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November Roadmap - Feedback

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#261 kilgor


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 04:18 PM

I tend to be the ECM 'Mech in a pug matches and run BAP/AP in most of the 30+ non ECM 'Mechs I own. The main thing I would have liked when running BAP is the same 180m range that ECM has for a counter. As for when running an ECM 'Mech with BAP, I still feel BAP should still counter an ECM, but make it so ECM counter does nothing instead of ECM counter mode being required to counter, because you pay for the 1.5 tons for BAP in cost, space, and tonnage and in a lot of cases don't utilize the other features of BAP.

What I would rather see is ECM do what Radar Depravation does within its area of effect. 'Mechs in LoS would still be targetable, but no targeting info displayed. Also make the ECM 'Mech show up similarly to how a 'Mech does on seismic. Lastly, make it so ECM can be turned on and off and while it's on, weapon heat generation is increased by 10%.TAG range would also get reduced as a result.

#262 Defender Rococo Rockfowl


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 05:07 PM

HAPPY! Thank you PGI for all the updates but especially for giving PPCs back some of their speed :) :) :)

#263 Daehoth


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 07:10 PM

Month A: Reduce PPC velocity....Month D: increase PPC velocity.....Month G: reduce PPC velocity.....

Rollover to another year..... Month B(in new year): hey guess what...."we're increasing PPC velocity again... Surprise!"

either you guys are overbalancing...or simply don't know how to balance...or maybe, just too fickle minded to make up your minds... I really don't know what it is..... but no one should be happy about this...

Cuz....you're just gonna take the increased velocity away again in a couple of months......
You devs are like shopaholic crazed girls who can't make up your minds on which coloured shoes to buy. Don't you realise that this constant see-saw is simply not healthy for long term player sanity?

Imagine community warfare....my impression is that that would mean a persistent universe. So imagine if the devs minds are still not made up by then.... in the first year of community warfare......universally, all ppc manufacturers announce....sorry pilots...but due to an interesting statistic that we've just found, all your ppc's now fire at a much slower velocity. thank you..... months down the road....the Association of PPC Velocity tells manufacturers...hey guys....we just realised we made a calculation error...you may now tell everyone that PPCS are lightning fast again....

"All pilots may now use high velocity PPCs in battle once again...pilots feel free to shred all opposition because we have managed to magically increase the velocity of all PPCS on IS and clan mechs throughout the mechwarrior universe once more. You may rejoice heartily!"

If you want me to stop being sceptical and cynical about this.....MAKE UP YOUR MINDS ONCE AND FOR ALL.....for goodness sakes....it's getting tiresome.

Edited by Daehoth, 02 November 2014 - 07:29 PM.

#264 SaltBeef


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 09:02 PM

Nothing in there about Clan mech quirks. :o

#265 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 02 November 2014 - 09:26 PM

i have a PPC idea?
increase PPC's back to 1200-1300,
but also give us the Blue Shield Particle Field Damper,
which reduces PPC damage by half,
that could work right?

#266 Jadonyx


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:31 AM

AWS gets decent boost this month. As Awesome pilot, I'm interested - when will be introduced visual weapons change.

#267 Grey Ghost


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 10:23 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 30 October 2014 - 11:54 AM, said:

Let us know what you think about the November Roadmap posted by Russ.

Posted Image

Let us know that you know this chart is full of incorrect data (DPS, HPS, etc.), and that you don't actually balance the game with faulty statistics such as these. Please, tell me this is just another one of your oversights.

Edited by Grey Ghost, 03 November 2014 - 12:38 PM.

#268 Sandtiger


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:53 AM

View PostGrey Ghost, on 03 November 2014 - 10:23 AM, said:

Let us know that you know this chart is full on incorrect data (DPS, HPS, etc.), and that you don't actually balance the game with faulty statistics such as these. Please, tell me this is just another one of your oversights.

