1453 R, on 08 October 2014 - 04:41 PM, said:
Just wow.
It's been many moons since I've seen a pile of dung this stanky, man...
May I ask, Nomad, who it is you expect to provide player feedback and suggestions, if "the forumites" are all an evil batch of Machiavellian masterminds attempting to warp and twist MWO to their own nefarious ends?
And may I also remind you, while you crusade most blindly for the Rights Of The People, that you are a forumite yourself? Guess that means your opinion's a totally ignorable minority too and Piranha shouldn't pay it any heed!
So what was dung about the post?
The part about the first poll being only voted by Forumites with only roughly 1300 of the people who frequent the forums knowing about it and voting.?
The part about when it was put on the Front page and the whole community was aware being a very different result with over twice the participation?
The part about the huge difference in numbers and result that showed that the Forumites opinion was vastly different then when the general populace got a chance to view what was going on?
Because lets look at facts...
A poll is run on the forums with no info about it given out to the public (who don't visit forums or social sites) and you have 1300 people vote and a 70% vs 30% result, obviously the opinion of the forum population..
A second poll is run but this time the general public is informed thru an announcement in the MWO front page, here we see 2800 people vote in 1 day with roughly a 50/50 split.
You can obviously see that the first poll was not indicative of the opinion of the general populace, which makes sense since only dedicated Forumites were in the know.
This surely indicates that info gathered in the forums is not a true representation of the opinions of the general populace, it just shows that the Forums are just a loud minority that is outa touch with the opinion of the General populace.
If PGI wants info from the population then they should poll the entire community via means that includes the community as they did with the announcement in the main MWO start screen.
No one said that the Forumites are evil, just that their view is obviously not the view of the general public as demonstrated by the second PUBLIC poll.
You are quite right i am probably a forumite (altho my post count doesnt measure up to those whos post counts tally into the thousands if not 10s of thousands) so am i saying listen just to us? no, im saying involve the entire community.