SI The Joker, on 16 October 2014 - 07:14 AM, said:
Pointless mechanic is pointless.
Chargeup is definitely pointless the way its implemented on gauss.
The purpose of the chargeup mechanic is for weapons with variable levels of charge. Think megamans arm cannon. Or in MWO the proper use of chargeup mechanic would be for PPC capacitors (if PGI ever adds them) because they have variable charge levels. Thats how you use chargeup in a beneficial intuitive way.
Gauss should not use the chargeup mechanic. Especially since Gauss is meant to be a sniping weapon and a sniping weapon that cant snapfire is self-defeating. Gauss should absolutely be able to snapfire and theres far better ways to balance Gauss than chargeup, like making it generate substantial heat. The fact it generates next to no heat is the whole reason its always been broken in battletech and MWO before it was nerfed.
PGI should not be adding frustration mechanics to their weapons anyway. Thats dumb. And it doesnt make the weapon require any extra skill anyway because people can just macro around it. And new players that dont know how to macro around it just get unnecessarily frustrated by it, and thats BAD for the game.
RACs/UACs suffer from the same problem. Spoolup time and RNG jamming also exist purely as a frustration mechanics. Theyre not used intuitively in a way that rewards players. RNG jamming is one of the worst offenders for a game mechanic that punishes players unfairly for no good reason.
The purpose of unique weapons mechanics is not to make weapons frustrating and punish the player. Its to make weapons unique and intuitive while rewarding the player for understanding the mechanics. PGI doesnt get it.
El Bandito, on 05 February 2019 - 08:19 AM, said:
Latency and server stability mess up with it too much to my liking. Exact 750ms macro on Gauss is too unreliable.
you dont have to make it exactly 750ms.
nobody can manually fire a gauss rifle every time at exactly 750ms anyway. so adding small delay depending on your latency isnt going to make you worse off than someone firing it manually.
Edited by Khobai, 05 February 2019 - 11:24 AM.