes into the count.

#369 Motörhead


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:21 PM

next time I suggest a formula based on damage/ton.

10m cbills free ok, but also one of the worse game experience I had so far in MWO :)

#370 PhoenixNMGLB


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:32 PM

I took part in this but I think in hindsight offering a cbill bonus was a mistake.

I saw so much anger in game it was unbelievable. Things like silly mistakes that would usually get laughed off were vilified immediately.

Reminded me of something my friend always says - friendly fire isn't.



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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:37 PM

A damage/ton bonus would be pretty awesome, actually.

Give use light and medium jocks a reason to endure this madness.

#372 Errant Audio


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:46 PM

this would be so much more fun if the Matchmaker weren't throwing me at guys from the top 15. stuck COLD at 7 qualifying matches, all the rest have been... frustrating.
I get that I'm a mediocre player. But aren't there enough OTHER mediocre players that we could fight each other and let you tip-top dogs kick each other's butts?

#373 IllCaesar


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:10 PM

Ugh, no valid wins for the C-Bill rewards, all because my team lost even though I performed well. Thats disappointing. 130 was pretty high as it, but tying it to a victory? Lame :(

Not sure if there's a reason for the win condition to be necessary, and I could just be missing it, but if not, I'd like to see such conditions dropped. Anyways, I do appreciate the weekend challenge, even if I'm not exactly gaining anything from it.

Edited by MarsAtlas, 06 October 2014 - 03:11 PM.

#374 White Bear 84


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:18 PM

View PostExoForce, on 06 October 2014 - 11:41 AM, said:

Few more observations for the ELO history records...

Friday 4 hours - 6 times over 130.
Saturday 2,5 hours - 10 times overlord !!!
Sunday 3 hours - zero times over 130

Income equal to Hero + Premium + angry wife.

But.. we wont more stuff like this. (And yes PGI, telemetric is working fine, your formula for the reward was a masterpiece...)

LOLOLOL! I was lucky enough the missus bought my 'its my last week of premium' excuse.. ..and that she was busy :P

View PostAH Chimera, on 06 October 2014 - 11:58 AM, said:

As a stagehand, monday is my saturday, so please lay off the "True Weekend" event stuff. I would like to participate too.

And your monday is our tuesday, what about those who have tuesday off! :P

View PostAH Chimera, on 06 October 2014 - 02:46 PM, said:

this would be so much more fun if the Matchmaker weren't throwing me at guys from the top 15.

I get that I'm a mediocre player. But aren't there enough OTHER mediocre players that we could fight each other and let you tip-top dogs kick each other's butts?

Must be better than you think you are ;)

#375 Carthoo


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:23 PM

View Postfx8320, on 06 October 2014 - 02:21 PM, said:

next time I suggest a formula based on damage/ton.

10m cbills free ok, but also one of the worse game experience I had so far in MWO :)

Sure, so I want another condition - speed. Your mech goes 100? Fine. Youll get 1/2 points for same score as guy who can go 50. Also ecm should be penalized. You got ECM? Another half of your points gone.

Sorry, you guys are funny. Every class has its pros and cons. And you light had easy job by just running around, assisting on everything. Assaults couldnt manage that - not fast and agile enough. Not to say how deadly ecm light is for assault.


Btw when do we get the C-bills? After Ive read info on tournament, I thought it will come right after end of the contest.

#376 Alienized


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:24 PM

Chimera i could moan as well that my QKD has to fight against timberwolves but i dont ^^
you can learn alot from those top guys (if they arent useless campers or LRM spammers. nothing to learn there at all)

uh well rage is part of this game D: *whistles innocently* dont take it serious but if you act dumb you have to deal with the reactions :P such as shooting the torso of a legged stalker while the other leg is as red as it can be...... as last enemy.

cathoo speed is mainly a loadout preference. you can change that anytime,
what i would wish tho is a formula that equals the tonnage out in the wheightclass. simply because its much harder to deal a high amount of damage/kills with a 40ton medium compared to a 55 ton medium as example. less weapon capability less armor etc.

Edited by Aliisa White, 06 October 2014 - 03:28 PM.

#377 CrashieJ


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:39 PM

View Post101011, on 06 October 2014 - 11:38 AM, said:

Why did this carry over into Monday? Everyone (hopefully) has work/school, which takes a large chunk of playtime. Really, it would have been much better to make this a true weekend event.

