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What The Heck Is With The Fixed Jumpjets All Of A Sudden?

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#141 Avarice1of2


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Posted 25 October 2014 - 05:59 PM

View PostTitanTwo, on 25 October 2014 - 05:45 PM, said:

Ps tiger and Sherman are at 2 different tiers and class so let's put it like this if war gaming was doing it they would look at every heavy mech and go ok the T wolf is at a let's say 78% win rate and the rest around 58% they would do a nerf to the T wolf and then buff the lowest performer that's what PGI has done here they made a change to a mech that out classed every other heavy and so assault mechs if you can't see that then I'm sorry but there are more of us out there that would like to see this game become great and not run by the whine 15 year Olds with mommies credit card

It is being run by the whiners, who can not beat anything. Also it is canon that the timber wolf was a beast, what brought it into line are weapons that PGI has not put into the game yet. But to try and balance IS so that they can fight the Clans PGI is giving the IS mechs a BUFF system. SO in two weeks the IS mechs get boosted big time, so why are we doing this kinda of forced nerf before we have data on the BUFFs. Also the Timber wolf is suppose to have 27.5 tons of usable pod space the TBR-S is now out of line with the other Timberwolves and is more like having a 75 ton summoner. In terms of usable pod space to weight the Summoner is more efficient then the TBR-S now. Also just because a mech is in the same weight class does not mean they are equal. A 40 tier 3 brawler is not = to a 50 ton tier 4 brawler. Also I am not saying the Tbr does not need balancing I am just saying there are better and more efficient ways to do it. Also stop calling me a 15 year old whiner. I have my own money, I had a job tell a work place accident that put me on social security. Also as I said watch this video and see why people complain. also as a customer I have a right to get my money's worth.

#142 Gunboat2305


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Posted 25 October 2014 - 06:20 PM

Well they saw that the s pods were being over used and made a change when I next take a look at my clan mechs I'm going to work wi th what I have I would love to give my thunderbolt with AC 5 and 2 in the arm JJ just because 1 of them dose but I can't so now with the T wolf if I have to have jj is s CT I will work with what I have I think everyone would have given you all more respect if you had asked to have the D mods or the D to run your cannon builds if any thing blame the meta players that break any and every thing for us and not PGI LL nerf, ppc nerf, AC nerf, gauss nerf, Victor movement nerf which made my brawl builds bad all due to copy and paste Meta players.

#143 Avarice1of2


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Posted 25 October 2014 - 06:53 PM

Its the meta the screwed over my work horse tbr builds, but it the C with the S sides got it the worse, so my sniper/lrm/infighter loses its uac2s. Idk how to rebuild it, all I have to say is why can pgi not give us back convergence so that people will stop chasing meta, and that the game can reach a balance instead of a constant sequence of nerfs.

#144 Avarice1of2


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 08:30 AM

All I want is for pgi to be more creative on their nerfs and maybe more canon minded.

#145 WonderSparks


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 09:41 AM

Personally, because I am by no means a meta-player, the fixed JJs have not actually affected me; frankly I was using all of the JJs I was allowed to on these Clan 'Mechs anyways, all it did was screw up my builds when they made the fix (and subsequently doubled the number of JJs and caused critical slot errors, well done PGI :rolleyes: ) but that was easily fixed and I have survived. B)
I still think it was not quite the right course of action, but as if there is anything I can do about it. :P

Also, I still think we could use some additional OmniPods (like the Timber Wolf D side torsos for those who want the missiles without the jets, among others like the Mad Dog C right arm, for those that want to run a canon variant) just to make things more interesting. :)

#146 Gunboat2305


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 01:20 PM

Lol you all cry that pgi needs to be more canon but when they do you cry foul but look at this

OmniMechs are not fully modular. An OmniMech's structural components (its engine, internal structure, armor and any equipment installed on the base chassis of OmniMech) are "hard-wired" and cannot be modified 

so they nerfed your T wolf with canon and you cry

#147 Avarice1of2


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 01:40 PM

But the Jumpjets on the S are not suppose to be hardwired, because it is not the BASE CHASSIS, if the TBR-S was the PRIME it would be different

#148 Gunboat2305


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 02:05 PM

No where I have read said it's only prime I see base mech so I would say that a full s mod t wolf's st would have locked in jj you put that on a c and you get 2 locked in jj makes sense to me that pgi did this

#149 Avarice1of2


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 05:52 PM

I just spoke to two people with over 15 years of battletech experience, The PRIME is the base mech. Unlike IS mechs Clan mechs do not have varients with locked hard points or equipment, unless it was the equiptment on the original mech, aka the PRIME.

