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Mentorship Systems - Designs, Ideas And Suggestions

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#21 Sirius Drake


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:03 AM

View PostColby Boucher, on 13 October 2014 - 04:58 AM, said:

How about the mentor gets colors from a cannon unit within their faction? We would see more lore-related paintjobs, and that way they can't just abuse the system and get every camo / color. I don't think we need people to become mentors by trade, we just need most of the experienced players to mentor someone.

Oh, but they do that already. That is something i tried to point out at the very start of the topic.
They are mentoring but Nobody outside of a unit is able to realize.

#22 Hoax415


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:17 AM

Lot of silly stuff in this thread.

First and foremost the most important thing is to find the best tutorial, mechanic explanation videos that exist out there or create a contest to make new ones and get those videos in front of new players and highlight them to new players.

Those content creators who have done good helpful work, get their work somewhere that new players will see, and feel free to reward those guys as is appropriate.

That's step one. The forum guys are nice guys and all and I'm certainly all for doing something nice for them but more on the "here's a special forum badge/title/name color" not free MC. Because no matter what the forum stuff will see like favoritism to some and real talk its not the same as going out and creating new content to make helpful posts. Its cool and nice and we as a community should be showing more appreciation for it. But to start with, lets try to supplement the complete lack of a tutorial with community created tutorial(s) and see if that helps somewhat.

We need the MWO version of Purge's "this is Dota and you suck" series.

For the record I don't know how many people see this because it went to the absolute top of the pinned threads. It'd be a good idea to maybe put a thread linking to this in the New Player forum so maybe we can get a few new player's thoughts and the guys who post in there see this?

Edited by Hoax415, 13 October 2014 - 05:27 AM.

#23 Degalus


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:29 AM

Hi @ All

I know its an old Request but its so incredible usefull in so many ways.
My Suggestion is Replay feature in CoD Black Ops Style.

Cod Black Ops Replays?
In CoD BO, you can see the last 3 Matches and permanent save around 5 or more.
The Replay is rendered so everyone can see through every Players Cockpit, freelook around a Players or Freelook of the Battlefield. Also you can slow down the replay Speed to Slowmotion lvl.

How can that help the new Players?
I learned alot while checking my Replays in CoD BO.
What killed me? Why did he see me? Which Route does they take? Enemy movement while Firefight, where was my Team and what they do while i was holding a side.
And with the Slowmotion, i was able to see the bullets and their way to my Head ^^

I dont know how many work it would take for MWO but it would be incredible usefull, not only to learn from Veteran Players while looking over their shoulders also for all the Peoples which makes the incredible Musicvideos for MWO (good advertisement)

ps.: you can also use it for Bugreports, possible Cheaterreport (dont know if they realy exist but it would help the player to identify what realy happend), Bad behaivorreports, MWO Tournament Replays and so on.

Edited by Degalus, 13 October 2014 - 05:39 AM.

#24 Vassago Rain


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:38 AM

Okay, here's how you help new players, using MC and other resources.

You hand out a bunch of those 7 dollar MC codes to people like Heimdelight, so he can give them to new players who come hang with him during his school of skill TS events. Do the same for other similiar community initiatives. That way, new players get some good pointers, and they get a boosted start.



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:44 AM

maybe use your company shills like NGNG to do new player tips videos and maybe do a new player teaching night thing

they play the game 24/7 why not make use of them as an asset in that regard

#26 Shredhead


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 06:49 AM

Don't throw out premium time to random people just because someone said so. Instead give new players 7 days of premium time banked on their ingame account!
In your welcome PM on the forums you link all the known open community TS servers and the recruitment threads and explain to them how they can activate the premium time and that they can access premium lobby options for 1v1 etc with another player with active premium time to learn mech combat.
This way either 2 new players or a mentor and a new player can have at it without ruining stats or being thrown into the cold water that is public queue, and new players get hooked to the advantages of premium time early on. Win - win.

#27 Revis Volek


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 07:26 AM

View PostDegalus, on 13 October 2014 - 05:29 AM, said:

Hi @ All

I know its an old Request but its so incredible usefull in so many ways.
My Suggestion is Replay feature in CoD Black Ops Style.

