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Community Warfare - Phase 2 Update - Oct 8 Feedback

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#161 TygerLily


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 04:42 PM

View PostCapperDeluxe, on 09 October 2014 - 10:30 AM, said:

I think 240 tons is perfect, but you really REALLY shouldn't require people to take 4 mechs. If someone wants to field 2 Atlases why force them to take two locusts along as well? They most certainly are there just to fulfill the requirement, as an Atlas pilot isn't going to actually "use" them. It doesn't make sense to me at all.

Well, you could field two Atlases and then sitout the match once you're done. OR field two Atlases and still run around in two Locusts...Let's be honest, once you're in a Locust...you're pretty much dead anyway, xD

#162 Kael Posavatz


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 05:38 PM

IF you are laughing at Locusts you do not know some of the pilots that I know.

#163 Rufus Ingram


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 07:10 PM

A couple posts in feedback suggested that we'll be limited to Force-specific mechs in IS vs Clan battles. I haven't read anything official that says this. Can you reiterate/confirm that all mechs we own we will be able to access for CW regardless of Force or Faction? I found the relevant update. Nvm.

Thanks. CW sounds like a lot of fun. Looking forward to it.

Edited by Rufus Ingram, 09 October 2014 - 07:31 PM.

#164 MadLibrarian


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 07:13 PM

I think it would be interesting if we had a bigger time window with increased tokens required for victory. Something like a 24 hour window allowing for as many games as possible with the winner being determined by token count at the end or overall win percentage at the end of the attack window.

Seems like it could create some interesting situations as the timers tick down at different times. Each faction having options of whether to attack or defend at any given time can lead to real faction wide strategic decisions being necessary. Sounds fun.

#165 Mechsniper


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 08:08 PM

Eject button = Fantastic ..... wait for
Eject button + animation = Enormously stupendously fantasticaly Outstanding.

Please add at least a 1st person animation for eject, this will make the experience a mile better!!!

Edited by Mechsniper, 09 October 2014 - 08:09 PM.

#166 N0MAD


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 08:40 PM

That the end of interaction will Paul?

#167 Solomon Ward


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 10:13 PM

PvE in 2015 ? Ugh - Please DON`T.

I rather wish you would focus on Solaris VII instead and reevaluate implementing collision for melee /death from above.
Or a more complex Skill system for the mech pilot with real choices ; you can respec for money or C-Bills.
( Yes i admit i played the tabletop game combined with Mechwarrior RPG )

Edit : I know you think $$$ because you can sell those PvE campaigns - easy revenue

but i would gladly pay for Solaris VII.A lot.

Not so easy tho because Solaris is not Solaris when you can´t ram your hatchet into someone else`s cockpit or finish someone of with a last desperate attempt in death from above because you lost all your weapons.

Edited by Solomon Ward, 09 October 2014 - 10:48 PM.

#168 Galen Crayn


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 10:30 PM

PVE would be great!!! And many think so...

#169 Magna Canus


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 01:21 AM

View PostDirk Le Daring, on 08 October 2014 - 06:15 PM, said:

All great info, I like the dropship idea a lot, very nice.

I have a concern though. Merc Corps, and Lone Wolves being forced to pick a faction.

I made a unit of Lone Wolves. Most of us have no desire to be a part of any house or clan. There is a member with no clan mechs and one who will not play clans. So immediatly there is the very good probability of the unit fracturing.

This bothers me, as we are a small casual unit who just like to have fun, and the unit is quite friendly. So it would be quite unpleasent to see anyone have to make such a hard choice.

I am confused as to why you would effectively remove the mercenary aspect from MWOMercs. Is this a temporary thing (really), to gather data for warefare and how borders will shift and systems taken/lost, or is it temporary like knockdown(take no insult)?

Could there be an alternative ? Say, we can remain as Lone Wolves/Merc Corps, but must take a contract for a house/clan ? This would fulfill the faction requirement AND let us remain as mercenaries.
The contract would last the season and upon it's conclusion the mercenary is able to take another contract for the same or another potential employer, at no penalty.

