Vercinaigh, on 09 October 2014 - 04:07 AM, said:
Yes and sadly though there are a lot of us upper pilots, and we're starting to burn out. A lot of us really only play scrims and such anymore and if that's not happening, more and more of us arn't playing anymore. We attract crowds at the tourneys when they happen, are a large part of why they happen. We contribute massive amounts of content and events to the community that all levels enjoy. I'm not saying we're more important than anyone else, we're not. But we are getting the massive short end of the stick, and for all that we do, slowly all the fun of just playing with your mates is being eroded from the game.
I can only ask that people consider what I've said here, between these facts and of course other problems unique to each individual, these people are starting to vanish, that's never a good thing, for any game I've ever been a part of, so much of what everyone enjoys is run by these people, including myself. We want to love this game, and see it succeed far beyond expectations or preconceptions, and a good bunch of us actively help it happen, albeit slowly, for now. But as it stands, it's just not much fun for us. Sure we enjoy the time we spend playing with the mates, but then, if the game itself adds little to the moment other than something to do...I think you get the point and by now I'm surely rambling.
Anyways I just hope people really think about that, and start considering such things, we arn't the boogie man or out to get anyone, we want the same stuff as everyone else mostly, we have a high level of understanding on the game that helps us contribute a lot to some things, but in the end, we just want to have fun too and play against like skilled and like minded groups and people, it's no fun to beat up on people, and it doesn't make us feel any better either. We were starting to get it with the change, and now it's gone
Alpha of Golden Keshik
LOL " I'm not saying we're more important" I'll just imply it.