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Clan Invasion Wave 2 Faction Content Selection!

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#61 Redwo1f


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:30 AM

Just want to 100% confirm that these choices in no way affects house affiliation. Is that true (I think so)?

I almost for certain want to stay Davion for community wars (but sure wouldn't mind an increase in my paint inventory at least - can they be used on IS mechs? there are a few highlight colours that might be good).

#62 ThatGuy539


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:38 AM

View PostSergeant Miles, on 04 December 2014 - 09:05 AM, said:


Buying AL la Cart from the clan Wave II doesn't get any content at all?


I paid all that money just for the HellBringer's and I get nothing else?


won't be buying again ,,,grrrrrrrr

It's one of the perks of buying one of the packs. Kind of like the perks they give for people who buy a package earlier. It's added incentive to spend more money. If they gave the same perks for everything then there would be less incentive to buy the bigger packs.

As I understand it, they do give discounts on the packs if you already bought some of the mechs in that pack. And I think there's still time if you want to get Wave 2, and get these content packs.

I had the money, and always liked Mechwarrior games, and want to support these guys so I decided to spend the money. Plus when you think about it, it's cheaper entertainment than going to a few movies, or generally going out a few times.....and once you have it you can use it as much as you like and whenever you like. Well...that's how I justify it. (And I don't tell my wife. :ph34r: )

#63 ThatGuy539


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:44 AM

View PostRedwo1f, on 04 December 2014 - 10:30 AM, said:

Just want to 100% confirm that these choices in no way affects house affiliation. Is that true (I think so)?

I almost for certain want to stay Davion for community wars (but sure wouldn't mind an increase in my paint inventory at least - can they be used on IS mechs? there are a few highlight colours that might be good).

It was mentioned somewhere....probably the begining of this...that the paint can be used on all mechs. Of course, won't know for sure until the 16th. But it makes sense. (Paint is damed expensive, so I hope it's universal)

The Camo should only be usable on the Wave 2 (and possibly Wave 1) mechs. (minus the Prime(I) mechs I think)

And this almost certainly shouldn't affect your affilation. That's handled in your profile settings.

Happy stomping :D

#64 Sergeant Miles


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:49 AM

Well, the way it was presented I thought you got something.. other then just the mechs! My bad I guess.. the text in my order makes a reference to Content.. like I should be getting it.. but then nothing.. so.. I feel a little ripped off.. 55$ for 3 mechs is pricey if that's all you get.

So.. that's not a deal or even a good buy.. your only paying to get the mechs early.. which I won't be doing again.

If I get any more mechs.. it's only with C bill from here out.. unless they make the deal a little more clear and worth it.

#65 ThatGuy539


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 11:06 AM

Can't argue with that. Some of their info is a bit lacking in detail...or a bit incorrect like whatever is going on with the Jade Falcon content colors.

Maybe its just a minor mixup. You should send support an email about it to find out. You may get some kind of extra content with that.

#66 Sirgrant


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 11:13 AM

I am a wolf and will always be a wolf, therefore I immediately selected 4 wolf packs.

But now I have read all of the comments and might be having remorseful thoughts.

NO! I DID make the right decision! ...(quiaff? quiaff?)

#67 TheDevilsIncarnate


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 11:38 AM

View PostSergeant Miles, on 04 December 2014 - 10:49 AM, said:

Well, the way it was presented I thought you got something.. other then just the mechs! My bad I guess.. the text in my order makes a reference to Content.. like I should be getting it.. but then nothing.. so.. I feel a little ripped off.. 55$ for 3 mechs is pricey if that's all you get.

So.. that's not a deal or even a good buy.. your only paying to get the mechs early.. which I won't be doing again.

If I get any more mechs.. it's only with C bill from here out.. unless they make the deal a little more clear and worth it.

It's not their fault that you do not have reading comprehension. The deal has always been, and always will be, the preorder bonuses that you get for ordering early, and whatever mech you picked. NONE of the goodies in the pack, because you picked and chose instead of going up the tiers like the rest of us. Don't be so entitled about something because you decided you wanted one mech and one mech only, and then didn't get the rest the stuff those of us who got other mechs did.

P.S. If all you were looking for was the Hellbringer, then bam, problem solved you got what you wanted. And for cheaper than 90 bucks to boot. You pick and chosed, you pay the price that pretty explicitly entails.

#68 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:09 PM

View PostLily from animove, on 04 December 2014 - 04:49 AM, said:

logic is that you for 30$ only get 3x a light mech, while with 55$ you can also get heavy only or assault only.

Welcome to marketing 101, thats how it is working. The true question is: which fool would buy an a la carte lynx?

logic is, for 30$ you "only" get 3 light 'mechs + badge + title + custom camo + 3 custom colors + 3 custom cockpit items.
while if you one of those people like me, who do not (DO NOT!) want to spend money on a (that is only my humble opinion) "******" light and a not so ****** medium, you have to suck it up, pay more and get less.

Logic is, that i have a choice to buy what i want for 30$ (while also have to buy 3 lights for 30$ and 3 mediums for 30$ which i have zero interest in), or, i bite my tounge, suck it up and pay 55$ for early access.

Okay, roughly 18$ for 3 mechs isn't actually overpriced. but seeing that others, who paid about 1/2 of a la carte prices per 'mech also get a ton of freebies. Idk, doesn't feels justified nor does it feels like PGI is thankful about me spending money on their game.

A part of the marketing 101 is, that you actually offer what people demand.
In my chase, and i'm sure that i'm not alone, PGI fails to do so.
What i like to buy is either overpriced compared to their "collection" sales- programm or simply not available (faction content or a vulture package for example) unless you do spend money on things you don't actually want to buy.

