While I would like to see better matchmaking by using a larget sample size in queues.
I don't want to be forced into a game mode that I dont want to play, namley conquest.
I am sure many other people will not like that feature too, and catering to even a majority of players who support that change will lose players who reject it. In other words your going to lose players with this decision, and that reduces the percieved impact a lot.
If you want to really increase matchmaker balance you will find ways to attract players. your current buisness model is desinged to attract hardcore gamers to buy a 10-30$ virtual mech using the noveltey of the original mechwarrior franchise. However it is balanced around attracting players with littile or no knowlege of the game. This disparity is a major source of discouragment for both playebases.
If you want to keep and attract people with novelty you need to rebalance the game closer to tabletop, add CW last year, and bring back former players with some kind of refund. But if you want to attract a larger player base you need to do just one thing, lower prices for mc on all mechs to something about 20-30% lower than your current mastery packs. This should be priced to allow a casual gamer to buy a set of 3 mechs, master them and enjoy learning the game for under 10$ as a light pilot. Currently its around 30$, or 20 with mastery packs, this is to high especally considering the game is lacking features that will keep casual players.
However one major flaw in your current pricing is your mech bay, you should actually charge a bit more for that. many times that is the cash wall to keep people from going pure ftp. And limiting mech bays but making mechs cheaper increases the likleyhood of a player cashing out of a particular mech and trying a different one, instead of getting massive warehouses of 80+ mechs. You also should increase c bill earnings by at least 50%, why because it increases reward factor in playing your game which has littile else to work toward at this moment, its the only value added in this game currently.
TLDR: Creating more splits in the playerbase only further reduces your playerbase and end up unbalancing matchmaking due to a lack of players.
Edited by 0rionsbane, 08 October 2014 - 01:28 AM.