Duke Nedo, on 03 December 2014 - 09:04 AM, said:
Why not start with some tier thinking? I'd throw something like...
Tier 0: Stormcrow, Timberwolf
Tier 1: Direwhale, Hellbringer (because ecm only)
Tier 2: Warhawk, Adder, Kitfox, Maddog
Tier 3: Summoner, Nova
Tier 4: Fenris, Mist Lynx
Tier 5: None
I'm trying to use the same scale as the IS mechs then. Nova could be argued to be Tier 4 perhaps, but I also wouldn't cry if Adder and Kitfix was moved up to Tier 1 (not tier 1 scouts, but tier 1 mechs).
I agree with most of this list, but I think the Badder, having no ECM, Jump Jets, or speed, is at best a Tier 3 mech, or probably more like Tier 4.
The Mist Lynx has issues, but the hitbox resizing may help it a lot. Currently it's Tier 4-5, but might jump to 3 if the arms stay on. It's not as bad as pre-quirk Locusts, but it's not much better. It really needs more options than arm only weapons, or at least arm armor buffs.
I'd almost say the Fenris/Ice Ferret was Tier 3, but the lack of weapons and tonnage makes it sit somewhere closer to 3-4.
The Summoner and Nova seem about right. They aren't terrible mechs, just not good. The Direwhale and Hellbringer are rightly placed too, especially with the HBR's fixed boxes. The Mad Dog is supposed to receive a hitbox resize this month, so it should be firmly in the Tier 2 slot.
The only mech I'm having trouble deciding on is the Kitfox. I love it to death, but the heat increases to clan energy hurt it badly a few months ago. It's too fragile to put up as much fight. The Jump Jets and ECM add to it's rating however, so Tier 2-3 is probably right. It just needs some heat and arm/leg buffs to make it effective again.
I know ".5's" aren't pretty, but hopefully they convey that the models need more buffs than the mechs above them.
My tier list:
Tier 0: Stormcrow, Timberwolf
Tier 1: Dire Wolf, Hellbringer
Tier 2: Warhawk, Maddog
Tier 2.5: Kitfox
Tier 3: Summoner, Nova
Tier 4: Fenris, Adder
Tier 4.5: Mist Lynx
Tier 5: None
Brody is spot on that the Ferret, Lynx, Summoner and Adder can all be fixed with omnipods and quirks.
Edited by Greenjulius, 03 December 2014 - 09:54 AM.