I would like to think that. But with all of the knee jerk nerfin...er balancing that PGI does. It really wouldn't surprise me. I mean really, lets throw more balance into the game before CW release. Seems like someone is stacking the deck in their favor. So do we know which side Russ is going to play in CW? IS or Clan? Just some food for thought. =]

#269 Mowmentous


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 12:05 PM

View PostDomenoth, on 30 October 2014 - 01:10 PM, said:

This is something that has perplexed/vexed me for a very long time. I think these changes are definitely a step in the right direction and I'll be giving them a try on Nov. 4.

However, I am still a bit skeptical. If I'm taking something that weighs twice as much and I'm getting a range penalty to boot, I'm going to want pretty much 2X DPS. The values you've listed for the IS medium and small would look ideal to me if their ranges were identical to the non-pulse versions.

This solution would go against lore but I'm okay with that. You don't have a very good way to represent the -2 to-hit-bonus from lore/TT but I think compensating by removing the range reduction would add value to the weapon to account for it's doubled tonnage.

Just a suggestion should pulse lasers still fail to see extended usage.

The other comparison that concerns me is the Small Pulse vs the Standard Medium. They have the exact same tonnage and hard-point footprint. That means they are in direct competition with each other.

Breadking it down, the Small Pulse has half the heat (positive), a touch more DPS (slight positive) but less than half the range (huge negative).

If you can't dictate the range, you can't bring Small Pulse. That leads me to believe the niche for Small Pulse is meant to be really fast Mechs. But really fast Mechs can't capitalize on DPS because they have to shoot and scoot like crazy. So from the list above I have to cancel out the higher DPS leaving the equation with one positive and a huge negative. I'm skeptical that the positive will triumph when up against that big of a negative.

I'm willing to test it but I'm betting the only Mechs I'll equip Small Pulse on will be the ones with quirks.

Did some math, the Small Pulse has 66% heat of a Standard Medium but only 41% of the range. With only +7% extra DPS that seems like a net loss in my book.

I was basing my feedback on the chart. If the chart is wrong, what I said above may either be irrelevant or considerably more relevant.

What you're not taking into account is the decreased beam duration. A moving target will always be easier to put the damage on with a weapon with lower beam duration. This is a difficult thing to factor into balance since it is so variable, but IMHO, these changes will make it pretty close between wub and pew.

#270 Kain Demos


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 12:08 PM

View PostDaehoth, on 02 November 2014 - 07:10 PM, said:

Month A: Reduce PPC velocity....Month D: increase PPC velocity.....Month G: reduce PPC velocity.....

Rollover to another year..... Month B(in new year): hey guess what...."we're increasing PPC velocity again... Surprise!"

either you guys are overbalancing...or simply don't know how to balance...or maybe, just too fickle minded to make up your minds... I really don't know what it is..... but no one should be happy about this...

Cuz....you're just gonna take the increased velocity away again in a couple of months......
You devs are like shopaholic crazed girls who can't make up your minds on which coloured shoes to buy. Don't you realise that this constant see-saw is simply not healthy for long term player sanity?

Imagine community warfare....my impression is that that would mean a persistent universe. So imagine if the devs minds are still not made up by then.... in the first year of community warfare......universally, all ppc manufacturers announce....sorry pilots...but due to an interesting statistic that we've just found, all your ppc's now fire at a much slower velocity. thank you..... months down the road....the Association of PPC Velocity tells manufacturers...hey guys....we just realised we made a calculation error...you may now tell everyone that PPCS are lightning fast again....

"All pilots may now use high velocity PPCs in battle once again...pilots feel free to shred all opposition because we have managed to magically increase the velocity of all PPCS on IS and clan mechs throughout the mechwarrior universe once more. You may rejoice heartily!"

If you want me to stop being sceptical and cynical about this.....MAKE UP YOUR MINDS ONCE AND FOR ALL.....for goodness sakes....it's getting tiresome.

I wish they would just crank up the speed higher than Gauss like it should be but greatly increase the cycle time to reduce their overall DPS and effectiveness short-med range.

My proposal:

PPC: 2000 m/s 4.5 second cycle time
ERPC: 2500 m/s 5 second cycle time
C-ERPPC: 2500 m/s 6 second cycle time and all 15 damage up front, no splash ****.

