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Patch Notes - 1.3.345 - 21-Oct-2014

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#341 Threat Doc


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:15 AM

View PostAlaric Hasek, on 22 October 2014 - 05:55 AM, said:

Kay - your message just happened to be last in the thread when I read it. I'm not calling you out on anything. :)

You probably have seen this already - I've had a number of Flanking rewards from LRM-fire, I suppose it just depends on which way the opponent is facing.

As for C-bills, I'm finding that I get pretty much the same as before, perhaps a bit more. I think I'm getting more because I tend to boat LRMs in Stormcrows, so before this change I was getting 1-2 kills and 6-9 assists a game. I figure I am getting 2-3 kills now because the brawlers and skirmishers are maybe not finishing off the enemy 'mechs as much? I think I need more games to be sure.

What I am noticing is that lances now tend to stick together - I see a lot of 'Lance in Formation' messages popping up.
I wouldn't exactly call hitting people from five-hundred meters away or more flanking, but I do appreciate the bonus, and I can see why PGI put it all under flanking. As for the rest... as I have taken some time to think about it, I am increasingly happy with what PGI have done; it makes sense, and the benefits are pretty great toward role and team play.

#342 Bront


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:16 AM

View PostNavid A1, on 21 October 2014 - 09:20 PM, said:

Cbill earnings took a big hit...a BIG hit.!... BIIIGGG.

Atlas-S is brutal... been running mine with 1AC20+2xSRM6+2xSRM4+2xERLL+2xML

And what engine? THat's either really hot, really slow, or both.

Edited by Bront, 22 October 2014 - 08:16 AM.

#343 Vilsen


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:23 AM

View PostEoRaptor, on 21 October 2014 - 10:46 AM, said:

I'm not sure what decision making process led to this conclusion, it seems totally unrelated to what people actually do after a match.

It should be

If a player is part of a group, return to the group window so the player can ready up.
If a player is playing solo, return to the mechlab main screen so they can choose another mech, or just hit play again.

It would also be nice if the social window wasn't modal, and instead was properly it's own tab at the top, so you could switch from social to mechlab and back with one click each way.

(And if you are editing a mech, the mechlab button should still be active, so I can return to the main mech screen after saving a mech without having to hit back 4 times)


Also, I hate the "Mech select" window. I never go there, always choose mech from the mechlab.

Otherwise, awesome patch, you keep making the game better. Hate the ghost heat for my LRM stalker, but I will adapt. Btw, is there a proper explanation for that somewhere? I understand most of it, but not exactly what happens with alphaing 2xLRM20 and 2xLRM5. Is it counting ghost heat for 4xLRM20?

What happens if I alpha 2xLRM20 and 1xLRM5?

#344 Sjorpha


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:25 AM

View PostShar Wolf, on 22 October 2014 - 07:42 AM, said:


The irony here is astounding

Since apparently you still have the comprehension of brain damaged roadkill let me make it clear for you.

I told you the last time we clashed that if you ever quoted me again I was reporting you for harassment.

And so I have.

Twice now.

But consider this.

I acknowledged his points.


Pugging SUCKS

You CANNOT rely on random strangers

And when you group with them

Your fate is in their hands


There is now and only ever was one cure for that

Get into the 12 man que

How many posts did he make

Continuing to do NOTHING BUT WHINE about how HE HAD TO CARRY

Despite having been told that

There comes a point where

Like talking with you

Being polite gets the conversation nowhere

You can

After all

Only spend so much time bashing your head

Against a brick wall

Before giving yourself brain damage

Yourself being a PRIME example of the end result of that

So to end this

Keep quoting me

And I will keep reporting you

Find me the mockery there

There I use a term - but you will notice, of all the posts that got modded - that one got left?

You should have all the clues you need now

If you only had the required materials to put it together

Obviously problems with playing solo cannot be solved by joining a group, since they are separate ways of playing for separate occassions. Wanting them both to work well is perfectly reasonable, there is no reason you could not make both rewarding, fun and with proper team communication tools. Also both your formatting and tone gives a very bad impression, this is not a way to deserve respect so don't be surprised by any lack of such in the future because that will be on your own account 100%. (I'm was tempted to go there, but I'm not)

If you run into 1 *******, it's bad luck. If you run into ******** all day long, you are the *******.

#345 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:29 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 22 October 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:

Obviously problems with playing solo cannot be solved by joining a group, since they are separate ways of playing for separate occassions. Wanting them both to work well is perfectly reasonable, there is no reason you could not make both rewarding, fun and with proper team communication tools. Also both your formatting and tone gives a very bad impression, this is not a way to deserve respect so don't be surprised by any lack of such in the future because that will be on your own account 100%. (I'm was tempted to go there, but I'm not)

If you run into 1 *******, it's bad luck. If you run into ******** all day long, you are the *******.

