As mentioned in an earlier update.. the further into development we go the less "news" there's going to be since design won't be changing much. Below I'll update you with the news/updates I can share...
Something Stirring
It seems that Thad our Level Designer has been busy working on a second Invasion Mode map. This one has 3 gates in it and will make both attackers and defenders decide early on which path they plan to take or face the consequences of thier choice.
This makes 2 new maps for Phase 2 Invasion mode.
The IS Map Looks a Lot Better
The current IS Map you see in the client has been updated both graphically and interactively. The rendering engineers have put a lot of extra hours into this and it's paying off very well. Can you have a sneak peek? That will depend on who wins an arm wrestle between Russ and myself. I'd like to keep some stuff under wraps for the big reveal when Phase 2 goes live.
Some More Clarifications
Faction Point Usage
It's been asked if Loyalty Points are a spendable currency. The answer is no. Loyalty Points are similar to XP in which players will earn LP while aligned to a Faction and those points will reward the player at certain milestones. Essentially it's a leveling system with rewards that are Faction specific. Things like titles, cosmetics and infamy.
Merc Units and Mercenaries (Lone Wolfes) along with Dagger Stars who align themselves with a Faction using the previously discussed Faction Contracts will earn LP at varying rates depending on the length of contract they take. The fastest means of earning LP is to permanently align yourself with a Faction.
Switching Units and Faction Alignment
When a Merc Unit enters CW for the first time, the Unit Leader will be selecting a Faction Contract. Once selected, all members of the unit will be automatically aligned to the Faction. At the end of the contract, the Unit Leader has the option to retake a contract with the same Faction or to switch to a contract from a different Faction. If the Unit Leader switches to a different Faction, all players within the until will automatically be aligned to the new Faction.
The basic premise is, when a player is part of a unit, they will automatically be aligned to the Faction that the Unit has aligned to. This includes switching Units. For example, if a Unit is aligned to Davion for 3 months, and 1 month into the contract a member decides to leave, that member will be switched back to a neutral alignment (Mercenary/Lone Wolf). In order to continue to participate in Community Warfare, this player must choose a contract from one of the Houses/Clans OR join a new Unit. If this player joins a Unit that is aligned to House Kurita, the player's alignment will automatically switch to Kurita.
This may bring up the question of, what if the Unit Leader wants to change Faction before the contract is up? In this case, the Unit Leader has 2 options. The first is to disband his/her Unit or to pass Unit Leader to another member and then leave the Unit and follow the same process as the above description. A Unit Leader cannot disband a Unit unless it is empty and he/she is the last person remaining.
It seems complex but it's pretty simple. I've included the following illustrations for clarity:
Unit Coffers and the Faction Reset on Release of Phase 2
It's been asked a couple time now... will the Unit Coffers be reset on day 1 when we reset alignments? The answer is no. We can't be that mean...
... yeah.. we can't be that mean. 
As mentioned in an earlier update.. the further into development we go the less "news" there's going to be since design won't be changing much. Below I'll update you with the news/updates I can share...
Something Stirring
It seems that Thad our Level Designer has been busy working on a second Invasion Mode map. This one has 3 gates in it and will make both attackers and defenders decide early on which path they plan to take or face the consequences of thier choice.
This makes 2 new maps for Phase 2 Invasion mode.
The IS Map Looks a Lot Better
The current IS Map you see in the client has been updated both graphically and interactively. The rendering engineers have put a lot of extra hours into this and it's paying off very well. Can you have a sneak peek? That will depend on who wins an arm wrestle between Russ and myself. I'd like to keep some stuff under wraps for the big reveal when Phase 2 goes live.
Some More Clarifications
Faction Point Usage
It's been asked if Loyalty Points are a spendable currency. The answer is no. Loyalty Points are similar to XP in which players will earn LP while aligned to a Faction and those points will reward the player at certain milestones. Essentially it's a leveling system with rewards that are Faction specific. Things like titles, cosmetics and infamy.
Merc Units and Mercenaries (Lone Wolfes) along with Dagger Stars who align themselves with a Faction using the previously discussed Faction Contracts will earn LP at varying rates depending on the length of contract they take. The fastest means of earning LP is to permanently align yourself with a Faction.
Switching Units and Faction Alignment
When a Merc Unit enters CW for the first time, the Unit Leader will be selecting a Faction Contract. Once selected, all members of the unit will be automatically aligned to the Faction. At the end of the contract, the Unit Leader has the option to retake a contract with the same Faction or to switch to a contract from a different Faction. If the Unit Leader switches to a different Faction, all players within the until will automatically be aligned to the new Faction.
The basic premise is, when a player is part of a unit, they will automatically be aligned to the Faction that the Unit has aligned to. This includes switching Units. For example, if a Unit is aligned to Davion for 3 months, and 1 month into the contract a member decides to leave, that member will be switched back to a neutral alignment (Mercenary/Lone Wolf). In order to continue to participate in Community Warfare, this player must choose a contract from one of the Houses/Clans OR join a new Unit. If this player joins a Unit that is aligned to House Kurita, the player's alignment will automatically switch to Kurita.
This may bring up the question of, what if the Unit Leader wants to change Faction before the contract is up? In this case, the Unit Leader has 2 options. The first is to disband his/her Unit or to pass Unit Leader to another member and then leave the Unit and follow the same process as the above description. A Unit Leader cannot disband a Unit unless it is empty and he/she is the last person remaining.
It seems complex but it's pretty simple. I've included the following illustrations for clarity:

Unit Coffers and the Faction Reset on Release of Phase 2
It's been asked a couple time now... will the Unit Coffers be reset on day 1 when we reset alignments? The answer is no. We can't be that mean...