Posted 20 October 2014 - 07:16 PM
Aahhh, really wish I could buy into this. Also, reaaallly feel like I can't right now.
It's not the price. The price is good! Same as a full trip to the grocery store. That's kinda part of the problem.
It's not the content. I'd love to get my hands on all of that! It's great value for money! That's another part of the problem.
See, I already bought into the clan pack. I already paid in 120$ for content that's yet to start being delivered, and won't be fully delivered until December. Alright, I knew that when I bought in, But: I've already paid the price of two AAA video games for undelivered content, can I justify another 1 and 1/3 video game's worth on more undelivered content? It's not the expense, it's that it feels really stupid of me to just keep spending like that, especially on just the one game. Now add to this that this second pack, to me, is actually kinda better value for money than the clan pack- six faction content bits (possibly including their attendant colors) and the same number of 'mechs for 2/3rds the price? I think, if they'd been offered at the same time, it might've made more sense to go with only the IS pack and leave the Clan pack alone. Now I wouldn't ask for a refund as I consider that money gone and well spent, I remain quite pleased with the idea of what I've already bought, it's that the choice isn't one I had at the time, and I'm kicking myself for buying in early and not adopting a wait-and-see attitude. It's just a lesson not to purchase these packs so quickly in the future, lest I corner myself with more irresponsible spending. If I'd had the choice between them, I might've gone either way, but I'd already made that decision before I knew I was making it.
If this pack had gone on sale in late December, it is possible that I could've used the length of time between my spending the Clan sum and the initial delivery of that content (nov 4th), along with the successful completion of the delivery of clan content to justify paying in again, for content in the next year. But by offering them concurrently like this I really do feel locked into a "one or the other" mentality that's already locked me out of what's being offered here- and that's my fault, I was stupid and overeager and preordered way too early, I admit that's my mistake and I won't make it again, I will keep the possibility of concurrent packs in mind in the future to hopefully make more responsible entertainment decisions- I would just ask you give a little more forewarning in the future about when packs are planned to be offered and which preorder periods will be overlapping to make it easier to plan out my purchases in advance.
My apologies if this double-posts, I've gotten some very odd behavior on hitting "add reply" and had to navigate back to the page.