Asmudius Heng, on 07 October 2014 - 07:13 PM, said:
I have not even had a chance to play yet ...
What other information does PGI have?
1. Are there more or less stomps than before?
2. Is this helping the matchmaker stop from bursting and breaking the 3/3/3/3 rule?
3. Are people on average getting more of the game mode they choose?
4. Are you seeing a lot of disconnects from rage quitters?
5. Are you open to begin looking at changing the game modes themselves so people do not neglect one over the other by choice if we went back to the old system?
I don't know about PGI's stats, but I've played a good bit this past weekend and earlier today, in a duo with my father, and here are my observations:
1 - Seemed pretty similar on first impression between the weekend and post-patch today.
2 - This weekend I saw a match that had 5 assaults (4 Daishis and an Awesome) on the enemy team, and none on mine. This afternoon, post patch, I didn't see any egregious mech imbalances.
3 - I just have all three checked. I play all three, and find that the unpredictable variety makes for much stronger gameplay on my part.
4 - I haven't seen any since the patch.
5 - Now this, I'd love to see. Specifically, a serious rework of Conquest rewards, and to a lesser extent Assault rewards, to promote objective victories as similarly profitable to deathmatch-style gameplay.
I hope PGI is able and willing to post some more detailed metrics, though their data set is probably pretty small right now, since the change has only been live for half a day.