I'd continue adding new 'modules' such as, Counter Battery, Radar Decoy and so on, and convert some existing gear to the module system, such as needing to slot Night Vision and Thermal Vision. (I'd also make TAG have it's own unique Hardpoint, like AMS and ECM, so that it doesn't occupy an Energy Slot.)
This way, different modules will be set in different categories and would be restricted to particular slots from different pieces of equipment.
Want to have a global impact, mount TAG or Command Console to mount a Counter Battery module to increase strike cooldown. Want to call artillery mount TAG or Command Console.
Want to trick the enemy with a false radar blimp mount ECM for the Radar Decoy.
Want to use a UAV, mount BAP to be able to slot it for a match and to be able to use the module to modify the UAV. Want to use Seismic, mount BAP.
Want to build an agile brawler, then utilize the newly converted Mech Tree Efficiencies boost your mech over increasing Radar Range, mounting a Vision module or a sensor.
With enough affordable choices, we can then build better dynamic Roles, with further adjustments to default values, and how much the default values get boosted by the choices made with modules.
With synergies from more Mech Quirks and we could see something like the SDR-5V currently being useless, to being invaluable for Recon-based quirks that could increase sensor range so that it can spot at extended ranges.
Or have a Jenner remain the ultimate Speedy Striker, but weak as a spotter and so on.
Here was a mock-up I made recently, so it still needs plenty of refinement, but is more or less what we could see in the future with the idea I'm trying to describe in #5.