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Mentorship Systems - Designs, Ideas And Suggestions

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#241 Lunatic_Asylum


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 08:46 PM

View Postrolly, on 02 December 2015 - 05:07 PM, said:

ADDITIONAL TOOL needed: When forming a Public Group with a New player to the game - IE. Within their 25 match cadet limit. Throw them at tier 5 and not against Premade groups larger than 6. Its really just a slaughter for them. Also - Cadet bonus needs to be broken down for players for each weight class. New players naturally want to blow the money they earn on an Assault mech and the results are often disastrous. There has got to be a step system in place to ease into piloting an Assault mech.

Hmm. I think the Cadet bonus should be removed or given at once, but at a reduced value (100,000-3,000,000, not 12,500,000). The problem with new players is that they get used to the insane money earned during the first 25 matches (plus 2,000,000 from walking around in the tutorial).

Tier 5 was a good idea from Russ. I would go further and create Tier 6 that can be triggered optionally for the first 50 games. However, it can be abused by skilled players who create second accounts.

Edited by Lunatic_Asylum, 02 December 2015 - 08:48 PM.

#242 spartync


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 01:37 PM

As a new player, finding quality CURRENT content is problematic on YouTube. Often the videos are a year or more out of date and the specifics are no longer relevant.

Ideally, strong mentors fall into a few categories:

Community Builders - These are the folks spending time in the New Player forums answering questions, posting helpful links and screenshots and generally being a good influence on building the community knowledge base. A "karma" system in the forums allows small cbill bonuses in-game to folks that cumulatively gets bigger over time. So, someone who wants appreciable in-game currency is probably getting thousands of karma points across a year or more rather than a single good post or response leading to a windfall.

In-game Mentors - Right now this is VERY infrequent because of how the tier matchmaking system works. However, a LFG + Mentor would be a great way to match up lances of 5 v 5. 1 player would be Tier 1 or 2 on each team and the remainder would be T4 or 5. Mentors would get cbill and gxp bonuses instead of in-game bonuses to prevent predation on new players. In effect, the mentors are firing blanks in those matches. However, for the next 10 matches, they get an additional 30% to cbill and gxp.

Finally, make certain mech variants exclusively available in CW to those who have consistently acted in mentorship roles across a given year. Maybe the top 20% of people spending in game matches as mentors and the top 20% of karma earners will receive a special variant for their participation as a thank you for going above and beyond.

#243 Necromantion


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Posted 19 January 2016 - 01:18 PM

How about dont try to handicap the larger and more active units that foster the teaching and improvement of new players, that would be a good start. Maybe pass that on to Russ the almighty Posted Image

#244 HumpingBunny


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Posted 26 January 2016 - 06:19 AM

I haven't read the responses here, just the original post. However, here are my thoughts:

I think improving upon the spectator tool within private matches is a good place to start. My unit uses private matches as a method of training new recruits. The problem is, even with the spectator tool, we are limited to what can be done - cannot spectate a player in first person, cannot draw on the map to outline movement, etc. Don't misunderstand though, the spectator tool is a great means of training new players, but I do believe it could be so much more useful if improved upon. It wouldn't take much to tweak, since the tool already exists. Yes, it would only be useful to groups, but it'd be a start - not to mention I find that a lot of players that are really looking to learn will look for a group anyways.

Furthermore, private matches in general, not just the spectator tool, are a great way to train new players. Maybe add a tool that allows the selection of turrets, AI mechs that shoot back, etc. which could be implemented if a 'training' game mode within a private match were available.

The short story: implement a 'training mode' within the private match that is structured specifically for training.

#245 Raubwurst


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Posted 26 January 2016 - 06:37 AM

Well, sorry to say that, but somewhere inside these post there is written, that PGI has forgotten/neglected/ignored this thread an there is nothing that a good idea in here can do.

#246 rolly


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Posted 01 February 2016 - 11:09 AM

View PostRaubwurst, on 26 January 2016 - 06:37 AM, said:

Well, sorry to say that, but somewhere inside these post there is written, that PGI has forgotten/neglected/ignored this thread an there is nothing that a good idea in here can do.

Its highly amusing. They started it and now no response. Too busy milking the new Steam users I guess. When the novelty wears off and they again look at player retention they'll probably circle back then dangle hope for this thread.

#247 GI Journalist


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Posted 25 February 2016 - 05:13 AM

Separating the solo queue from the unit queue is going to make teaching new players CW more difficult. When they join teams they are going to show up with "training scars", lessons learned from solo-play that only hurt them when dropping with a team.

Web links from the Faction Play page to the CW faction pages on the forum might channel these players to groups sooner.