Cod Black Ops Replays?
In CoD BO, you can see the last 3 Matches and permanent save around 5 or more.
The Replay is rendered so everyone can see through every Players Cockpit, freelook around a Players or Freelook of the Battlefield. Also you can slow down the replay Speed to Slowmotion lvl.

How can that help the new Players?
I learned alot while checking my Replays in CoD BO.
What killed me? Why did he see me? Which Route does they take? Enemy movement while Firefight, where was my Team and what they do while i was holding a side.
And with the Slowmotion, i was able to see the bullets and their way to my Head ^^

I dont know how many work it would take for MWO but it would be incredible usefull, not only to learn from Veteran Players while looking over their shoulders also for all the Peoples which makes the incredible Musicvideos for MWO (good advertisement)

ps.: you can also use it for Bugreports, possible Cheaterreport (dont know if they realy exist but it would help the player to identify what realy happend), Bad behaivorreports, MWO Tournament Replays and so on.

I for one dont think this is necessary, also its something that Playstation does and yes Playstation does use the footage for bug reports and to see issues in maps, glitches, etc. But there are already a bunch of ways to stream/capture your games from a computer. Just get some capture software and install it. Don't need MWO to supply this....that's what Shadowplay and Twitch is/are for.

Edited by DarthRevis, 13 October 2014 - 07:28 AM.

#28 NextGame


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 07:31 AM

View PostDarthRevis, on 13 October 2014 - 07:26 AM, said:

I for one dont think this is necessary, also its something that Playstation does and yes Playstation does use the footage for bug reports and to see issues in maps, glitches, etc. But there are already a bunch of ways to stream/capture your games from a computer. Just get some capture software and install it. Don't need MWO to supply this....that's what Shadowplay and Twitch is/are for.

Back in the day when I played Starsiege Tribes (circa 1998), that particular game was able to record a match that you were playing in the game engine rather than as a video, and you could play the demo and click around to see what was going on, where you went wrong etc.

It was an extremely powerful tool to use in order to understand effective cap routes and defense tactics etc, it also didn't take up gigabytes of space. Replays don't all have to be about video formats, not are videos actually the most effective format for this type of thing.

#29 Gauvan


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 07:34 AM

View PostHoax415, on 13 October 2014 - 05:17 AM, said:

..The forum guys are nice guys and all and I'm certainly all for doing something nice for them but more on the "here's a special forum badge/title/name color" not free MC...

If the contribution of a player is in the context of the forums then I think having a forum-based award is most appropriate. When items are given out with a cross-community perceived value, like MC or Premium Time, then I don't see a way to sidestep drama.

I'd also recommend making the award mechanical rather than subjective, e.g., over X number of posts per month in the New Players section gets a title, or # of likes gets a title--that sort of thing.

The only working system I can see giving real world value items is one where folks can donate to another player who they felt helped them in some way. However this opens up the floodgates to gold farmers (funds transfer would be possible) and the like so that's a no go I think.


Do people think there would be sufficient community support to operate a PGI-hosted wiki? It would provide an additional outlet for folks who want to make a community contribution and might provide a better source for certain kinds of info to new players than a forum.

Edited by Gauvan, 13 October 2014 - 07:42 AM.

#30 Cion


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 07:45 AM

Niko - The people that post guides and help DO NOT do it to get rewarded, but because they love the game. I feel where you're coming from trying to reward / recognize them, but by saying "if toy make several guides you'll get a reward" many more will jump in making lesser quality guides and the number of guides will drastically increase, making searching for good ones much harder.

So as much as I'd love to reward contributors, I'm actually against it.

The game needs 1 mission with an objective. Just 1 training mission using assets already in game.
Just fire up forest colony, and do an in game instruction on how to move the mech (like the nice tutorial videos with BB Wolfe), then put a medium laser turret and tell the player in game to attack the turret. Learn by doing.

Benefits of this:
No new assets, no new ai (turret). Only work would go to showing objectives in game, whether via the hud or voice or just simply text.

Good luck!

#31 Scratx


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 08:04 AM

I have a few things to add here... related to NPE.

