Aresye, on 15 November 2014 - 10:07 PM, said:
In the title itself: "Not Sure What Is Sadder, The Actual Scoring System (Tournament) Or The Way Players Are Gaming The System, Lol."
It's not so much an insult as it comes across as very condescending. Yes, PGI created a rather baffling formula that inspires bad play behavior, but to attack the actual players themselves who have no choice in the matter by calling them "sad," that's a bit overboard, don't you think?
I mean, it's not like there aren't any players that just simply want/need the CBills, and the only way for them to do that is to suck up to the tournament formula.
I know your reply wasn't directed at me.
Funny thing is, whether you score 130, or 330, you get the same cbill bonus per match. So the only "gaming" needed if for people who are shooting for the leaderboard. First prize being....8 bucks worth of MC? You can't honestly tell me that it's worth it to have to do the yoga needed to get those 300 pt matches, ALL WEEKEND for 8 bucks in MC. Thus, yeah, to me it appears to be about the epeen of being on the leaderboard.... of a tourney that is all about playing as bad as possible to actually win the match.
Am I in the tourney? Sure. As I said, got nothing against it, per se, aside from a stupid scoring formula. But getting an extra 100k cbills every other match or so, for not doing anything different than I normally would? Aces.
But this is one of the most meaningless Leaderboards I have ever seen, period. So yeah, the people already attaching swagger to having avoided the most kills, it's pretty silly. (And yeah, I know you are ranking high on the leaderboard. Sorry if it feels like an attack, but I also know as a competitive player for you, playing" the game" (aka whatever the rules set forth) is probably the important part , and in this weekend's challenge, the game is just bad)
The good news? PGI gets plenty of telemetry data, for future refinements.
So I guess, if people feel patronized or insulted, it's because they really know just how meaningless the scoring system makes this Tourney, but don't want to admit it?
Yes, PGI set out the rules, and even Russ has realized they were....kinda bad. But hey, if you know the rules are dumb, there is nothing forcing you to cater to them. That is on the individual player. Play it how you like, it's what I am doing (aka, playing like i always do, to win the match, not the "game").
But to deny this is a pretty bad Tourney, with no real meaning to one's "status"? That's just lying to oneself. I know you know it, because the formula you proposed as a counter to this one was awesome.
Crunk Prime, on 15 November 2014 - 10:11 PM, said:
I actually saw players avoid killing almost dead mechs that were killing their teammates, just because they didnt want to get a kill, and wanted the assist instead.
Mudhutwarrior, on 16 November 2014 - 06:23 AM, said:
The Tourney is perfect for exploit warriors. In Solos its been a disaster with so many trying to score over winning the match or helping teammates.
When you factor in the rampant synch dropping going on there is no chance for really skilled players in solo. I am sure a few did well as there are exceptions to every rule but as a whole solo que was no place to be. I got my stinking Hula tramp so I quit why I was ahead. Did not even read what the scoring was just played as I always do. For some reason I made the top ten for a while so maybe the real pilots hadn't started yet. I'm not that good by a long shot.
Like most tourneys scores mean nothing when so many game it. I haven't trusted anyone's stats in a long long time. For those who really are good I am sorry you get lost in the backwash.
Eboli, on 16 November 2014 - 06:04 AM, said:
It is absolutely amazing. People are so scared of getting kills. I just sat and watched a healthy direwolf leg a Kitfox and then just sat there with its tag on and spreading damage over its chassis so it did not get the kill.
Same match - last remaining Madcat took absolutely ages to kill as it lost its limbs because people were not going for the kill shot.
So sad...
I get 3 kills, 1 assist, 706 damage and 96 points for the game...
Very poor way of doing things PGI.
Viktor Drake, on 16 November 2014 - 05:24 AM, said:
Actually for the extra 10 million, you don't need to win. I got a couple losses that counted as qualified. However, 130 is kind of hard to do on a loss. For example I had several losses where I did 400-500 damage and even manged a kill or two before the team got rolled. In those cases you might end up with 1 kill (10 points), 2 assists (40 points) and 20 points for damage. That is only 70 points because your team can't do their part. Of course the sad part is that this is maybe due to the fact they are all trying to insure they don't kill anyone because of the stupid formula.
Don't let Kilo 40 hear you say that, he'll tell you you made it up because you are bad at the tournament!
Kilo 40, on 15 November 2014 - 07:08 PM, said:
I'm butthurt? About what? How is it butthurt to say your conclusion that everyone is avoidind getting kills was pulled out of your ass?
Also I'm not sure what that twitter post is for. Did I say it wasn't a mistake or something?
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 16 November 2014 - 07:15 AM.