Worthy Adversaries 2
Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:22 PM
This whole thing is eating me up. Fell from 19th to 39th in the Clan Heavy bracket. Probably gonna fall a few more the last hours.
But damn i cant see my Heavy Mechs anymore. They sicken me .I should take a break from mwo.
At least I made enough money for when the King Crab is being released.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:30 PM
Wish I could play more, but work, wife, and kids come first!! Love the tournament.
Kind of wish it were two brackets - one for solo & one for lance. Then PGI could run their data thing and see what people are playing.

Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:51 PM
just think if your in the top 100. your above avarage, and if you hit the top 50 well your very good in general like i have been in in the majority of the tournament. but its often your kicked out of it during a night sleep

and ofc top 25 till top 15 etc you will mostly find the lucky ones that were in the ZONE ! or had general good fame support - Arnold and Proton its been fun dropping with you 2, think i get the best scores during drops i was around you.
Frankly i didn't have a load of time this time so all i can say its nice to have a little extra C-bills earned, cheers for that.
Now to wait for the AS7-S, tired of Direwolfing over the passed few days. but i enjoyed it
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:05 PM
Unfortunately, the tournament rules did not encourage teamplay. Therefore the gameplay consisted of extreme "kill securing". Sometimes I felt really dirty for exploiting the rules. I had a game once, when I scored 4 kills in a row, using my 6xML FS9-A. 4 alpha strikes, all at the right moment, and they were the only shots I took at those targets.
But hey! Those were the rules, right?
Edited by Kmieciu, 06 October 2014 - 11:05 PM.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:07 PM
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:24 PM
Really could have been a great tourney, if not for PUGs being on the same teams as people wishing to complete the tourney. Having wins be a condition really should only go for team and lance challenges, where you can actually influence the win, this was more about luck of the draw on PUGs than it was about individual skill...anyone could easily attain the points per game, but wins are hard to come by in solo queue, unless you get lucky.
So, not necessarily unhappy, won some CBills, but hopeful that next one will be done in a more reasonable fashion.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:28 PM
MarsAtlas, on 06 October 2014 - 03:10 PM, said:

Not sure if there's a reason for the win condition to be necessary, and I could just be missing it, but if not, I'd like to see such conditions dropped. Anyways, I do appreciate the weekend challenge, even if I'm not exactly gaining anything from it.
I actually think after reading through the comments here I realize the irony of what happened with this event...
You've got a lot of people complaining about:
1) Players on my team played selfishly and didn't play for the team;
2) I played the most amazing games ever consistently getting 130+ but still end up losing!
3) Because of 2) I should still be rewarded despite losing because I am so awesome;
Which leads me to understanding exactly what the reasoning behind the victory clause was, and which leads me to the irony of people now complaining about the victory condition. The point imo was to discourage solo douche-ness, by enforcing a team oriented clause to the match. Instead, people ignored this and still went all out to be the best (read worst) they could be and not getting rewarded for it... and then afterwards they are surprised that they were not rewarded for doing so.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:36 PM
After about 24h playtime, 72 counting matches and 2136pt i'm just on rank 22 of the IS Assault bracket.
My best ranking during the challenge was rank 6 with about 1930 points.
I dont count myself as a pro, just passionate and good at games. Thats what i like to do most in my spare time. I got a job and a girlfriend, so im not a nerdy fat kid thats sitting at hotel momy and got to be 24/7 in the game.
So, for me the formular is good balanced. Even if i had played in my lights or medium.
I realised that i nearly got no assists. Most points are from kills and damage. But for the 130 i would ged the points through assists. And even lights can get damage values of 800 and even above 1000. But these matches are very rare.
You have to do something for your money and if it would be easier, they could give the 10mil away like the anniversary pies.
Thats not really a challange.
As i stated in my first post, i would like to the the sum of participants in each bracket and what my counting matches have looked like. That would be nice to have for future challanges.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:37 PM
Some of us spent the entire tournament trying to encourage teamwork, but you can't force it, so even though we still did well, most of the team didn't, and that's that..
The win condition did nothing to encourage teamwork, obviously, since so many people ignored it and were either not playing for the tourney at all, or just saw the points part and went nuts trying to solo.
Don't lump us all into the lone-wolf carryhards that you assume we are.
