Adiuvo, on 17 November 2014 - 11:46 PM, said:
You're absolutely correct. You said I was jealous for whatever reason and then somehow confirmed my jealousy... which I might add, I'm still trying to find what I'm jealous of.
You don't need strategy to win most matches in this game. All you need to do is have someone call targets and stick together. Heat is about the most difficult (yeah, I know right... hilarious) thing you have to maintain in order to push out damage. And well... is there anything I'm missing? Oh yeah, ECM. Check.
You should know better than anyone, that you guys are toxic. People are a direct reflection of the environment they play in. Isn't being l33tsauce420blazeitswag the cool thing to do? It's like the battlecry, of the super competitive, right? Wrong...
I may or may not have thrown out a blanket generalization of every "competitive" team in MWO and I will apologize for that. I know some of those units are not tools. In my experience though, I haven't met anyone from HoL, for example, that was remotely friendly or helpful, yet quick to call someone horrible or verbally abuse people in pug matches, constantly.
That's the one thing I'll never understand about "competitive" players. Never once has anyone in my 5v ever called each other any sort of name nor have we ever be horrible to people in pug RBGs etc. Then, when you assume I was jealous of whatever it is I'm supposed to be jealous of. Oooh, I must be jealous of the horrible public image you guys have and for being known as jerks to a playerbase that people want to add to. Personally, you can call me whatever helps you sleep at night... but that's not the case for new players.