Obviously, it isn't, but they would like to think that they are. If only it wasn't for the "noob team" they were stuck with, they'd be snuffing out the Clan Invasion by themselves. Or so they believe.
Just got ridiculed by one of these "experts". He was spouting the usual diatribe of how "the team" was crap and was the sole cause of his demise in the first few minutes. I called him on it and he proceeded to talk crap about how my use of cover while my weapons cycled was "cowardly" and that I should "get out and fight instead of hiding", despite me taking on an assault lance by myself and causing 600+ damage. My match score was also almost twice his.
I would find it hilarious if it wasn't so constant. Seems every game the pile of dead guys just starts hurling BS statements about how bad the rest of the team is. Maybe it was a bad matchup. Maybe there were lots of newer players. Maybe stop to think before typing out profanity-laced insults. Maybe take a look in the mirror?
Edited by CelticCross, 05 November 2014 - 05:36 AM.