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When and What Brought YOU to MechWarrior? Your MW backgrounds here.

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#181 Mad Adam


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:21 PM

I received Battletech 1 amongst a bunch of C64 games that were given to me in the mid 90's, and a friend also loaned me MW2 & Ghost Bears Legacy. When I first played MW2 Mercs & Mech Commander, I was hooked, and when I read the novels (especially Mike Stackpole's), I was mega hooked. It was only in the last couple of years that I got to play TT, and had a blast at it.

#182 Powerax


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:28 PM

Battletech...well I would have to say it is was Mechwarrior 2 for the PC, though I played Mechwarrior of the SNES first. Though I did play another mech style game that was produce by serra Called Metaltech which came with Earthseige. Also the CCG and the 2nd edition game came out which fully brought the nerd out of me fully with gaint metal robots killing one another.

#183 DJPhased


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:29 PM

Brutal honestly? I feel young to you all. I played Mechwarrior 4: Vengence, and then Mercenaries. That was pretty much it, and couldn't find anything or anyone with Battletech or Mechwarrior stuff in town... then this happened, and now I'm back to cause some havoc again. ;)

I need to find more Mechwarriors in town or state.... ;)

#184 AstralChild


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:59 PM

began playing BT boardgame about 21 years ago with a couple of friends. played it for about 3 years in a row almost every
weekend...i d say i was really addicted.
afterwards i have tied to play almost any BT-like computer-game looking for a BT-game which brings me back to that universe
which i had created in my brain at those times...without success.
think i read about 40 or 50 of the novels, stopped when i left germany for working overseas.
i am really intigued to see if these guys manage to make a real long-term game out of this, something more than only
shooting and shooting.

#185 Owl Vaughan


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 07:40 PM

Some of my family introduced me to MW2 and I loved the idea of stomping around in a giant war machine but I was not a very skilled player. However when I picked up MW4 Vengance and Mercs it became my favourite game and I've been playing for 8 nearly 9 years now and I"ve brought several mech paks and stratergy guides (getting one of the guides was getting a bit nerdy) and Now I've found MWO, so I look forward to some more mech action :).

#186 Powerax


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 10:29 PM

Need to added MPBT as well to my list...and the SatAm cartoon

#187 Slit


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 01:41 AM

Bloodname book at the local library some 15 years ago. Then the whole Legend of Jade Phoenix series, then tons of other BT books.

#188 TizZ


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 08:29 AM

I came across a game called shattered steel , not a mechwarrior franchise game but to be fair it was pretty dam good back then ( Made by bioware hehe ) and then i got mw2 then 3 and eventually mw4 which was when online gaming was exploding and had so much fun playing within a clan , made some good friends all over europe good old days hehe .

#189 PersonalRiot


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 09:37 AM

My first Mech game was Earthsiege 2 for the PC in which I used to watch my day play when I was younger. After I got my first computer, I got my own copy of Starsiege I used to stay up into the wee hours of the night playing on the dial up internet connection. Beyond that I had a brief introduction to the Mechwarrior series with MW2/3 but my true love was always Starsiege. That franchise is rather dead at the moment, so I am going to give MW a shot. I have heard really good things about the series and can't wait to enjoy it in a older more mature setting of clans.

#190 Powerax


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 11:58 PM

View PostPersonalRiot, on 06 August 2012 - 09:37 AM, said:

My first Mech game was Earthsiege 2 for the PC in which I used to watch my day play when I was younger. After I got my first computer, I got my own copy of Starsiege I used to stay up into the wee hours of the night playing on the dial up internet connection. Beyond that I had a brief introduction to the Mechwarrior series with MW2/3 but my true love was always Starsiege. That franchise is rather dead at the moment, so I am going to give MW a shot. I have heard really good things about the series and can't wait to enjoy it in a older more mature setting of clans.

Hehe Metaltech was a nice series when it was around, unfort Sierra is no long around, bought up by EA I think (could be wrong). Both ES, ES2 and SS was nice games back at there time, but with more advance poly's they would not last visually I think.

#191 Mr D One


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 12:16 AM

View PostGodHammer13, on 26 June 2012 - 02:19 AM, said:

Robotech actually was like a gateway drug to MW, starting with MW2, I actually got my first job back in 96 just to build a computer that was capable of running MW2, and I spent hours upon hours playing it,

^This but also getting the Battletech tech read out 3025 and getting utterly confused about the Battletech/Mechwarrior/Robotech/Macross relationship.

Only once the internet became decent here (speedwise) did it all make sense.

#192 wintercold


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 12:17 AM

Played my 1st Battletech game The Crescent Hawk's Inception way back in 1988 , after that it was Mech Warrior 2 , Ghost Bears Legacy , Mech Warrior 2 Mercenaries , all of which was published by Activision.

Then came Mech Warrior 3 , Mech Commander , published by Microprose.

After that is Mech Warrior 4 Vengence and the rest of the expansions , along with Mech Commander 2 ( didn't really like this one , 1st Mechcommander was the best )

#193 HitNRun66


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 09:19 PM

Google doesn't help much and I'm an old guy to begin with ...

Looks like I started in MW2 by Activision then MW3 and MW4. After a while I got online and played with a St Ives Compact group.

