Bront, on 29 October 2014 - 10:21 AM, said:
[/list]Why is that not viable? Spiders used to go that fast without an issue.
Want to go as fast as you can? You have to give up 4 JJs. Simple. That still leaves you with 8. Or you could split the difference and mount 10 and a slightly larger engine.
Then switch to the 5D and equip ECM. If you aren't taking all the JJs, switch to a different variant. As I said before.
Meanwhile, 2 MPLs are the most DPS you can do in the 5V, and you now get a durration reduction (more DPS per shot), head reduction (can simply keep firing) a cooldown reduction (fires faster, more DPS) and heat gen reduction (counters the extra heat from everything else). that's over a 25% boost to DPS with no downside, while your MPLs have a range longer than standard MLs by default. Throw in the cooldown and range modules, and it's actually pretty scary as is with the build you posted,.
Duration reduction by itself accounts for 5.3% of your total DPS with a medium pulse laser. This is pathetic for a T5 quirk, which typically grant a 33% increase in DPS.
Heat reduction is worthless when you never approach maximum heat. That's a 0% boost in DPS.
Range modules benefit Medium Lasers more than Medium Pulse. ML+module has longer range than MPL+quirk+module.
So, no, these quirks don't do enough.
This is the worst mech in the game, and its quirks are significantly worse than much better mechs.