Alaric Hasek, on 22 October 2014 - 05:55 AM, said:

You probably have seen this already - I've had a number of Flanking rewards from LRM-fire, I suppose it just depends on which way the opponent is facing.
As for C-bills, I'm finding that I get pretty much the same as before, perhaps a bit more. I think I'm getting more because I tend to boat LRMs in Stormcrows, so before this change I was getting 1-2 kills and 6-9 assists a game. I figure I am getting 2-3 kills now because the brawlers and skirmishers are maybe not finishing off the enemy 'mechs as much? I think I need more games to be sure.
What I am noticing is that lances now tend to stick together - I see a lot of 'Lance in Formation' messages popping up.