First of all, mentorship doesn't really replace the need for effective tutorial and new player guidance through the game client. If a player doesn't get engaged enough with the game to even seek a mentor, it is largely a moot point. Hopefully this should be addressed after CW is launched, as I believe NPE it is in Russ's TODO list.

Now, as relatively low hanging fruit to help...

Let's look here : http://mwomercs.com/...raining-grounds

This is linked through the game launcher. It's pretty easy to miss there, though, unless fresh installs plaster it all over your face. Might be worth making sure it's plastered on the player's face if it's a fresh install, or the button flashing, etc. Make it draw attention.

Next, are the videos themselves. Some are horribly out of date. The Mechlab ones show the old UI. Please update them. Make a contest with MC reward or something if you like, but let's face it, the new UI needs a new series of videos to explain it to the new player. Also, there may need to be a new video to explain Inner Sphere Battlemech vs Clan Omnimech differences, particularly on customization. This is stuff the community can help with, or NGNG. PGI doesn't really need to devote any attention to redoing them other than reviewing submissions and choosing which one to adopt.

I hope you see this for the low hanging fruit that it is that, hopefully, should help new players feel right at home.

#32 MadPanda


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 08:12 AM

Spectator mode and in-game voip. Really simple solution, but I think the opening post shows that you want a solution that requires zero effort.

#33 OznerpaG


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:26 AM

i did a suggestion a few months ago related to the new player


it isn't in regards to mentoring or making videos (i suggested getting a single free mech that you level by following a tutorial), but i think perhaps only a small % of new players would be interested in pro-actively getting a mentor only because ultimately you need to match schedules in order for 2 people to spend time together to go over how the game works.

when someone wants to try out MWO, they'r likely just going to jump in a mech and take it for a spin, and if they like what they see THEN they might take the extra steps to get more info on how to be successful or find a mentor. THAT'S when you need to give the player the support he needs - videos are great for getting a sense of the big picture, but ultimately when you are in the middle of fighting your first few matches all thoughts and perceptions go out the window when you are struggling to learn how to pilot a mech with separate leg and torso movement. MWO isn't like CoD or any other first person shooter where i bet most people's previous first person experience lies, this game requires a little more dexterity and coordination to get the results you want from your mech

i personally think it's very important to make sure the mech(s) a new pilot is going to hop into for his first few spins are performing up to the level that everyone else's mech in the game is performing - hence i suggest making all trial mechs already leveled so they can get a true sense of how the game feels in their initial drops and not get turned off and/or frustrated by piloting an unleveled mech that doesn't perform up to the standard of the other players they dropped with in a game.

when i first started i had no idea that mechs needed to be leveled and it took me 30+ games before i realized i was supposed to be putting XP into mech skills, and it wasn't until i finally mastered a few mechs that i realized that unmastered mechs are horrible to pilot - let new pilots skip this crap and let them hop in mastered trial mechs that perform the way they are supposed to and let them have fun. people learn faster and are more likely to stick around when they are having fun

Edited by JagdFlanker, 13 October 2014 - 09:27 AM.

#34 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:37 AM

a two person maximum group where the group leader doesn't go into battle with a mech but instead rides spectator on the second guy. Utilizing ingame voip or their own resourcefulness to find one optional.

#35 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:38 AM

1. Before you even think about any of this, put up a wiki. It will drastically reduce the amount of material your trainers/teachers need to pass on. That, not player mentors, is the foundational layer of a new player experience.

2. In-game VOIP and spectator tools would broaden your options in this matter. Get that done first also.

3. Don't offer MC or premium time. Give out intrinsic rewards like titles or something, but if you offer MC or premium time you're just going to get people gaming the system. We already have a handful of people who are doing mentorship for nothing at all, so it can be done.

Edited by Rebas Kradd, 13 October 2014 - 09:39 AM.

#36 MechPorn


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:42 AM

Put a helper status on players in game, who can see people in their first 25 matches and a pop up window when they message them. This way you can get them to team up with more experienced players.

Of course se dont want this two man group in group queue. When flagged as a helper with a two man group, they drop in the solo queue.

