Community Warfare - Phase 2 Update - Oct 8 Feedback
Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:38 PM

Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:38 PM
aniviron, on 08 October 2014 - 07:23 PM, said:
It needs to be in though, or you open up a significant edge case that I'm sure the devs have discovered- if a mech without any CT weapons is left as a CT with legs, a smart enemy will tell all of their players not to shoot, and the zombie is left with no weapons and no way to influence the battle as well as no way to die. Suddenly the game is 11v12, which sucks.
I did say I saw merits to both sides of the argument.

Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:39 PM
Just please get rid of the required 4 mech dropship. If someone wants to take two or even one mech and gimp themselves, then let them!
Also I hope that there will be more than one access point into bases... one vantage point to destroy a lone gate is just dull.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:41 PM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:49 PM

Whatever happened, it was The Right MoveTM.
Seriously though, the more I look at this CW plan the more I love it.

Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:50 PM
For example, our unit is currently CGB - but we wish to be Merc only & this currently cannot be changed. Currently doing poll for a particular faction allegiance.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:23 PM
Also worried about base entry. There needs to be certain pathways that damage or hinder mechs not going through the first gate. Because that cliff drop off is a sexy monstrosity that looks like favoring only Jump jet mechs.
Things I like:
token system. It benefits from defending a planet and having the Defenders at least a half an hour's time to respond to an attack. Peak hours for Community warfare is really going to make or break this. Along with Token limits on a planet.
Also more the future incentives for defending a planet look sick, but we're going have to wait for those to come out.
Dropship mode is basically back. Come on that's a Huge bonus.
Defending a Base looks like it could actually be Really Fun, as long as the defenders are holed up in a rate hole.
Dropship animation sounds incredibly cool, along with the Tonnage limit. Please Please enforce the 4 mechs with <240tonnes I don't want to see two Direwolves and a ECM kit fox. Dire Wolves are supposed to be Rare and expensive

Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:44 PM
ATM is there only the one map to be used in CW?
Well a couple more.....
Will the gate control (building) be able to be Narced (Narc) or targetable?
Will the building take damage from Arty or airstrikes?
Edited by N0MAD, 08 October 2014 - 08:56 PM.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:51 PM
Cimarb, on 08 October 2014 - 06:23 PM, said:
The concern is more about the # of participants in each faction. There's a chance that certain factions... probably FRR or Kurita or Liao (although goons might not let this happen) would lose territory due to not having enough. You don't want one faction having no chance and jumping ship to another because of it.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:14 PM
- The player must HOLD this key down for [10] seconds in order to eject. The amount of time will be determined based on "denying the enemy a kill" mentality which would be rather poor to have happen all the time.
And to prevent griefers from intentionally ejecting at match start, PGI could make it so that Ejection systems do not arm until a mech takes initial damage from the enemy. I think I can almost hear bitchin betty now... "Ejection system... armed!"
Edited by 7ynx, 08 October 2014 - 09:26 PM.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:24 PM
Cimarb, on 08 October 2014 - 06:25 PM, said:
I understand that, but you cannot expect units to pay some sort of fee to drop and then get nothing back. Can you you imagine the outrage when a unit leader turns around and asks all it members to donate again so they can go and do it all again. Even rich players and units will get sick of that real quick. You have to at least have the potential of coming out even or in front of where you as a player or as a unit were before you started, otherwise no one will play.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:29 PM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:36 PM
Zyllos, on 08 October 2014 - 06:13 PM, said:
Move away from *must* take 4 mechs.
If the tonnage limit is low enough (say 140t), let players take a Mad Cat and Mad Dog (losing 5 tons). I will take a Centurion, Blackjack, Commando, and Locust.
This allows for a nice variation between number of re spawns, incentive to take multiple Medium/Lights to get more re spawns, and to be unique in their drop decks.
It also allows for unique strategies dependent on the attack/defend and unit.
See I like this suggestion. It comes down to tactics and how well you can pilot. Sure you maybe good in 2 assaults, but what happens when you get beat to hell by an enemy force that out numbers. Look at it this way Paul, be difference of a militia vs a planned planetary assault force. You either have to be damn good in those 2 fatties or damn good in those 4 mediums. It will even the field amongst players. Ace pilots are more incline to take two Timbers, but you only have so much ammo and at some point maybe not as strong of a unit can strike down a mighty foe by sure numbers.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:57 PM
The Leopard Drop Ship is now a VTAL (Vertial Take-off And Landing) ship.
Isn't that supposed to be VTOL?
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:59 PM
MWO is an online multiplayer game that is always going to be focussed on the PVP aspect of a battle. PVE campaigns have been talked about and will be investigated in the new year.
Wow, what? That answer totally missed the point of the question. I was talking about PVP, not PVE at all. Currently all PVP game modes are centered primarily about deathmatch, where destroying all enemy team mech is the most likely way to win, will there ever be a PVP game mode that will be designed with the goal that you are more likely to win in a different manner, like capping for example.
I hope this isn't an indication of PGI not knowing how to do anything but deathmatch.
Edited by Savage Wolf, 08 October 2014 - 10:00 PM.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:19 PM
This is something we'd love to do but they're expensive to create and very time consuming on the dev team. Yes we could reuse in-game assets but some of those assets would have to be re-modelled (the pilot for example) because they're very low poly or missing big chunks of geometry. While we explore PVE content in 2015, this may return as something we could do to really sell the feeling of a planetary battle about to kick off.
This is something where I think the community can help. It has no impact on game mechanics, there are tools out there to do it without special knowledge of the code, and it lets us feel like we're contributing to the development of the game. I suggest a competition for the best intro/victory/defeat video(s). Perhaps PGI could be convinced to include it, even if they don't sponsor or administer a contest directly.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:23 PM
Paul Inouye, on 08 October 2014 - 06:06 PM, said:
O was used as an example. We'll map it to a non-bound key which players can rebind later.
No, no, no ... "W" key is WIN key!
My vote is for "S" ... anyone that holds "S" for ten seconds deserves to have their head blown off.
As an alternate, there could be a reverse mechanic for the "R" key ... anyone who doesn't use "R" key within ten seconds of contact with enemy 'mechs gets ejected ...
(It is good to have a sense of humor about the game again ...)
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:24 PM
1. On the 'eject' key time and requirements.
If it was coded to require a 'shift key' and a key press there would never be any 'accidental' removal of the Pilot from the Mech.
- That way the time could be reduced to 5 seconds to hold.
- You won't be using other controls during this action, it's 'get out now!'
(alternate key suggestion => 'Alt and L' keys together, they are right above each other and easy to access.)
2. And yes, it is VTOL.
3. The requirement for more than one or two Mech's is critical, there's no spawning back into the original (now destroyed) Mech you brought. (unless you own 4 of the same Mech and it's within the weight limit.)
- You bring one, you only get one loop around the track. = No Respawn. (and your team won't put up with that for very long!)
What may be critical is the order of weight the Mechs are respawn in,
- is the initial wave all lights against assaults?
- Are the assaults attacking in the 2nd cycle against now lower weight defenders?
It could be a deciding factor for some battles.
- Will there be limits on each wave and how much weight can be spawned in?
Question: Is PGI looking at any additional new resources for consumables for this DropShip mode?
- Possibly in the sensor or advanced forward deploying UAV?
- And, this would be a really good time to look into the Arrow missile system. (just saying!)
Thanks for the info,
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:33 PM
Can I just make a little request? I'm sure many of us are already quivering with joy at the thought of MW2-esque dropship scenes. But... can we please get Betty to announce some information about local conditions before each mission in CW?
"Ambient temperature.... three four point six five degrees. Local time is sixteen twenty-one fourty-three GMT."
I don't know if everyone remembers how the community reacted the first time we got the current Betty read-up at the start of every mission. It was basically christmas and thanksgiving at the same time.
A couple of misunderstood questions though, or perhaps you deliberately avoided answering them. In addition to the one that has already been pointed out, there's also this:
As stated last time, Drop Ship mode is slated for CW use only.
He's asking if he can play Skirmish, Assault and Conquest as part of CW. You're saying that he can't play Drop Ship mode outside of CW. So... didn't really answer his question.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 11:33 PM
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