White Bear 84, on 26 October 2014 - 05:54 PM, said:
An interesting post with good intentions I do believe - but what happens in those rather ridiculous situations where an over zealous player walks right in front of you just as you are firing? There are those situations where the team damage is not the fault of the player doing the damage - it seems counter to penalise players for the actions of others....
This is why there is a 30 damage threshold before you're penalized. Like a buffer zone for those kind of things.
The intent is that you want to keep team damage as low as you can, and this path gives you the chance to do just that, and for when accidents that are unavoidable there is some leeway. But if you have already dealt 30 damage, and you bonk someone that ran in front of you. You then get penalized for the damage you already did to your team.
Remember that this penalty is only limited to XP. There is no CBill penalty. I do not think we need nerfs in that regard. However, if you keep a clean slate on team damage, you can be rewarded 2,500 cbills and 100xp. (or which ever is reasonable in PGI's mind)
Satan n stuff, on 26 October 2014 - 03:16 AM, said:
Looks good so far, but how about collision damage? You can't always avoid people running into you and sometimes friendlies happen to be in your way but stopping or going around isn't an option, like when you're backing away from the enemy and there's someone right behind you, if you stop you die but if you don't you deal team damage.
As long as collision damage isn't penalized I'm okay with it.
No, I don't think collision damage should be penalized. It's so minimal. The only people I see that would complain would be light mechs who don't look where they are going, or are careless about it. The mechs they bump into complain (see it in a few games) but it only amounts to 1 - 2 damage I think. Something the light mech should obviously care more about.
SuckyJack, on 26 October 2014 - 05:13 AM, said:
Thought I posted this here but instead it was dropped in another thread on the same subject. So don't mind the repost as it is relevant to the topic but not every sentence applies here.
As I noted in the OP. The reticle will already change to a Blue X(I.S. UI), or a Red X (Clan UI). Do you think a cancel sign would be more effective? I actually never noticed it in Planetside 2.
As I've mentioned many times before, the 30 damage threshold before your penalized acts as a buffer for you for when people accidentally or intentionally cross your line of fire. Sometimes it is unavoidable, and that is there to protect you from things like that. I don't see grieving in this regard a real issue because, if I dare say it, since the penalty is so low you could theoretically continue to shoot through the person who stood in your way and still get away with it with less than 100 damage penalty (depending on their armor). I know some people might get the mentality "Hey! It's penalized, so I can get off the hook and not worry about getting killed.", but since the penalty is so low, I'm guessing people will still think twice about getting in the way of those who don't mind sacrificing a small amount of experience.
You make a good point that a reticle change for team damage can prevent a serious amount of damage to a team member in the event someone loses a blue dorrito. I originally had that in my OP actually, but later removed it because I rambled about it. Glad we think alike
As others have mentioned, a jarring "
EHH" sound (like when trying to fire streaks without a lock), a 'tic' per point of damage, or some kind of audible event can help as well. Most people are focusing on the mech their aiming at and not their reticles. I know I don't look at my reticle, I just "know" where it is and I see past it, so sometimes a HUD change doesn't always do the trick.
But I think in terms of team damage, and how serious it can be (such as creating a small scale civil war on a team), a HUD and sound effect combination further drives the "STOP THAT! BAD!" point home.
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 26 October 2014 - 07:38 PM.