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#41 GentlemanBryan


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 06:32 AM

LRMs are fine. Lets move on to something that matters. For example CW. Thank you

#42 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 06:38 AM

View PostMaddone, on 21 November 2014 - 04:54 PM, said:

Thanks for making LRMs so OP now with the BAP buff . Game has become a hide from LRM game now good job.

Yer new, you'll get used to it. If not, you'll get over it.

And the game has always been 'hide from enemy weapons'. If you haven't been playing that game, you've been playing the game wrong. Cover is your best friend. Use it all the time. If you're too cool to hang back and use a mountain to stop pesky LRMs or Gauss or every other weapon on the field from smacking you like you're a pinata for a bunch of ADHD kids on Red Bull.... y'all need to change philosophies.

#43 Thecure


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 07:02 AM

The problem with LRMs is that PGI needs some "easymode" weapons, so that new players will get the feeling that they 're doing some damage. I'll say again that even when the opposing team are LRM "heavy", I don't get the feeling that the damage is too much. My one and only problem is the excessive screen-shake and cockpit smoke that prevent me from fighting back. Something tells me that when they fix that, we'll see some real crying in the forums...

Edited by Thecure, 24 November 2014 - 07:03 AM.

#44 Kjudoon


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 08:41 AM

Yeah, and LRMs are 'easy' to use badly. Just like it's easy to use PPCs or ACs badly. They're just easier to use badly with the illusion of success.

#45 -Wulf-


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 10:54 AM

Me IM a Missile boat, and a RANKED missile boat. 37th overall in the last leaderboard. 8th in the Kintaro leaderboard.

Ok time for me to drop the BOMB, Ok first of all skill/noskill missile detractors. You all are very misinformed. Missiles are actually one of the best weapons for hacking people off. AMS,ECM,Radar Derp, all trivial when a missile boat knows what they are doing. My Kintaro 18 specializes in eating brawlers and not at the distances that most think. My best work is done at 200-275 m I chain 4 LRM 5's exploiting the quirks of the kintaro. I carry almost 2k lerm and 300 srms for my hidden chest 6 pack. Im fast and I have mastered the most annoying tactic.

DUMMY FIRE. Its simple DUMY FIRE doesnt que the bitching betty, it also negates ams about 60% of the time. So in laymans terms I dont proc the incomming missile warning and ams doesnt activate cause they dont detect incomming, This doesnt mean that ams wont activate but it does mean that ams wont activate in the beginning. at the ranges I use my LRMS lock or no lock I still out dps a uac5 on simple fire volume. Each cluster is 5 lerms at short range just beyond minimum I can keep MACHNE GUNNING lerms faster than a UAC ROF and I dont have to worry about jams. I have a 52% LRM accuracy but thats most due to dummy fire, it actually hits more often than with a "HARD LOCK".

Now when I do have locks 3 AMS isnt really a problem, Its a simple overwhelming numbers. with alternative loadout of 5 lrm 5's I can overwhelm even a triple ams Kitfox. Chain Firing LRMS with machine gun timing is very nasty to ams, I carry over 2k missiles so I can be patient and where down the ams or just unload and overwhelm. Fact is ams claims only about 50% of incomming so If I launch 25 missiles in 2 seconds 12.5 of them are getting through. Yeah its half damage but it still acts as a terror weapon. Ok when AMS does work its very indestict on fire so lotts and lotts of AMS gets wasted. Ill use attrition tactics and most generally I wear out the ams then its free picking. Another thing is Dead giveaway from AMS fire If I see your ams Know that im going to start dummy firing to negate your ams, Im raining on you and most of the time they dont know whats hitting them cause of no warning.

My unit is often dropped against competitive teams like LORDS, 228th, 12DG. We use combined arms tactics and beat the DEATHBALL. Oh it getts funny, comp teams are really good at what they do but when you break the mold and use LRMS agains them they cry foul. Fact is comp teams are trained to deal with very few situations where missile are present. They all focus on movement and start the NASCAR push Clockwise/Counterclockwise. Easy to defeat with a team mounting LURMS.

Simple brake off into 3 lances two missile boats go one way with one lance two go the other way. ECM light perches with a vantage point way out of the fire lines and calls position. Missiles flying from two diffrent directions force the team to split brakes the deathball. Then simply DUMMY FIRE and unleash hell. deathball loosens then a careful arty plced in the middle will break the ball totally and boom insta free pickings. When they try to reform drop another arty and spread them they fall like dominoes. XL engines make assaults fast but vulnerable when you take their fighting style away from them.

Oh this gets peoples panties in a bunch. OMG its not competitive cause you arent fighting a running turret match.They cry foul then file tickets with PGI report people cause OMG my DEATHBALL tactic isnt working anymore, cant have anything that beats the deathball, thats blasphemy.

Face it LURMS are viable if used correctly sure they make folks mad cause well people cant fess up to taking a butt kicking, they want something to blame for their inability to cope with someone like me. So instead of admitting they were outplayed they just blame it on LURMS and say no skill. Well all I can say to them is master the nuances of the weapon before you go knocking it.

Fact is anything in this game can be countered any tactic has a weakness, STOP playing cookie cutter designs and tactics cause they are getting outmoded, Meta builds are cool until you counter them with tactics. Turret matches are a thing of the past. Fact is meta and competitive play are leading this game down the same road as HAWKEN. Fan base will drop and pgi will fold if the game doesnt have diversity. Where is diversity in the same 7/8 mechs running the same builds. FACT is no one will be truely happy until they get pgi to make every shot fired hits and every hit kills instantly. the world is too full of instant gratification and if people dont get instant gratification then they gripe moan and claim unfair.

This makes the comp games Demolition Derby NASCAR with each team running the same direction trying to focus fire. Competitive play is the same no matter what team your on, meta direct fire loadouts with speed. Watch the twitch streams listen to the banter, you will see even the comp teams are bored with the style. Its becoming a job not fun. They rejoice when they win but when they loose its a pissing party at whoever they blame for being slightly out of position.

Duality of man in this game is if ya cant blame someone blame lurms. Blame anything that isnt what you believe in. Blame ME for kicking your teeth in, using a missile boat as a brawler Im BLASPHEMY Im degreza, Im the one who broke the mold and proved you whining sissys wrong. Blame me for learning how to use my systems, blame me for unothadox tactics, blame me for your inability to cope. Blame ME for showing you that missiles are competitive.

#46 Galenit


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 11:24 AM

Lets do an experiment:

We try to train two apes, lets assume they are cloned,
that way they will not influence different "skill".

First ape:
He has to use a joystick to catch a moving green dot with a green circle on the screen,
if the circle is over the dot, he has to push the button to get the babana.

Second ape:
He has to use a joystick to catch a moving green dot with a green circle on the screen,
If the circle is over the dot, he has to hold the circle over the moving dot until the circle turns red after 3 seconds,
then he has to push the button, after that he has to hold the circle over the moving dot for another 5 seconds until the banana comes out, if he miss the dot with the circle in any time, he will get no babana.

Witch ape needs more time to be trained?
Witch ape will get more babanas?

Edited by Galenit, 24 November 2014 - 11:29 AM.

#47 Leopardo


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Posted 24 November 2014 - 06:37 PM

hello dear- PGI! after patch - Lrms destroying Legs first of all. damage going to legs not to torso!!!!!!! plz do something whith it - i remember this trouble was fixed this year.

Edited by Leopardo, 24 November 2014 - 06:38 PM.

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