#37 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:46 AM

View PostBattlecruiser, on 13 October 2014 - 09:37 AM, said:

a two person maximum group where the group leader doesn't go into battle with a mech but instead rides spectator on the second guy. Utilizing ingame voip or their own resourcefulness to find one optional.

there should also be some click to attention system, where the mentor can click on things so the mentee can see them, like some kind of screen ping. if there's a way to detect what he's clicking on by game side then you can start working in mentor reward mechanisms similar to how the commander system works. Ideally though mentors should get paid credits so they dont have to give up grind time, but it shouldn't be abuseable so that afk piggybacking becomes a problem. Some "shared fates" philosophy would work good here.

#38 Sadist Cain


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:02 AM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 13 October 2014 - 01:18 AM, said:

Hey all,

I wanted to take the opportunity to raise a suggestions thread for a Mentorship system based around the game. I have often found that, since we are a team-based game: The guidance of a veteran player has frequently provided more of a direct benefit to new players than other systems, such as our tutorials and training grounds.

Try to keep in mind that some ideas may be easier to accomplish than others.
The more an idea may require of an engineer, designer, artist or other developers to accomplish and put into action, the more time it may invariably take to accomplish.

As such, any ideas which are readily achieved through tools already at our disposal such as the forums, account manager, and in-game with the present features would be equally if not more valuable here!

The first thing I can think of is dropping some bonus premium time to some of those who have stood as paragons of mentorship thus far in the New Player Help forum. Koniving and Redshift2k5 are the first on my list, feel free to nominate others for me to review. :)

There is a God!!!!

You're speaking of Leadership!

Encourage better players to create and lead lances in games, that encourages people who wish to be mentored.
It's a cycle and much better than orbiting around 1-1 tuition which results in biased info and not as much player turnover.

Pull up a chair Niko, let's talk turkey.

We have a very basic command feature in game already that's rarely used because it's rather clunky and ungainly, hasn't changed much since CB.
There's also very little motivation or attachment to their lance by PUGs.
Features such as the command wheel and aspects like preplanning need to be placed as a higher priority before CW drops so that communication within lances and between lances can be more fluid.

Note: Lances

There is your solution, the Lance commander. Trying to create exterior programs and whatnot is good but nowhere near how good it is to have just two Good squad leaders on one team and how much people can learn from them.

Something like starting everyone outside of a lance and allowing people to name and create a lance for people to join instantly gives a psychological edge and provides a "mentor" if needed.

Seriously, look at my Signature topic please It explains this all in a lot more detail.

I would happily spend every game leading a Lance of epic, however I don't want people to be forced into it.

People should have to choose whether they're going to work within a Lance or whether they're going to Lone wolf.

This is a concept that's been left by the wayside for far too long in my opinion.

Project Reality, a battlefield 2 mod has 300+ people playing it right now, STILL! because it did squad based tactics and New player experience right.

I would always happily lead a squad of new players over experienced ones any day! In fact, all I would ever do is squad lead and teach people the basics of the game and whatnot.

Oh lawdie lawd give me the tools good sir and I shall build you an Army!

Edited by Sadist Cain, 13 October 2014 - 10:48 AM.

#39 Reported for Inappropriate Name


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:31 AM

additionally, there should be some sort of ingame chatroom so mentors and mentees can hook up.

#40 Ovion


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:46 AM

To me, logically, the 'easiest' way would be the option for a 'Cadet Lance' with a Mentor 'captain' (who is someone with 100+ games under their belt) that can take lead, and 1-3 'Cadets' (say, 100 games or less? maybe more for this cap).

Ideally, built in voice comms would be ideal, but I don't know where you are with that.

Mentors can either join a 'mentors queue' and automatically receive 3 cadets (new starters), or create a group and select 'Mentor Lance' or something.

The incentive for Mentors to participate and do their job is that they gain 50% of the C-Bills earnt by their cadets, but only half c-bills for their own endevours.
(i.e. - Mentor gets half c-bills for all kills, assists, damage, etc, but also gains an amount equal to half the base C-Bills all their Cadets earn while under their guidance).

Additionally, you could earn 'Mentor Credits' which can be exchanged for MC or something.
(Something like earn 1-5MC every match you Mentor? Can only redeem 150+ MC?)

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