EDIT: Imagine a pro football game, but half the team are pee-wee league. Now you can't expect those little kids to help or tackle or take hits, but you still are required to have them help you win the game. Now imagine that those little kids are all high on sugar, half speak another language, and none will listen to the adults. That was this weekend. If you think that's a fair way to run a tournament...well, then I guess you're also the kind of person that really enjoys pain, don't know what else to say...
Edited by Kodyn, 06 October 2014 - 11:40 PM.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:46 PM
Mumpitzmaster, on 06 October 2014 - 11:36 PM, said:
After about 24h playtime, 72 counting matches and 2136pt i'm just on rank 22 of the IS Assault bracket.
My best ranking during the challenge was rank 6 with about 1930 points.
I dont count myself as a pro, just passionate and good at games. Thats what i like to do most in my spare time. I got a job and a girlfriend, so im not a nerdy fat kid thats sitting at hotel momy and got to be 24/7 in the game.
So, for me the formular is good balanced. Even if i had played in my lights or medium.
I realised that i nearly got no assists. Most points are from kills and damage. But for the 130 i would ged the points through assists. And even lights can get damage values of 800 and even above 1000. But these matches are very rare.
You have to do something for your money and if it would be easier, they could give the 10mil away like the anniversary pies.
Thats not really a challange.
As i stated in my first post, i would like to the the sum of participants in each bracket and what my counting matches have looked like. That would be nice to have for future challanges.
I think anything above 2000 points is a good scoring of a regular very good gamer. anything above is dedication into time to make some lucky matches. My best match had like 240 scores. Addicting enough would give you a chance to make more of these matches and so get into the top scores. I had serveral of my best matches where getting a kill or an assits was purely based on the luck whos laser tick actually kills the opponent. 10 beams of 2 people meet in a naked torso, and tick, one gets the kill the other the assist. Pure gambling at this point but the edge between vital points to the tops scoring.
The event is over I am placed 12. I'm superfine with that, more than I expected to ever get. initially it was about getting amongst the top 50 and breaking the 2000. yesterday I wanted to break the 2200 and stay within the top 15.
And yes a lot people acted selfish, but yet those often were the biggest complainers. maybe too stubborn to see their own mistakes. These people exist always and are hardly event related. But I like that people seeked out for the weakened opponent mechs, that created some focused fire and improved teamplay as well. Nothing is more painfull to see than having 4 of 5 opponent mechs being cored and the teammates shoot on the only one not cored probably even being a assault one.
Edited by Lily from animove, 06 October 2014 - 11:51 PM.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:54 PM
Top 15 faction alignment, for funsies:
51 Merc. Corps
11 Clan Wolf
8 CGB, Lone Wolfs, Davion
7 Steiner, Kurita
4 Liao
3 Marik
2 Rasalhague, Clan Loyalist
Merc. Corps comprising 43% of the leaderboard and Smoke Jaguar got nil representation.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:58 PM
I think maybe applying a muliple to the team damage penalty (2x?) and increase win points +10-30 would be a good thing?
Personally I really like to see my FF damage. (tbh I'd love a fullblown battle report with damage done and taken but I guess that they might become a bit loooooong)
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:59 PM
I felt like avg lvl was much lower then the 1st challenge, where I scored above 2300 but also played like 3 or 4 times more the matches.
In this I was just trying to get the c-bills, and it was pretty easy (would have been much faster with the losses counting too).
What I meant with dmg/ton is formula based on damage, so team mates actually have to focus on damaging thing rather then stealing kills.
Anyway after all these events I have all the whales mastered, almost 50m in the bank and 60K GXP, so, thanks PGI ! (but think about some formulas that rewards teamplay in the next tournies, especially if there are unlockable cbills rewards

Edited by fx8320, 07 October 2014 - 12:08 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:05 AM
Mumpitzmaster, on 06 October 2014 - 11:36 PM, said:
After about 24h playtime, 72 counting matches and 2136pt i'm just on rank 22 of the IS Assault bracket.
My best ranking during the challenge was rank 6 with about 1930 points.
I dont count myself as a pro, just passionate and good at games. Thats what i like to do most in my spare time. I got a job and a girlfriend, so im not a nerdy fat kid thats sitting at hotel momy and got to be 24/7 in the game.
So, for me the formular is good balanced. Even if i had played in my lights or medium.
I realised that i nearly got no assists. Most points are from kills and damage. But for the 130 i would ged the points through assists. And even lights can get damage values of 800 and even above 1000. But these matches are very rare.