I have plenty of fun playing the solo que

There are bad players there - but on the other hand, playing the group que you run the risk of HoL

Or similarly uber-competitive groups.

There are upsides and downsides to both

Big point being though - if bad pug players are your big problem

There is ONLY one cure for that

Take yourself out of the pug que

Because guess what!

There is nothing PGI can do to cure idiots

#346 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:32 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 22 October 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:

Also both your formatting and tone gives a very bad impression,

It is known as having a brain that runs faster than I can type.

And being tired of dealing with trolls

(thank you for at least TRYING to be helpful though)

You think it gives a bad impression

So does being judgmental

I will (and HAVE) admit to being judgmental

But only after someone has ignored solutions

(IE don't like PuGing? step out of the PuG que)

Or mocked others for having other opinions

Or active and repeated hypocrisy

(See Kay there)

You on the other hand

Are being judgmental just because of how I am FORMATTING

And the fact that I edit my posts

What a WONDERFUL example of kindness and understanding you are!

Takes all the meaning out of your ATTEMPTED kindness

And replaces it with the same TROLLishness you have accused me of

Edited by Shar Wolf, 22 October 2014 - 08:35 AM.

#347 Stingray Productions


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:36 AM

View Postcosti, on 22 October 2014 - 07:32 AM, said:

I'm one of the under-average players and for me the earnings have dropped significantly, to the point that I don't feel like playing anymore, not with the huge price tags on everything.

One of two things must change IMHO (or both partially):
1. baseline rewards go up
2. prices go down

Otherwise the grind is too long to bother.

I definitely want rewards to go up, I agree with you completely! :)

#348 Navid A1


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:44 AM

View PostBront, on 22 October 2014 - 08:16 AM, said:

And what engine? THat's either really hot, really slow, or both.

Here you go...
notice this:
you wont fire srms on 270+ range
and you wont fire erLLs when <270m range

and you always have 40% cooling (with 2x basics of course)

dont let smurfy deceive you... it assumes you just alpha everything nonstop.

Edited by Navid A1, 22 October 2014 - 08:54 AM.

#349 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:46 AM

Meanwhile, back on topic with the OP...

Great Job PGI!

Now that the depth and breath of possible rewards have been so richly augmented, you can refine the actual point and c-bill value to better approximate / reward the manner of combat that will drive cooperative and synergistic "Combined Arms" (Scout, Brawler and LRM Boat) combat.

I am truly impressed!

#350 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:48 AM

View PostNavid A1, on 22 October 2014 - 08:44 AM, said:

dont let smurfy deceive you... it assumes you just alpha everything nonstop.

You can adjust what weapons you are firing in the weaponlab
Also how fast you are firing them ;)

#351 Navid A1


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:49 AM

View PostShar Wolf, on 22 October 2014 - 08:48 AM, said:

You can adjust what weapons you are firing in the weaponlab
Also how fast you are firing them ;)

That is where i came up with 40% cooling ^_^

#352 spectralthundr


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:50 AM

View PostShar Wolf, on 22 October 2014 - 08:32 AM, said:

It is known as having a brain that runs faster than I can type.

And being tired of dealing with trolls

(thank you for at least TRYING to be helpful though)

You think it gives a bad impression

So does being judgmental

I will (and HAVE) admit to being judgmental

But only after someone has ignored solutions

(IE don't like PuGing? step out of the PuG que)

Or mocked others for having other opinions

Or active and repeated hypocrisy

(See Kay there)

You on the other hand

Are being judgmental just because of how I am FORMATTING

And the fact that I edit my posts

What a WONDERFUL example of kindness and understanding you are!

Takes all the meaning out of your ATTEMPTED kindness

And replaces it with the same TROLLishness you have accused me of

Most people can write in proper sentence and paragraph structure, you appear to also be able to so so, unless you're attempting to be snarky then it devolves into what ever the hell this garbage is. If you can't have a discussion with people, even those you may not agree with, without coming off as a total douchebag, perhaps the problem is you, not everyone else.

#353 Uncle Totty


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:54 AM

Sorry for being so blunt but...


**** YOUR "FIX"! :angry:

Never mind, I got this...


...to work. <_<

(And into the 1,100+ DAMAGE Club. Wow. :huh:)

Edited by Nathan K, 22 October 2014 - 10:18 AM.

#354 Iyica de Tylmarande


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:00 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 22 October 2014 - 07:20 AM, said:

The problem with this type of thinking is that it isn't possible for most players to be above average. There is always a median between the best and the worst performers, that's what average means, it's a relative term not a description of absolute performance. For an individual player it is possible to train and become one of the best, but to say that the solution for below average players getting a bad experience is that they all "git gud" is like saying the solution to poverty is to "get rich".

