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When and What Brought YOU to MechWarrior? Your MW backgrounds here.

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#221 Nakuru


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 09:11 PM

I've loved mecha for as long as I can remember. But my first time with MechWarrior/Battletech specifically was when my family was moving and we were staying in a hotel just after moving out of the house. Sci-Fi Channel was showing the Battletech competitions, where the players had only 3 mechs and their variants to choose from: the Loki, Vulture, and Thor. I'd later learn the true Clan names of these mechs as the Hellbringer, Mad Dog, and Summoner. The team competition was between Japan and the USA, and the USA was handed a crushing defeat. But during the free-for-all matches, an American going by the handle Rooster won handily above all the others.

A couple years later, while my family was on vacation from Kuwait (why we were living there is another story), I was given $50 as a birthday present. I had my heart set on Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition. But when we were in Sam's Club, I found a Thrustmaster Joystick for $50 that came with both Duke Nukem 3D and MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries. In the same store, my dad also bought Powerhits: Battletech. I've been a dedicated fan of Battletech/MechWarrior ever since, owning most of the video games and the tabletop 4th edition game.

Thinking about it all makes me feel old, but they are fond memories. I still love to go back and play the old games once in a while.

#222 Big Kahuna Burger


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 09:25 PM

The Mechassault game for the original xbox about a decade ago. Pretty much the absolute antithesis of the Mechwarrior series; it was pure arcadey, exploded awesomeness. Not that the Mechwarrior simulation style games aren't awesome, it definitely has way more depth thane replay value. What links the two is idea of giant mechs stomping around blowing up stuff. As far as mech games are concerned, I think the Mechwarrior series has few competitors in the same league. Yay rambling.

#223 Katakis


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 09:28 PM

I've played Mechwarrior 1 ages ago. I liked it.

For a while, I've sidestepped into the eastern genre, mostly through Cyber Knight and Front Mission.

Some years later, by chance, I've played Mechwarrior 3 and absolutely fell in love with its presentation, the way story was driven (listening to the crew bickering and planning ahead was incredibly fun), its machine design, customization, the sound, everything. That was the sealing deal.
Since then I've played Megamek, Titans of Steel (now free video game being basically Battletech with serial numbers filed off, or Megamek on crack), Mechwarrior 2, MW4, Mechcommander 1&2 and a bunch of other huge robot games... But my most fond memories are from Mechwarrior 3 and Mechcommander 1.

#224 Halftrack


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 09:43 PM

I got in Battletech from the pen and paper game, back before there were any of the computer games and when there were no unseen mechs. Then I played the Battletech PC game followed by all of the Mechwarrior and Mechcommander PC games.

#225 Meredoth


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 10:08 PM

First of all hello to all pilots since this is my first post. Its really nice to be part of this project.
Started with MW2 like 15 years ago. Then MW 3 ..4 MC 2. I still have black knight expansion bought and not opened (maybe will do it this weekend). Never really had an occasion to play battlemech but ive heard about it. Generaly as many of you i like big machines (supreme commander, total anihilation)Now my curiosity brought me here. One of those days I was wandering if most of good titles went online why MW isnt and lookie lookie what ive found.

#226 Semerkhet


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Posted 28 October 2012 - 11:08 AM

I started playing the Battletech boardgame in about 1985. I painted miniatures, read the novels, the whole nine yards. I made it to the pods on Navy Pier in Chicago a handful of times and loved it. I played all the Mechwarrior computer games but I never did any online gaming until Mechwarrior4, but then I was well and truly hooked for a few years. I gave up on MW4 when the player base shrunk and real life interfered. I'm looking forward to rekindling the old fire with this game.

#227 Stonefalcon


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 05:25 PM

Got MW2 3DFX edition with a new PC running Windows 95. Been playing since.



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Posted 29 October 2012 - 06:59 PM

Played in MPBT Solaris (aol)...then MW2, 3 and 4 and now MWO ofc, of which is the best since MPBT imo as it has a MMO/FPS feel unlike the MW series.

#229 YoGetDog


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 10:04 PM

i got 3 pc game one year for xmas, they were ultimate doom, xcom terror form the deep and mechwarrior 2. needless to say i fell in love with the battletech universe that day :(

Edited by YoGetDog, 29 October 2012 - 10:04 PM.

#230 Jaybird


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 10:16 PM

I grew up on Macross and Gundam, so I was already a big fan of mecha combat. I also learned to fly a plane before I was old enough to learn to drive. So anything and everything related to piloting a machinery, I'm in love with.

I first played BattleTech: Crescent Hawk's Inception on an IBM XT machine with probably one of the very first consumer level VGA card ever! Then got into MechWarrior 2 on an IBM AT 286 machine, and MechWarrior 3 on a 486DX2. By that time, I was playing games on a ThrustMaster F-16 FLCS + rudders, that I won on a CompuServe Falcon Ladder (back then you actually had to call the other player in order to connect the machines, and you had to pay for the long distance calls!) Moved onto MechWarrior 4 + Black Knight later on, and enjoyed the campaign/story experience, which alas, we won't get to enjoy on MW:O... I also got into MechCommander 2 for a while, and I really enjoyed that as well.

I also did over 300 drops on the BattleTech: Firestorm, between the Dave & Buster site in NY and the transplanted machines in Pompton Lakes site in NJ. For those of you who are not familiar with BT: Firestorm, it's a fully-encapsulated "pod" experience, where you get to play a modified, multi-display version of MW4 inside a physical cockpit. Up to 8 pods networked (later on, private efforts expanded the game play to site-to-site match, up to 16 pods networked).

Edited by Jaybird, 29 October 2012 - 10:19 PM.

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