YUyahoo, on 08 October 2014 - 11:03 AM, said:
To the people who feel this yes/no poll isn't bias or worded in such a way to deliver slanted results, I cahllenge you and PGI to do a poll with more choices and see what kind of results you get with clearer options like:
1) I prefer better ELO matchmaking and I like voting/random game modes
2) I prefer better ELO matchmaking but I prefer to choose my game mode and only play modes I enjoy
3) I prefer the old match making system but I like the idea of voting/random game modes
4) I prefer the old matchmaking system and I prefer to choose and only play game modes I enjoy
Run this poll and see if the majority of our community still vote for 1) above all other choices. Based on what I have read in the 48 pages of this topic I think 2) would have the highest results. But even if it doesn't at least this poll would give PGI a more accurate view of what their community really wants than a yes or no poll that is worded poorly.
Yea but WE can only create polls in one small part of the forums. You cant even make them in Gendisc anymore. Plus, biased polls are moderatable, so we would then run the risk of getting disciplined for making such a poll XD
Bilbo, on 08 October 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:
Im very happy about that - but a tweet made hours after I was accused of making trouble for posting my opinion....
Raby760, on 08 October 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:
If they are forcing me into conquest, and I don't want to play conquest, I'm not sticking around. I know how to play conquest, and I have an effective strategy for all classes of mechs. But I like to fight to the last mech and prefer Skirmish. I tolerate assault because it pretty much ends up the same.
Its being rolled back at 4 pm in a hotfix according to Twitter