I'll start us off.
(Please excuse the lighting, they don't do the mechs justiceI can't take pictures worth a crap)
1st marik Militia medium lance (Us Kuritan's need something to shoot at you know?
And also
The Kuritan lance: on these guys I used "green stuff" to create the look of dark soil, while on the other hand the Marik mechs got there bases painted shades of blue to represent water(on all of these I did this just to hide mold lines)
Trashed Large scale warhammer I am working on. It was a robotech toy from the early 90s That just so happens to be 1/60 scale. I am trying to repaint it in the grey death legion camoscheme as well as add random details such as duel gauss rifles as the A variant (more on that later...)
Please post your pictures of your own minis!
Edited by Mech42Ace, 03 December 2014 - 11:41 AM.