#248 Corpse Cannibal


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Posted 28 March 2016 - 05:57 AM

This is a little off what every1 has been discussing... BUT! MWO needs to work on its chat section badly.. I cant search for a player/ our chats disappear after we log off. I lose track of my convo w players 1. and 2. I cant search for friends in general. we are chatting right now on Facebook and we can't do a search to find each other in MWO. I read u were looking for peeps playing a long time.. I have been playing this game since Battletech started on paper, and played most of the vid games too. MWO needs better social interaction.

#249 KursedVixen


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Posted 31 March 2016 - 02:12 AM

I'm willing to help people if they are willing to listen. I am always willing to help someone if I am able.

#250 Botaine


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 07:23 PM

What about a chat channel for mentors and noobies to find each other? They can just form a group from the chat if they want and ask/answer questions in the chat channel. Also a chat channel to find an outfit or just discuss the game with all other players would be great too. These chat channels should be visible by default on the game's home page.

Edited by Lehv, 22 April 2016 - 07:48 PM.

#251 Throe


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Posted 20 June 2016 - 02:04 PM

View PostKyle Polulak, on 13 October 2014 - 01:18 AM, said:

As such, any ideas which are readily achieved through tools already at our disposal such as the forums, account manager, and in-game with the present features would be equally if not more valuable here!

How about a "Live Tutorial" program? It could be a multi-tiered approach to identifying inexperienced players, and then providing them with the tools to help themselves. A built-in player feedback system could help in rewarding and policing would-be mentors. I don't come here on the forums to the new player section much at all, but if there was an entirely in-game system for it, I'd participate if I was able. I've always enjoyed teaching new players in various games, and I'm pretty good at it. Maybe it's true what they say, because I'm not an outstanding player: "Those who can't do, teach."

Here's my idea:
1) Allow team mates in spectator view in the regular solo queue to add a "point" to a player they're spectating. Call it a newbie point maybe. Disable this in group queue and faction play.
2) Allow anyone with enough points(maybe 12 or 24 points; this is arbitrary, and need not be published) to enroll themselves in the live tutorial program. This would be completely voluntary, and any given player would not necessarily be permitted to see their point tally. Rather they would simply have access once the threshold was reached. Points would not be removed from players at any point, because there would be no need to have them expended or deducted.
3) Live tutorial program would allow players to join a tutorial queue as a student, and students could be paired(randomly) with eligible and willing mentors in private matches automatically. No premium time would be needed for anyone. This would probably be best as one-on-one matches, where the players can target each other, and damage each other, but do not appear as "Red" to each other. They would also have voice comms. It might even be beneficial to disable actual damage and instead add a target damage popup reminiscent of the way the turrets have one in the Academy. This could include details about what component was damaged, and how much damage each took, over 5 seconds.
4) Students would have simple up/down feedback on their mentor, and each student could add one "mentor" point if they felt their received lesson was beneficial. Alternatively, just make each match automatically reward one mentor point, but make it so that if a mentor gets too many down feedback votes they get suspended/banned as a mentor. Punitive actions could range from a 1 hour temporary ban, all the way up to a permanent revocation of mentor status for enough repeat offenses.

I would wager to say that this should be made available to any players in Tier 4 or 5 as students, and any players from Tiers 1 and 2 as mentors. You could also just select a few potential mentors from the get go, and then let the program for mentors be by invitation only. Consider including Tier 3 in one set or the other, but Tier 3 players kind of represent the average anyway, and may represent a good "cutoff" for people to no longer have access as students(no matter how many "newbie" points they have/had), but still not allow them to sign up as mentors... Posted Image Note that I would be ineligible as of now if Tier 3 were excluded, and I'm ok with that! Posted Image

Mentors with enough "mentor" points could be rewarded with whatever seems appropriate to PGI. Obviously this would be an incentive for players to be good mentors.

Able to be abused, probably, but with random matchmaking for students/mentors, and a mutually exclusive cutoff by Pilot Skill Tier, it would be difficult to abuse, and probably not really worth the time(depending on actual rewards).

Edited by Throe, 20 June 2016 - 02:19 PM.

#252 Brody


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Posted 28 July 2016 - 10:34 AM

Generous and awesome idea!

But you're assuming players choose to use the forums...

I would like to direct you to these:

mine, started this month (Jul 2016):

Started by Freebrth, Dec 24 2015 03:52 PM:

Started by Void Angel, Sep 08 2015 02:31 PM:

Started by xX_Nero_Xx, Oct 30 2012 08:49 PM:

#253 Bellum Dominum


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Posted 21 December 2016 - 11:32 AM

View PostSirius Drake, on 13 October 2014 - 02:05 AM, said:

Yeah the 2 people Premium need for private matches is a problem when it comes to mentoring.
Maybe remove it at all.
I can not see the need for it at all to be honest.

Private match was changed so that two players have to have premium time active to make a private match now? When and why did this come into play? I've taken people into private matches being the only one with premium time active to demonstrate things and make videos to demonstrate for all before.

