I mentored Nomitar last week for his first steps in here. here`s a bit experience issue:
- you need to be on two sides AND have a premium account on both sides. bit of a pain to do, unless 2 people join in.
- make a free one on one mode with no friend or foe. just basic freeplay. should help a lot with mentoring or map showing - or allow groups into home->testing grounds. use some targets on testing grounds that move or flash. more later.
- basics: taking someone in your own team e.g. through some parcour of shooting range targets (showing up, lighting up green or red, etc.) for practicing torso and arm movement would help a lot. new players dont know there is torso sometimes, and arms a lot of time. head movement in cockpit is almost completely unknown. concepts like turning torso to avoid damage ? yeah right... training to use torso and arms to shoot two locations at once ?

- besides the shooting range thing, having the option to go "piggyback" on another player (view only) and talk to him would be a great thing, too. not just after dying or in group queue (hard matches, makes a lot of new players squirm when you say "lets group up". pug queue seems less painful.
- some way to watch training movies in game and make some "la mancha test" against a computer, or other players or to do some special time trial shooting range tests to e.g. collect 5-8 objective trainings and qualify.
- I and a lot of other players never knew there was a green dot on the HUD when Gauss was ready. that kept me from using gauss a long time. gauss needs special training. as does LRM / SSRM to get it right.
e.g. have a jump parcour time trial with a light mech, qualify as e.g. in Gran Tourismo and get some title or cockpit item (mech drivers license)
e.g. do a shooting range parcour with a mixed range direct fire laser machine, then a mixed weapons ballistic (gauss, uac5, machine guns), one of different missile mix (SRM, SSRM, LRM) etc. make those "ballistic license" "missile license" "energy license" etc. ask for some targets to be hit by e.g. gauss or er-large laser only, have others to be hit close range etc.
whoever qualifies may use "mechwarrior alumni" as a titlle. grant them some GXP and cash as motivation.
- the intro movie theatre: i think it was gunship2000 or some other old time helicopter sim, where they showed you a guy in a classroom and some sketches of tactics which you had to view before going in there. basic lesson should include stuff like "what not to do with LRMs, lasers, etc." and "dont do friendly fire, friendly fire isnt" and "dont cross firing lines"
I can even imagine a scenario where you need to fire, then cross firing line behind some "alpha happy DWF" and keep firing to score. or need to keep the assault clean of lights. or lead a push through a gate.
La Mancha:
it is similar to the clan trial of position. it is supposed to be a no win, but you can e.g. judge a cadet on that.
those kind of starter missions should be the first few steps towards solo game.