Edited by Avarice1of2, 26 October 2014 - 05:53 PM.

#150 MrBlonde42


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 06:26 PM

View PostJames Griffin, on 21 October 2014 - 08:32 PM, said:

Jump jets are never or rarely are hard mounted so far as I know regardless of configuration. I don't even really play clans and I'm calling shenanigans here. Well my only real grievance with clan tech is also one of my favourite 'mechs in that I'd like to see fewer ac and gauss boat daishis, we don't need gausszillas thanks.

On top of that, they have always been mountable as omni pods without special requirements for them. This is true in both the game rules, and in the fictional canon such as when Aiden Pryde mounted jump jets on his Mad Cat in the Legend of the Jade Phoenix trilogy.
I smell a Hero Timber Wolf in the wings.

View PostWhoopieMonster, on 22 October 2014 - 02:47 AM, said:

I'm fairly sure in PGIs disclaimer they reserve the right to modify mechs, paid for or otherwise. Which you agree to when handing over cash/cbills/playing their game.

Well, Yes, BUT, there are three timber wolf configurations they could have given the player base besides the S config. Hindsight is 20/20, but to make this right I think PGI needs to add the TBR-D config for the people that want to run 2x missiles per ST without JJs. I hadn't realized the KFX had stock build(s) that were broken, so add those configs into the game as well.

#151 Avarice1of2


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 06:45 PM

Well MR Blonda what about those of use who want quad lrm 5 and twin uac2

#152 Ironwithin


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 07:46 PM

View PostAvarice1of2, on 26 October 2014 - 06:45 PM, said:

Well MR Blonda what about those of use who want quad lrm 5 and twin uac2

Where's the problem with that ? You'd even have 1 slot left over.

#153 Avarice1of2


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 07:48 PM

because of the forced jump jets rightnow I have no room for uac2 ammo, I used to have 5 er mediums, 2 uac2, 4 lrm 4, 2.5 tons lrm ammo, 2 tons uac2 ammo, and 2 JJ's. Now because somehow a variant is considered a base I lost ammo and have 2 too many jjs.

#154 Ironwithin


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 08:04 PM

View PostAvarice1of2, on 26 October 2014 - 07:48 PM, said:

because of the forced jump jets rightnow I have no room for uac2 ammo, I used to have 5 er mediums, 2 uac2, 4 lrm 4, 2.5 tons lrm ammo, 2 tons uac2 ammo, and 2 JJ's. Now because somehow a variant is considered a base I lost ammo and have 2 too many jjs.

You're right, that loadout is now completely impossible.

Unless of course you meant full JJs, full armor and full weapons. How DARE they make you make a dicision like that ... so unfair !

#155 Naduk


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 08:09 PM

View PostCaustic Canid, on 22 October 2014 - 02:10 PM, said:

Why does PGI have to nerf anything in the first place? Why couldn't they make everything else better so that no one had to lose anything?

Oh right, cause that would be more work, and this is PGI we're talking about.

"Hello sir or madam, this is Car Company X. Remember that neat sports car you purchased from us several months back? The one with 600 horsepower and a sport suspension? Well, people who bought different models have been complaining that your car is just too fast. Also since were making NEW models, and want people to buy them, we've taken the liberty of breaking into your garage and removing a piston or two from your engine, as well as equipping mattress springs. It should produce around 400 horsepower now and handle like a shopping cart. You should of course be happy, because that's still a VERY fast car. Since we put up a notice about it on the outside of our dealership (a place which you rarely go), as well as have a line about modifying it without your permission buried somewhere in the contract you signed to get the car, you and anyone else who purchased it have no right to complain about anything. Ever. OH and by the way! Come check out our NEW model of sports car! IT COMES WITH 600 HORSEPOWER AND A SPORT SUSPENSION!"

your analogy is null
perfecting PvP balance is not about the average joe who bought a muscle car who must have it de-tuned because its unfair to hit 150kph in 3 seconds when soccer moms cant in their van