I'm aware that i'm not one of the whales, who generate 90%. But i'm one of the other 1-10% who's constantly spending money on the game. It feels like my money is of less value because of that.



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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:14 PM

Went one of each, because it made sense to go after the 12 color unlocks.

#70 ThatGuy539


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:15 PM

They have been a bit spars on some of the details sometimes. Instead of having to hunt around the webpage, or pages, and checking out the small print and whatnot, it would be nice if they had info somewhere in one location that clearly states exaclty what you get and when....before you make a purchase.

Take this content package for example. Their main webpage for the info and choices doesn't clearly state the details about which mechs the paint and camos can be used on. I had to come to this forum for those details, and even then it would just seem to be us making educated guesses.

The very fact that people are "always" asking these types of questions in the forums points to the need for a bit clearer info. Even just including a link to a location with clearly laid out info would be nice. They've done it before.

The info isn't always available right off the get-go either. It's usually available later in the forums after people have asked the questions, but you have to do some hunting for that info.

I can easily see how someone might think they got ripped off. It's how they respond after they find out the facts that matters. ;)

Personally I like to do a lot of info gathering before I lay down my cash. But that's me...I'm paranoid. It's those dam Huggins. Always sneaking around and shooting SRM4s like machine gun fire into people's backs. Would make anyone paranoid. B)
See....there's one to the left right now.

#71 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:26 PM

People demanded that they be given access to the "upper tier" mechs of the pre order -and JUST those - even if it meant going without the other bonuses with the Phoenix Pack

PGI gave them that
PGI has continued giving just that.

Now people are complaining that PGI is not giving them what they asked for.

Beautiful people.
Just beautiful

#72 Grendel408


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:34 PM

View PostCHH Badkarma, on 03 December 2014 - 08:26 PM, said:

If you say clan trash, that tells me you should have no problem NOT putting anything related to the clans on an IS tin can

:D :P

Haven't bought a single Clan Mech yet... all IS here dude :D

#73 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:45 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 04 December 2014 - 12:26 PM, said:

People demanded that they be given access to the "upper tier" mechs of the pre order -and JUST those - even if it meant going without the other bonuses with the Phoenix Pack

PGI gave them that
PGI has continued giving just that.

Now people are complaining that PGI is not giving them what they asked for.

Beautiful people.
Just beautiful

Don't get me wrong here, i purchased a l carte, i am and was fully aware of what i got for my money.
I just simply want to state that, if you do not want to buy a collection (in my chase i simply only wanted early access for the hellbringer) PGI leaves you with 3 options.

A: don't buy
B: buy a collection which includes paying for 'mechs you do not want to buy/own/pilot
C: pay about 200% of the 'mechs price ( "including" less content, to make you feel even better for spending money).

kinda leaves a sour taste regardless of what to chose.

Edited by LOADED, 04 December 2014 - 12:57 PM.

#74 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:59 PM

Still "getting you wrong" then.

So sad for you.

Let me know if you ever find a company willing to do whatever ANYONE asks of them.

Edited by Shar Wolf, 04 December 2014 - 01:00 PM.

#75 Dagorlad13


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 01:31 PM

So, if I pre-order the Mist Lynx pack and then buy a Gargoyle a la carte later, will the camo that came with the Mist Lynx be useable with the pre-ordered Gargoyles and eventually my a la carte Timber Wolves and Stormcrows?

#76 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 01:34 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 04 December 2014 - 12:59 PM, said:

Let me know if you ever find a company willing to do whatever ANYONE asks of them.

This and that are different matters. The last car you bought? Did you also had to pay double the price because you didn't purchased their whole production line?Let me guess, nope, you didn't.

#77 Dagorlad13


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 01:49 PM

View PostLOADED, on 04 December 2014 - 01:34 PM, said:

This and that are different matters. The last car you bought? Did you also had to pay double the price because you didn't purchased their whole production line?Let me guess, nope, you didn't.

A product is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. And we are not talking about cars, we are talking about leasing pixels and numbers in a database.

Edited by IronClaws, 04 December 2014 - 01:51 PM.

#78 ThatGuy539


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 01:50 PM

View PostIronClaws, on 04 December 2014 - 01:31 PM, said:

So, if I pre-order the Mist Lynx pack and then buy a Gargoyle a la carte later, will the camo that came with the Mist Lynx be useable with the pre-ordered Gargoyles and eventually my a la carte Timber Wolves and Stormcrows?

Sounds like the Content packs here only apply to the mechs purchased in the packs, not the a la carte.

The mechs come with the standard camo for that type like normal. You'd need to purchase camo for your Mist Linx, and it would only be usable on the Mist Linx mechs.

Technically this may still be cheaper than buying the whole Wave pack.

As for being more expensive for the early purchasers...yep, that's part of what we are paying for. To get the mechs early...plus if you bought a Wave pack all the added little perks like the content packs here, and things like the King Crab, Atlas A7S, etc.

Technically we can just wait to get the mechs for C-bills...for free. But if you have the money, and want it early, you have to pay. PGI is a company. They need to make money to keep the game going and expanding. I like the game, the support has been good, there's no major bugs, and they haven't screwed me so I'll give them my money. No one is twisting my arm and I'm aware of what I'm buying. Therefore, I have no reason to complain.

#79 orangedoc


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 01:55 PM

Aren't the warhorns sounds available in audio sample yet ? could help me decide between wofl & jaguar

#80 SgtMagor


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 02:14 PM

View Postorangedoc, on 04 December 2014 - 01:55 PM, said:

Aren't the warhorns sounds available in audio sample yet ? could help me decide between wofl & jaguar
iirc PGI posted them on google somewhere?

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