Can't remember but bits and piece like sitting back at 1200m w/ a Light Gauss and hitting targets by eye since it was 200m beyond sensor range. Oh yeah, and putting Light Gauss in an Uziel, I think. I remember jump jetting up over a rise, shooting, and dropping back down.

Too many mechs I can't even remember Inner Sphere VS Clan mechs and don't even remember the term "Unseen" Mech.

- HitNRun66

#194 IC3B3RG


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Posted 26 September 2012 - 04:41 AM

Mechwarrior for PC 10 1989
Mechwarrior/Battletech tabletop in 1997
Mech Commander 2 in 2001
Mechwarrior 4 and expansions for PC in 2002
MegaMek in 2007
And now Mechwarrior Online

#195 Cassi McDoolan


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Posted 27 September 2012 - 12:06 PM

First played Battletech as a tabletop boardgame in '95-ish. I had a sizeable collection of Mechs at one point. I've played most of the Battletech computer games over the years, including the not so great Xbox titles which had me weeping into my hands at what they did to the franchise. I've read most of the classic Battletech titles, though I never did get to finish of the Fedcom civil war properly. Kind of grew despondent towards the novels after finding out Stackpole wasn't going to write for FASA because of legal disagreements. Since then I've always held a flame in my heart for giant walking mechanised death.

#196 Yawn


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 05:27 AM

It all started when I was about 5 years old. My three big brothers were playing MW4 and I always wanted to watch when they played that game. I remember that I thought Atlas was super scary... Of course I wanted to play MW4 as well but I was too young.
"Someday I will be a mechwarrior", I thought. That dream came true.

So I've been a fan of mechwarrior games about 13 years now.

#197 Evron Meza


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 06:34 AM

I started back in the 80's as a teen with some of my buddy's with Battle Tech and the old hex map and dice. As the other expansions came out like CityTech and AeroTech I added these to my collection. As I got a little older they kind of fell to the way side until computers started to become a little more common and then I had a neighbour who had a IBM 486 and he had the game going and introduced me back into it. Not having a computer myself until later I didn't really get into the computer side of it until now.

Now I kind of wish I had kept all the old table top stuff but not that it would be worth much because I wore it out.

#198 Soulvise


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 06:53 AM

I started playing the original role playing game way back in the day and immediately fell in love with the play and story lines. I have played all of the RPG expansions and the computer games as well. I am the most familiar with the Warhammer and the Battlemaster mecha.

Edited by Soulvise, 29 September 2012 - 06:53 AM.

#199 Alistair Steiner


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 07:37 AM

I discovered Gundam Wing before MechWarrior. But when my friend brought over this magical disk called "MechWarrior 3," and I saw the opening sequence with these plodding, heavy weapons of war, I was hooked. Still, we just played missions and blew stuff up. He didn't know (nor care) about the lore, but I had to find out more. I played Pirate's Moon and all the MW4 games, a little of MC 1 and 2, and even both MechAssaults (I was desperate, give me a break). Unfortunately, everyone around me was playing Halo and the like, so the only person I could even talk to about the 'Mechs was my afore-mentioned buddy who had no interest in the storyline. After finishing Black Knight and wondering why these "Steiner" folks were so downright villainous (not to mention why everything with "Clan" attached to it was magically better), I decided to look for more info.

Strolling through my local bookstore, I saw a book with a Daishi painted up in black and green, plodding through water and firing off an autocannon. It was Endgame, and it was the start of an obsession that I still follow with intense fervor. I have twice as many "Dark Age" books as the Classic ones, but I still desperately search for the older books like some kind of LosTech cache (that 43 books for a tenner would be the equivalent of getting all the ComGuard 'Mech at once. O.o). Classic is where my heart is, and after really discovering the grey and grey morality of the Inner Sphere (and running with a group on Neveron calling themselves the Skye Rangers), I decided I was better suited for the Inner Sphere, and with my German/Irish roots, the Isle of Skye was a perfect fit.

But at the end of the day, I'd rather have a stack of old dusty books, a couple of TRO manuals (which I have actually never found, since the tabletop scene never really existed in my town), or even a single, heavily story-oriented mission than all the pretty graphics and 'Mechs in the world. I love what PGI is doing, but my connection to MechWarrior is the story. I'm SO happy they've decided to run the fiction in the background for those of us interested, and I can't wait to see a map so I'll actually be in the universe. Playing matches for larfs is all well and good, but that's MWLL's style, and it works, but it doesn't keep me coming back. If PGI manages to integrate the story heavily with the game, then I'll be in heaven. If not, I'll still play and support them, but I'll be hoping this game is enough of a success to warrant a future single-player release, which I will set aside money for the moment it's announced.

#200 Magdalena


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 08:11 AM

I must have been 9 or 10 when I first played a game called Earthsiege. It was about big metal things killing eachother.
When I was in junior high, I saw the box for Mechcommander 2, and was like "oh my. This also looks like a game in which big metal things kill eachother."
It was, and I eventually discovered that those big metal things were called Battlemechs and they've made it into quite a lot of games where big metal things kill eachother... and a game where little metal things roll dice at eachother. Oddly that one might be my favourite...

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