I, like many others, work weekends and have monday off.

#378 Carthoo


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:40 PM

View PostAliisa White, on 06 October 2014 - 03:24 PM, said:

cathoo speed is mainly a loadout preference. you can change that anytime,
what i would wish tho is a formula that equals the tonnage out in the wheightclass. simply because its much harder to deal a high amount of damage/kills with a 40ton medium compared to a 55 ton medium as example. less weapon capability less armor etc.

Oh really? Build me a DW that can run 130 please, and be as agile as spider. Also as small.

IF there should be new formula, than for everything - size, agility, speed, ecm....etc.

Also about that high armour, out of ecm spider with ERL/ERPPC and Dire Wolf 6xcuac5, who do you think will win? Spider every damn time (if pilot got at least small brain and if he doesnt have crappy net).

This formula was ok - lights got assist everywhere and some kill and they got 130. Assaults had to have 2 kills, 6 assists and 450+ dmg while no team dmg....and lets face it, most assaults you see in pug dont have that. Mostly coz they die fast thanks to light wolfpack/ Lrms/ bad move.

And to classes - sure, tonnage is the difference. But why the hell would you compete in Victor for example, when its lightest assault (not sure)? For JJs? Choice of the mech is yours...

Edited by Carthoo, 06 October 2014 - 03:42 PM.

#379 Alienized


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:58 PM

cathoo.... a dw shouldnt run 130.... its not needed....
and a spider can kill a direwolf any day since that thing is too slow and clumsy.
you can run in between 2 dire wolves and blow away a orions feet without problems because of that.
also.. why do you compare assaults with light mechs?!? look at the board. the IS lights have so many points because they are damn hard to kill.

the dire wolf simply needs to be protected.. from lights and meds.
i just did that myself in the last battle i done. team rushed forward over saddle on crimson strait. one lonely DW got left behind walking slowly towards me while i covered his back. 2 enemies came out of tunnel but quickly went back into cover because i shot them. giving the DW time to pass me and go up saddle. i followed him, walking backwards at his side with constant firing at the enemies. we passed saddle, went into defensive mode and only a jenner came past us. just not far lol.
the DW cranked alot of damage, i got 4 kills, we been happy and rolled the enemy without getting slapped in the back.

like each class, you have to work together to let them shine. he had the armor and firepower necessary to defend that thing, i knew that and used my Heavy to negotiate his terrible speed covering him from enemy fire.

about the question with the victor... you know that i mainly drive my beloved Quickdraw which is considered to be the worst heavy mech? also the lightest mech of its class (together with the dragon and i love that one too!)
so yes if i feel good in a victor, find a loadout that suits my playstyle i would go for it.
got 2 banshee's tho.

#380 Lily from animove


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:21 PM

View PostDanghen Woolf, on 06 October 2014 - 09:30 AM, said:

I am of the same age group with responsibilities as well. As far as something being wrong with me I would be happy to discuss my playstyle in another forum if you have feedback. All I was saying is that for a player with my skill level it was hard to justify logging in to be trampled on by the super-competitive players in the heaviest weight classes with mechs in the ranges I enjoy (light and medium). To see number of less than 10% combined for two weight classes it shows that the numbers were definately skewed in the favor of those heavier classes. I was proposing a way to even those numbers out for the next event. I enjoy MWO and have for a while, I do not mind losing, I do not mind getting blown up by LRMs before I even see an enemy. I am just identifying ways that things may be fine tuned.

well i wouldn't say the event is the reason for the low usage of mediums and lights, I was recording similar crappy low amounts in the queue as well without the event. Issues are some clanmechs which can basically one hit them or twostrike them. That is not fun even for experienced players and even less for newbies or the standard gamer. Direwolf, Timberwolf stromcrow, they seriously need some tweaking, they are in their current state exceeding other mechs by far. K7D of 2.9 in my TW prime, that sticks out so much while other mechs feel painful to play to that level even in tryhard mode. I love theNova design and I love the senselss amount of having 12 CERML in it, even if that is not a good loadout because it massively lacks heatsinks. But I gonna stick with it because I love it. Even if its hard and very penalising to make mistakes.

Anways event is over for me now, going to bed, achived a short time in the top 10 (guess american primetame makes me lose that rank) and broke the 2200 mark. personal goal achieved.

protip: good music makes the game better and makes you rage less, because everytime you die, just enjoy the music :P

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