PvP is balanced at a higher tier where data reigns supreme
the competition has its rules and those rules do not bend or break
those rules are put in place because with out them the game will not match the intended vision of the developer (cutting corners in racing for eg) and with out them it just becomes a matter of who can throw the most $ at their tech, parts, support or manpower
the rules of any PvP game are measured at a competitive level

have a look at the rules for Formula 1 racing

there is a rule for every millimeter of the cars being driven
this brings the game back to a skill vs skill of each of the drivers
if it were not for these rules it would be
bugatti veyron vs Volkswagen Golf
and that would not be very interesting to watch or take part in

not literally those cars but at the end of the season it might as well have been what first and last place were driving respectively if all the limiters in F1 were removed
racing as a sport would die because nobody would be interested in seeing the same top 3 teams duke it out just because they have the most money (not that is that far off that now)

the timber wolf has been nerfed because it was simply way to powerful in every way shape and form
if you compare it to its own variants, the S beats the other 2 chassis, you dont even need hard data to prove that
loading into any match before the last 2 patches and every timby was a S variant

compare the timberwolf to other clan mechs in the heavy weight class
it is leagues beyond any other machine in or out of the game
given that it is only 5 tons heavier than its summoner brother, it makes little sense as to why it can perform its own duties as a gun bag as well as the mobility and harassment duties of the summoner better than it can for that matter

compared to the clan assaults it is nearly twice the mobility, equal or better firepower than anything the clans can field
and has comparable armour (especially is mobility is taken into account) yet it is 35 tons lighter than their biggest unit
inclusion of jumpjets puts to shame anything heavier than it

a max speed of 89kph with zero loss of weaponry makes it impossible to escape from that is an instant death sentence to anything in the medium or light categories that cannot out run it
even at the maximum speed in the game (170kph) running away from a timberwolf is easier said than done as its speed allows it to maintain visual on target for as long as possible making it easy to bring its average effective range of 1000m into play
(lets see you out run laser buddy)

as you can see it is vastly superior to anything else even the clans can bring to the table
then you begin to compare it to Inner Sphere mechs and the picture takes a dramatic turn for the worse

weapon benefits include but are not limited to, lighter weight, double range, faster lockons, better crits, more damage
add to this the superior XL engine where losing half your mech is nothing to worry about instead of the IS instant death scenario and you have real problems

play all of this back into the rules laid out for Formula 1
you bring a car than its faster, lighter, stronger, better than everything else in its field by massive factors
you wont even get onto the grid let alone into a race, you will be sent back to the shop until you match the regulatory specs

this is how PvP is balanced
if something is showing its self as the clear and obvious go to choice to win (regardless of how you get it)
then it gets nerfed
if something never gets played at all or is deemed useless by the masses, then it gets buffed (like machine guns)

#156 Avarice1of2


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 08:45 PM

You decide to chew me out without even reading all my post, if you would of read them all you would of seen I am for a nerf to the clan mechs but not by locking Jump Jets. If it has to be by jump jets wait tell the buff system is released in about 12 days time. I had said that PGI should go the route of making it so if you have a clan xl engine and you lose a side torso your mech should lose 5 percent its top speed, and 20 percent of its engines heatsinks. If said mech does not have the original side torso it should lose an additional 5 percent of its top speed and 5 percent of its heatsinks. But before it is nerfed please collect the data on the IS buffs, and the wave 2 clan mechs. Also to the one who rebuilt my TBR its a TBR-C with S side torso's not a TBR-S, my TBR-S is still a close range urban brawler, as it was meant to be. My TBR-s mounts 4 medium pulse, 2 srm6+2srm4+artemis, and 2 machine guns.

Edited by Avarice1of2, 26 October 2014 - 09:13 PM.

#157 ollo


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 06:19 AM

View PostEvilCow, on 22 October 2014 - 04:03 AM, said:

I want a pony.

I like turtles.

#158 Caustic Canid


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Posted 28 October 2014 - 12:15 AM

View PostNaduk, on 26 October 2014 - 08:09 PM, said:

your analogy is null
perfecting PvP balance is not about the average joe who bought a muscle car who must have it de-tuned because its unfair to hit 150kph in 3 seconds when soccer moms cant in their van

