Its 2014 and here we are still playing Mech Warrior. Theres been alot of improvment to the evolution of the game and it has a rich history, not just lore. I'm a huge fan of the game, not so much the lore but thats just me. I'm not alone here when I say this, that there is a HUUGE consumer interest in PVE. Todays mentality revolves around community interaction and I get that. PVP is accepted to be the normal thing but why change a game thats always been mainly PVE? Dont fix something thats not broken I say. Thats what turned me onto this game from the very beginning. I dont like relying on other people for fun. The wait for other players to be ready, or ingame to be ready ugh! Sure I can just quit and shut the hell up but I'm not.
PGI I know this game has ENORMOUS potential, you know that, we all know this. Its staring at you in the face. YOU are the only road block from preventing this game from being greater. The players will stand behind you, I'll buy any premotions that come, and I'll keep buying. I'm sure theres alot of loyal fans out there just like me whove been playing the game just as long as I have. Mech Warrior should always have been PVE to begin with, with PVP as an option. The only fault in the development with MW4 was its engine at the time, technology, and online capablities. MWO has this, everything and yet its still just pvp. You know for a fact you can draw more customers going PVE. I know PGI has its hands full with the time tables and development of new maps and mechs. So I'm here asking you to consider this for the future to save the game and to gain the attention of players who left already and refuse to come back.
What I want and you can agree with me or disagree or share more thoughts.
1. Assault missions with intergrated AI in mechs, and vehicles, turrets which we have now.
2. Defencive Missions where we hold a outpost or defend a convoy or drop ship crippled of some sort.
3. Lore missions, something right outa the book.
4. Rescue Missions
5. Sniping missions or even reconosence relaying intell or assasination missions.
I want missions where Players can partake with lvls of difficultys depending on the number of players it requires or to go it alone and test your skills. I'm not talking about missions where you can just sit and pull mechs 1 by 1 and because they are AI and you can out think them. I mean Extremely difficult missions with extremely large maps, Missions where it has a very low servival rate. Maps that will require the intire grp to be cohesive and organized. Bases with Atlas's as perimeter guards, heavy armor, or even fortifications with huge walls or under ground bases. I want turrets with with all types of weaponry even UAC20's depending on the lvl of difficulty. Everything the players can carry so can the AI. I want vehicles that call attack, and the AI has the ablity to call in Air strikes and artiliary. AI mechs with modules too, and have the ability to corner attack or evade and strafe.