Edited by Kain Thul, 03 November 2014 - 12:10 PM.

#271 MadLibrarian


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 12:18 PM

Really looking forward to seeing if LRM damage reduction is enough to coax people into using other weapons. Would really like to see the targeting computers and more of an information warfare solution.

Glad to see some pulse laser love too.

How far away are we from voice communications? Did the deal fall through?

#272 KursedVixen


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 12:29 PM

Do the BAp changes effect the Clan Active probe?

#273 Augustus Martelus II


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 01:07 PM

Finally all pulses lasers got some love....i a user of those....so WUB WUB WUB to everyone.

#274 Carthoo


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 01:20 PM

Good call mostly.

But to feed on your own tag as bug? I thought thats intentional...coz most of the lights carried tag - and that helped team a lot, while they were getting some reward for carrying it, even if their team sucked. You force them to get reward for damage again, tags disapper again too...

You take this away, everyone will scrap the tag again - useless for lights - they need firepower for meeting with enemy lights. And when you take that away, they surely use that ton for another med laser....especially when their income will come from damage mostly again, not from the tag which usually CONTRIBUTES to teamplay...

#275 Madcap72


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 01:27 PM

First they take away tackling...

Now they take away LRM damage...

People are going to play the strongest builds they can, I guess we'll just see knee jerk reation to it.

It would be nice to see the game be based on skill with what's available.

#276 GenghisJr


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 02:41 PM

View PostStyxx42, on 31 October 2014 - 07:40 AM, said:

Really liking the direction
These are looking really good.

Won't be as easy to slowly step out of the way of the plasma (Star Trek) like torpedo PPC shots once this is in effect. Good for those PPC shooters. Bad for me.. But a tweak IMO was badly needed.
Yaha for Pulse improvements. Maybe my 7k Wolverine will getting back to a pulse variant.

Yeah, i dont use ppc's much but have been hill humping in a drg w/gauss laughing at how long it took for the ppc return fire to arrive, if i can just reverse down the hill to avoid it, its to slow.

#277 GenghisJr


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:16 PM

View PostCimarb, on 30 October 2014 - 01:37 PM, said:

While I agree that his tone is extremely childish, he does have a point that ECM needs a big change. If you cannot equip it on every mech, like every other piece of equipment in the game, then it is too powerful.

ECM should work more like it does in tabletop - negating the benefits of advanced targeting equipment like Nicolas stated, see http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Ecm - and what we have now is actually a combination of the experimental ECM (Angel ECM) and Stealth Armor like the Null Signature System (http://www.sarna.net...i/Stealth_Armor, which takes up 12 crit slots and builds ten heat while active, btw). Note that, even then, none of those systems actually blocks missile getting a lock - they just given a penalty to hit, which equates in MWO as a delay on lock time.
never seen the TT game but an online game is different than a board game. It can inspire future developments but future innovation and evolution should not be restricted by it. Perhaps there should be a luck factor to represent a dice roll instead of deliberate targeting of components?

#278 PraetorGix


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:30 PM

Maybe I'm just stupid or paranoid, but the BAP changes refer precisely to only that, BEAGLE active probe. Will the CAP, or clan version be updated as well?

#279 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 07:08 PM


Great, and very welcome, changes, and I'm a hard one to please.

I would like to know, though, is knockdown ever coming back in? Not the Dragon bowling we first saw, but, for instance, when those pesky lights run into a much larger mech or gets pounded with at least one Alpha or an AC20 to the face, at 50-100m or a triple load of LRMs - shouldn't they fall over so we can kill them quickly?

#280 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 07:11 PM

View PostKain Thul, on 03 November 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:

PPC: 2000 m/s 4.5 second cycle time
ERPC: 2500 m/s 5 second cycle time
C-ERPPC: 2500 m/s 6 second cycle time and all 15 damage up front, no splash ****.

and electronic disruption in the mech's sensor suite for about 10-15 seconds while the systems compensate/reset

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 03 November 2014 - 07:26 PM.

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