As a very simple example the average K/D ratio of the player base is exactly 1, because there is exactly as many people being killed as killing someone. (And if the average is above 1, that is because underperforming players has given up and left, so that would be a very bad sign.) For every match you make 4 kills while surviving there is neccessarily at least 4 people with 0 kills, because there is less than 1 kill per player per match to get. (24/(24-average # of survivors) and if 1+ kills is YOUR average performance, and the reward system favors that type of performance, it is easy to see how this affects other players.

If everyone was as good as yourself you would average less than 1 kill per match, your excellence is a function of other players mediocrity and vice versa.

Now it is certainly reasonable that the good get more rewards than the bad, but the question, just like in society, is how big this difference should be to encourage the good without causing the bad to give up and drop out.
Except its not kill based. I've got games with 4-5 kills but really I was just the guy that 1 shot the already crippled enemy. Came out with something like 80k C-bills only. On another game where I had 0 kills I managed to rack up 200k C-bills. The new system TREMENDOUSLY rewards you for simply staying with your group since all the proximity/defence/saviour stuff REALLY adds up.

Also I think the MWO player base is too spoilt and have crazy ideas of what constitutes grind. Getting enough IP to buy a champion in League of Legends is a grind. Missioning in Eve Online is a grind. Leveling in your average fantasy RPG is a grind. Earning enough c-bills in MWO to buy a new mech (assuming the new mech isn't a Direwolf) is by comparison quite easy and fast.

Edited by Iyica de Tylmarande, 22 October 2014 - 09:01 AM.

#355 Senor Cataclysmo


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:00 AM

oh maaaan. Im going to have to wait 'til late december before I can check out my new Centurion (unfortunately I can only play when Im at home & have access to my sister's gaming PC, my poor old laptop cant run it). I dunno how Im going to survive the wait!

The new rewards look excellent, I really hope they encourage more fluffy playing as intended. Well done PGI, bravo.

Edited by Senor Cataclysmo, 22 October 2014 - 09:01 AM.

#356 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:09 AM

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 October 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:

I can be just as hypocritical as I am accusing you of!


And just as creative!!! as Kay!!!

Many people are willing to actually LISTEN when I do so

None of the 3 people I have talked to in this topic lately have shown any inclination to do so

So why bother?

Try taking a look at your own posts

You qualify for that douchebag comment just as much as I do

After all - even by your own words there are non-douchy ways to do it

And yet you have shown no more inclination to use them than you have accused me of

"Those who live in glass houses" and all that

You will notice though

I have not been the one claiming moral superiority

I have admitted that I have been less than decent here

To bad you cannot claim the same

#357 Bront


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:27 AM

View PostLeigus, on 22 October 2014 - 07:19 AM, said:

The "Lance Formation" reward seems to be a bit lackluster, though. Firstly, because a coordinated lance which stays together for the entire duration of a 7min match earns a net amount of *drumroll*... 1680Cb. I feel like a feat like that should be worth at least 10,000Cb (which my monkey math suggests a value of 350Cb/15 seconds) but I suppose a reason for keeping the current values would be to mitigate PUB rage. If it doesn't make much money, it's not that big a deal.
Keep in mind, lance formation only applies while someone is taking or giving fire.

#358 Bront


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:34 AM

View PostNavid A1, on 22 October 2014 - 08:44 AM, said:

Here you go...
notice this:
you wont fire srms on 270+ range
and you wont fire erLLs when <270m range

and you always have 40% cooling (with 2x basics of course)

dont let smurfy deceive you... it assumes you just alpha everything nonstop.

Ahh, no AMS either. That frees up a bit of weight and space for the Endo.

#359 M A S E


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:40 AM

This all sounds great, except for the fact we only make have as much C-Bills now. It's just like abck in beta, when we made next to nothing.

If you have a habit of using consumables, you will lose alot more money than you gain.

Lets get some more stuff in there

Airstrike Component Destruction and stackable
Airstrike Kills and stackable

Same with Artillery Strike

Kill after using coolant within 5 seconds

If you are gonna split up the C-Bills into a bunch of rewards in order to earn money... we are gonna need ALOT more. But this is a great step in the right direction.

#360 Boyka


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:41 AM

View PostAsmosis, on 22 October 2014 - 12:22 AM, said:

where can we find the info on Lrm-5 heat scale? Perhaps this heat scale information needs to be worked into the UI now as extra text for the yellow !!! pop-ups in mech lab (so as not to clutter other stuff) so that rather than just saying you'll generate more heat, it says how much more heat you'll generate if all XX weapons are fired together.

Here you go: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/equipment

Scroll down until you see "Heat Penalties per weapon".

Now we can fire 2 CLRM20 (40 missiles) for 12 heat points and 4 CLRM5 (20 missiles) for 9.86.. nosense

Edited by Boyka, 22 October 2014 - 10:42 AM.

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