The reason I say no penalty, is that it is the nature of the mercenary to go where the money is. Reputation(LP) for doing well for a house/clan should not be taken away for a mercenary playing just that, a mercenary.

As I said before, this is my only real concern. All the rest is pretty damn good.

Being a mercenary is far more political than being a house unit. As a house unit you have made your choice more or less for life, as a mercenary unit you have a lot of choices to make, but these choices will affect how you are viewed by the "interstellar community".

Say you decide to start your unit out as a Davion mercenary unit in the first season.In the second season you could choose to work for Steiner and most likely expect no hard feelings since both houses (as per lore, in game it may be different) are allies. But if you decided that you wanted to work for Liao that season, well, both Davion and Steiner are none too fond of them and will not take kindly for you working for them. They may even later suspect that you are a "plant" if you offer to work for Davion the following season. By working with your first employers enemies you loose that initial trust, e.g. Loyalty Points.

If you were to declare that you are open to all IS factions then your "face value" for the houses will be cannon fodder at best. Being a "battlewh0re" unit will also reduce what your asking price will be unless you can pull a serious skill bonus. Your current contractor will offer you little in the way of trust and not give a fig if you survive a battle or not (figuratively speaking).

So yes, mercenaries fight for money, but they are also very dependent on their reputations and need to make careful choices as to which contracts they take.

The only thing I would ask for in CW2 is the ability for houses to decide on alliances or rivalries on a grand scale (i.e. Steiner/Davion).

#170 Magna Canus


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 01:27 AM

View PostZyllos, on 08 October 2014 - 06:19 PM, said:

This is my 2nd concern.

I feel that merc units and lone wolves are not represented. I am not sure why they are not allowed to just fill in missing slots on any side (lone wolves) or fight for any at the current moment (mercs).

Of course, I think Paul said this is because they are afraid of fracturing the community into too many buckets used to fighting.

Community warfare is the battle between the Clans and the IS as well as the battle for dominance between houses. LW's are, by their own desire and definition, solo warriors out there that want to fight things, no matter who for or against. Any real world government/organization would only use such forces in the most dire of time, but preferably never ever. They are unaffiliated and can't be trusted. Why would you let them loose with a fully armed mech on one of your worlds?

Basically it comes down to having to choose sides and "earn the trust" required for a house to let you fight for it. No loyalty, no trust, no CW.

#171 JudgeDeathCZ


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 01:43 AM

Don't you love how fast is progress now w/o IGP?

#172 Kilo 40


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 01:49 AM

Will CW2 see something like PGI run canon groups/units that will be able to participate in CW?

for example will there be a PGI run Wolfs Dragoons that players can join and participate in the taking over of planets in CW?

also, will ejecting at the right time be able to damage nearby enemy mechs from the head explosion?

#173 Randall Flagg


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 01:59 AM

Is there any plans for a Solaris Arena/Deathmatch option?

Edited by SKINLESS, 10 October 2014 - 08:31 AM.

#174 CyclonerM

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Posted 10 October 2014 - 05:16 AM

View PostSolomon Ward, on 09 October 2014 - 10:13 PM, said:

PvE in 2015 ? Ugh - Please DON`T.

I rather wish you would focus on Solaris VII instead and reevaluate implementing collision for melee /death from above.
Or a more complex Skill system for the mech pilot with real choices ; you can respec for money or C-Bills.
( Yes i admit i played the tabletop game combined with Mechwarrior RPG )

Edit : I know you think $$$ because you can sell those PvE campaigns - easy revenue

but i would gladly pay for Solaris VII.A lot.

Not so easy tho because Solaris is not Solaris when you can´t ram your hatchet into someone else`s cockpit or finish someone of with a last desperate attempt in death from above because you lost all your weapons.

I would love both.

However, PvE would be veeery interesting, though a single player campaign would be even MORE interesting :D i would definitely pay for it.

