BattleMech #16: Ninjamech
The assault lance stomped wearily through the dust, their torsos swinging slightly as they scanned the surrounding terrain. They had been on their search and destroy mission for a long time now, tracking down 16 enemy mechs which had been dropped in an even spread across a wide area.
The last mech had been located exactly where they expected it, following the pattern that all the others had so far. "Ok guys," came the lance commander's voice over the comm unit "the last enemy was at grid reference 07/18, which means that this next one should have been at 07/31. We passed that area already with no sign of a contact. This is the last one, and I have a feeling it won't be as simple as all the others."
The lance commander was having serious misgivings about the situation now. He knew it was only a single mech they were looking for, but he couldn't stop the creeping feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. "We'll make a full stop here and do a full active scan of the area" he ordered.
As the huge war machines came to a halt they formed a rough circle looking out in all directions, straining their scanners and radar systems at full capacity for any sign of the enemy.
In the stillness there was no sign of any movement other than a few local birds, and no sound but the faint rustling of jimmies in the gentle breeze.

"There's nothing here. It must have moved on to location 08/07 for some reason, so let's start up and move out" ordered the lance commander.
As the great machines began to move, however, it became apparent that the worst had happened. The movement caused the top section of each mech to start sliding diagonally, and they realised that in true anime style they had been sliced in half from shoulder to hip by an unseen opponent.
The lance commander only had a few seconds to reflect that there was only one type of mech which could have done this; the universally feared NinjaMech. Considered a legend by most mechwarriors, nobody had ever survived meeting one to tell the tale. Their ranged weaponry combination of CTD launchers and Lagcannons were fearsome enough, but the most deadly feature was the oversized Nerfkatana melee weapon.
As his cockpit fell towards the ground and he found that his eject lever had been jammed by a mysterious shuriken, the lance commander's last thought was "OMGHAXX!11!!!11!!"