Mechwarrior Buddah, on 28 November 2014 - 03:13 AM, said:
Also; getting around the word filter is also a no-no
Just thought I might help
Can the mods close this yet? Its gone way off topic and the topic has been beaten to death way before he/she even posted this
Good, I can see that we both agree that you are trolling. Probably only to get this thread off topic, but you are the only one who truly know your own intentions.
If you want to give a new answer to my thread, here is what I wrote again:
The reason I started to answer you was the condecending "you must be new" argument. It is against those who are new, and stop playing this game early because of lrm's, that lrms are OP. On the other side of the scale lrm as useless against the top-bracket. To find the correct balance and make it viable for all elo-brackets is needed.
Please dont only quote "lrms are OP" since you have given proof thats a no-no, since its getting it around the word filter.