#175 JediMechwarrior


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 05:25 AM

If we mercenaries aren't going to be represented, why do we log onto mwomercs.com? shouldn't the website name reflect this? mwowarrior.com maybe? just a suggestion... ;)

#176 DeRazer


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:24 AM

Saw on Twitter that someone proposed that to stop denying kills taking damage would Abort Eject sequence. Had to wonder what that person thought Ejecting was for?

Just imagining a fighter pilot, being shot at, not able to eject because he was taking hits... Lol.

#177 PhoenixNMGLB


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:32 AM

View PostDeRazer, on 10 October 2014 - 07:24 AM, said:

Saw on Twitter that someone proposed that to stop denying kills taking damage would Abort Eject sequence. Had to wonder what that person thought Ejecting was for?

Just imagining a fighter pilot, being shot at, not able to eject because he was taking hits... Lol.

Yeah that may be true in real life but here it is just a mechanic to stop people being reduced to 'sticks' and then ignored by the opposite team.

I think aborting if you take damage is a good idea.

#178 steck


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 10:02 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 08 October 2014 - 05:53 PM, said:

Drop Ship mode is being changed to a minimum and maximum tonnage limit rather than a strict 1 Light/1 Medium/1 Heavy/1 Assault limit. For example, we might set the Drop Ship limitation to [140] tons minimum and [240] tons maximum. You MUST take 4 'Mechs meaning you cannot take 2 100 ton 'Mechs and leave the other two slots empty. The available tonnage is restricted to your personal Drop Ship. This means if you take under [240] tons, the remaining unused tonnage is NOT shared with the rest of your team.

I do like the idea of drop ship tonnages, I do wonder why the decision (however tentative) on 240 tons was made. Most pilots seem to favor heavy mechs, and a 240 ton limit would allow people to take a heavier group of mechs. I dont think thats a bad thing, but from what I understand the medium mechs were more common than heavies or assaults in the background, and I for one would prefer a drop limit that reflected medium mechs as the "workhorse" mechs. They tend to be considered less useful by most players for a number of reasons, but I think community warfare should look less to the players and more to the background. Say setting the tonnage per player down to 230 or 220. It doesnt give a huge drop, but it does really make you think about your mechs a bit more, sure you could take that atlas or dire wolf, and yes it would be a force to be reckoned with, but that cuts your total tonage by a bit more, it also brings the average tonage per mech closer to or into the medium mech range.

I dont think 240 tons is extremely high, but it is higher than I expected.

EDIT: I also think though that the attacking team at least should have a combined drop weight. You said they would all be from the same unit, and so they would probably have some sort of communication set up. If they share a combined drop weight it means you would see more lights and also more assaults, people dont have to worry as much about filling up 240 tons, a light pilot can take all lighs and lighter mediums, then an assault pilot would have more tonnage to take assault mechs or heavier heavies. Then I could take my shadowhawks and griffons and leave some extra tons in the group for a cataphract or jager mech or something.

Edited by steck, 10 October 2014 - 10:10 AM.

#179 Rufus Ingram


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 02:31 PM

A concern/question is that it seems ELo is not a factor in CW matchmaking. Can that be clarified? It seems to depend on who queues up for the attack and defense rather than ELo. That said, on the assumption 12-man groups will focus on CW is there a way to address how 12-man's give the attacking side a distinct advantage? If a 12-man attacks they will have some percentage chance of facing a fractured opponent just because of the queue. Are 12-mans going to sit around waiting to defend for their faction when they could attack instead? Is this a relevant concern? I don't mind Elo not being a factor, just concerned that defenders will just get rolled by 12-mans over and over.

#180 Delas Ting Usee


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:31 PM

If that time window...takes into account the Americas, Europe and Asia prime playing time before it closes or changes, that would be awesome.

Also, I rather they spend their time and assets NOT on Solaris because, it just a private match between two players.
Or collision, remember how it was abused? Unless a solution is at hand to deal with that.
I rather PGI focus on Aerospace stuff. Like Aerospace fighter vrs aerospace fighter in space.

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