You have to do something for your money and if it would be easier, they could give the 10mil away like the anniversary pies.
Thats not really a challange.
As i stated in my first post, i would like to the the sum of participants in each bracket and what my counting matches have looked like. That would be nice to have for future challanges.
Im 27, have a full time city job, family, house, ect. Managed 7th place IS Heavy in my Spare time at the end of it. No lucky matches really, had a hard time, people were really getting after it. It is all how you play, alot of prior MW: game expirence helps.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:30 AM
Tarogato, on 06 October 2014 - 11:54 PM, said:
Top 15 faction alignment, for funsies:
51 Merc. Corps
11 Clan Wolf
8 CGB, Lone Wolfs, Davion
7 Steiner, Kurita
4 Liao
3 Marik
2 Rasalhague, Clan Loyalist
Merc. Corps comprising 43% of the leaderboard and Smoke Jaguar got nil representation.
if PGI wouldn't have screwed up initial clan factions when time of unit creation arrived, I would be a clanloyalist not a clan wolf'er
Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:01 AM
fx8320, on 06 October 2014 - 11:59 PM, said:
What I meant with dmg/ton is formula based on damage, so team mates actually have to focus on damaging thing rather then stealing kills.
It was a fun event but I agree with fx8320, team work felt lacking so maybe this is something that can be adjusted in the scoring system for next event by adding more weighting for damage, assists and maybe even capping out objectives (even if objective capture is counted only toward personal reward score and not ranking score).
Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:02 AM
Lily from animove, on 07 October 2014 - 12:30 AM, said:
Interesting, so the factions practically mean nothing on the page. And unit creation might explain all the mercs, too, since loads of people would rather play the game rather than limit themselves to a faction-specific unit.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:50 AM
Aliisa White, on 06 October 2014 - 03:58 PM, said:
and a spider can kill a direwolf any day since that thing is too slow and clumsy.
you can run in between 2 dire wolves and blow away a orions feet without problems because of that.
also.. why do you compare assaults with light mechs?!? look at the board. the IS lights have so many points because they are damn hard to kill.
the dire wolf simply needs to be protected.. from lights and meds.
i just did that myself in the last battle i done. team rushed forward over saddle on crimson strait. one lonely DW got left behind walking slowly towards me while i covered his back. 2 enemies came out of tunnel but quickly went back into cover because i shot them. giving the DW time to pass me and go up saddle. i followed him, walking backwards at his side with constant firing at the enemies. we passed saddle, went into defensive mode and only a jenner came past us. just not far lol.
the DW cranked alot of damage, i got 4 kills, we been happy and rolled the enemy without getting slapped in the back.
like each class, you have to work together to let them shine. he had the armor and firepower necessary to defend that thing, i knew that and used my Heavy to negotiate his terrible speed covering him from enemy fire.
about the question with the victor... you know that i mainly drive my beloved Quickdraw which is considered to be the worst heavy mech? also the lightest mech of its class (together with the dragon and i love that one too!)
so yes if i feel good in a victor, find a loadout that suits my playstyle i would go for it.
got 2 banshee's tho.
Cool so you get my point. Btw your name ticks something - maybe you covered my DW too - and DW with med/ lighter heavy support is a pair which can go through most situations. So the formula may think about meds/ heavies - but not change general principle.
And as to mech choice. If you feel good and can get a good score - why change it?
Posted 07 October 2014 - 02:01 AM
Tarogato, on 07 October 2014 - 01:02 AM, said:
I guess at least a lot mercs would have chosen clan loyalists or some other clanners would be just clan loyalists. You cna see, in the forum we can change our faction to clanloyalists. But everyone who founded or joined a unit before the clan loyalist appeared can not switch to the clan loyalist faction atm, we stick to the choice we made before ingame.
Edited by Lily from animove, 07 October 2014 - 02:02 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 02:16 AM
InnerSphereNews, on 03 October 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:
Players who opt in can earn 500,000 C-bills per victory when they score above 130 point. The maximum C-bills a player can earn for this event are 10,000,000.
Match points special formula:
(Kills × 20) + (Kill Assist × 10) + ((Damage Done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
C-bills are injected to accounts after the event ends.
i loved that tournament! pretty cool idea! it encouraged me to play more competitive. Make it worthy grinding the cbills and motivate players for more intelligent game play!
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