You know perhaps the 'mentor program' could enable private matches without premium time. IE a person could toggle on being a mentor for a few hours and doing so would open up 'another game mode' where the voip was enabled across both sides of the match. The mentor starting the 'match' could pick 4 8 or 12 player slots available and then those wanting some tutoring could sign up for those matches.

I'm not sure about the whole reward for mentoring idea. At first thought it sounds nice but then when you consider the gaming community you know it'd just get terribly exploited however it was implemented. Besides it seems to me the best teachers in the game have always done it without any more reward than to see new or struggling players get better at the game which improves the game environment for everyone.

(maybe it was always that way and I'm just not remembering correctly)

Edited by Bellum Dominum, 21 December 2016 - 11:42 AM.

#254 The Blood God


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 11:03 AM

View PostScurry, on 13 October 2014 - 01:58 AM, said:

Sort of like being able to enter Testing Grounds as a group.

brilliant idea

#255 ManusDei


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Posted 04 February 2017 - 05:47 PM

Whats in it for me? Pay me c bills I'd spend all my time training new pilots.

I played in many of the groups and know how they play, know their strategy, tactics, and unfortunately their corrupted mentality. It's why I left group play....too many A type personalities that simply won't listen, 2nd guessing commanders, sabotaging team objectives during game play, infighting, etc. You need to groom these pilots before the large groups get a hold of them and brain wash them with meta mentality, certain builds, etc.

Groups are bit selfish in meeting their hidden agenda's. Everyone could learn to play good regardless of the build. New pilots need a come to jesus talk, need to be told "any group you join may not be a pleasant experience or meet your expectations". Then again "you might find a group that is fun for awhile but doesn't meet your goals of enjoyable game play". Your goals may change, the environment may become hostile, whatever the case may be you want to set some goals.

Many pilots like to hang around because they just simply won't play the game without being part of a group. Then you have pilots on the other end of the spectrum that don't need to run with the bandwagon. They know exactly what to do, how to accomplish what they need to be an effective pilot in any situation on any map or game mode.

#256 Kitsune Kaji


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 07:27 AM

Firefly Mech. Regular, wolf's dragoon and a hero mech named serenity, with lots of ballistic hard points few energy....... But maybe that's just my suggestion.

#257 Khobai


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Posted 02 April 2017 - 09:30 PM


It could still be abused by people constantly creating new accounts.

so require students to be paid players in order to have mentors. then it cant be abused really.

players would have to spend at least $20 on the game before they could have a mentor. a mentor could have one student at a time. then each time the mentor drops with the student they get a 10% mentor cbill bonus and each time their student improves in matchmaking tier the mentor gets a one time MC bonus. And maybe have a unique mentor cockpit item or something once a student reaches a certain benchmark like tier 3.

Edited by Khobai, 02 April 2017 - 09:39 PM.

#258 Generic Internetter


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Posted 01 May 2017 - 04:50 AM

See here: https://mwomercs.com...mech-hireshare/

The ability to share mechs between between members of a unit would make a huge positive impact on the game, giving the tools for veterans to bring up new players into the fold.

It would make the unit 'political landscape' so much more meaningful, and help new players get into the game (AND SPEND MC, LOL).

#259 ENOVA


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Posted 22 April 2018 - 07:09 PM

View PostGeneric Internetter, on 01 May 2017 - 04:50 AM, said:

See here: https://mwomercs.com...mech-hireshare/

The ability to share mechs between between members

That should not be happen. Everybody can use cadet bonus and new accounts to grind money/mechs and transfer it

#260 ShooterMcGavin80


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Posted 29 July 2018 - 08:31 AM

Here's my idea for a mentorship program:

Tier 1 players can have an option to join lower tier quickplay as a 'captain'. That tier 1 player is identified as so in the lobby, so everybody knows who he/she is. Maximum 1 captain per team.

Captain is locked in as the company command, and has all the standard command features. It is the responsibility of the captain to, you know, be an excellent captain. Talk to the lower tier players, group them into lances based on their builds, tell them where to go on the map, call the game.

Then, at the end of the game, the lower tier players get a chance to provide feedback on the captain, 1-5 stars. The captain starts to develop a 'captain rating' based on this. If a mentor player gets consistently good ratings, that player can get significant MC and/or Cbill rewards.

I know there are a lot of guys out there that would enjoy the challenge of herding lower tier players and educating them about the game in a very informed and courteous way. Could be the best thing ever. Trolls could be banned from being captains after a sufficient # of 1 or 0 star ratings.

Also, for the love of god please introduce a whiteboard feature in the pre-game lobby. It should show the map with objectives and lance starting positions. Captains can sketch on it. One of my favorite old games, released in 19 freaking 97 (Myth The Fallen Lords), had this feature for team multiplayer and it was fantastic.

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