PvP is balanced at a higher tier where data reigns supreme
the competition has its rules and those rules do not bend or break
those rules are put in place because with out them the game will not match the intended vision of the developer (cutting corners in racing for eg) and with out them it just becomes a matter of who can throw the most $ at their tech, parts, support or manpower
the rules of any PvP game are measured at a competitive level

have a look at the rules for Formula 1 racing

there is a rule for every millimeter of the cars being driven
this brings the game back to a skill vs skill of each of the drivers
if it were not for these rules it would be
bugatti veyron vs Volkswagen Golf
and that would not be very interesting to watch or take part in

not literally those cars but at the end of the season it might as well have been what first and last place were driving respectively if all the limiters in F1 were removed
racing as a sport would die because nobody would be interested in seeing the same top 3 teams duke it out just because they have the most money (not that is that far off that now)

the timber wolf has been nerfed because it was simply way to powerful in every way shape and form
if you compare it to its own variants, the S beats the other 2 chassis, you dont even need hard data to prove that
loading into any match before the last 2 patches and every timby was a S variant

compare the timberwolf to other clan mechs in the heavy weight class
it is leagues beyond any other machine in or out of the game
given that it is only 5 tons heavier than its summoner brother, it makes little sense as to why it can perform its own duties as a gun bag as well as the mobility and harassment duties of the summoner better than it can for that matter

compared to the clan assaults it is nearly twice the mobility, equal or better firepower than anything the clans can field
and has comparable armour (especially is mobility is taken into account) yet it is 35 tons lighter than their biggest unit
inclusion of jumpjets puts to shame anything heavier than it

a max speed of 89kph with zero loss of weaponry makes it impossible to escape from that is an instant death sentence to anything in the medium or light categories that cannot out run it
even at the maximum speed in the game (170kph) running away from a timberwolf is easier said than done as its speed allows it to maintain visual on target for as long as possible making it easy to bring its average effective range of 1000m into play
(lets see you out run laser buddy)

as you can see it is vastly superior to anything else even the clans can bring to the table
then you begin to compare it to Inner Sphere mechs and the picture takes a dramatic turn for the worse

weapon benefits include but are not limited to, lighter weight, double range, faster lockons, better crits, more damage
add to this the superior XL engine where losing half your mech is nothing to worry about instead of the IS instant death scenario and you have real problems

play all of this back into the rules laid out for Formula 1
you bring a car than its faster, lighter, stronger, better than everything else in its field by massive factors
you wont even get onto the grid let alone into a race, you will be sent back to the shop until you match the regulatory specs

this is how PvP is balanced
if something is showing its self as the clear and obvious go to choice to win (regardless of how you get it)
then it gets nerfed
if something never gets played at all or is deemed useless by the masses, then it gets buffed (like machine guns)

you automatically jump to f1 and forget about Pikes Peak, group B or any of the long distance slogs like the Dakar Rally. Also, were talking about an online videogame, as opposed to the most over-regulated, boring (next to nascar) motorsport on the planet. If we're going by those standards, we should only have one mech chassis, that cannot be customized equipped with only lasers.

Are we talking about PVP in general, or battletech specific? Because I think all of the people calling for clan nerfs are forgetting that the clans are SUPPOSED to be OP. That's the whole point. They are the bad guys that the inner sphere (good guys) are supposed to overcome.

I guess I missed the part in the books/lore where the inner sphere pilots cried to the creators who eventually just nerfed the crap out of the clans so the IS could coast to an easy victory.

But since PGI failed at the simple task of figuring out how to have IS vs Clan matches (12 v 10), now the clans have to be "brought into line" with the IS.

But honestly, my main complaint about the nerf is that the S variant is even IN the game. It's an oddball outlier, almost never used in the BT universe, that now makes up 30% of ALL TIMBERWOLVES. I just want PGI to put the D variant into the game so I can run the mech I actually wanted in the first place.

#159 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 28 October 2014 - 01:51 AM

View PostNaduk, on 26 October 2014 - 08:09 PM, said:

there is a rule for every millimeter of the cars being driven
this brings the game back to a skill vs skill of each of the drivers
if it were not for these rules it would be
bugatti veyron vs Volkswagen Golf
and that would not be very interesting to watch or take part in

Yea.. aparently the poor Veyron owner doesnt have a chance and would be crying because he wasted so much money

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 28 October 2014 - 01:51 AM.

#160 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 28 October 2014 - 03:06 AM

View PostCaustic Canid, on 21 October 2014 - 09:12 PM, said:

Honestly, I'm pissed about this because i just wanted to run my CANNON Timberwolf D, but i guess that was too much to ask. Instead we got this "S variant" bullshit, that i had to make a workaround for in the first place.

is there ANYTHING pgi cant **** up?

i think im done spending money on this game

You couldn't built the CANON Timberwolf D in MWO anyway, because there are no rear-firing weapons here.

While I understand the reason of the change itself I don't think it was a good idea. Plus any change that invalidates a stock loadout (like ghost heat did before) doesn't make the people in charge look pretty smart.

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