Ace Kaller, on 28 January 2015 - 04:34 PM, said:
Piddles, the point is that when you come in as a merc, you are playing for the faction, and our two factions have a treaty. Please respect it, to do otherwise is just not classy.
The problem with this is that players who are loyal to factions think they run the whole faction and that is not the case. If it were PGI would have made it to where there could be no attacks across these borders (for any ceasefire agreement not just Marik-Liao units). Or better yet they would have made the factions controllable by the player base. It was in my estimation looking at situations just like this was a reason why PGI would not release control of factions to the player base. Thus while some units have ceasefire agreements they try to get others to observe there is nothing in place beyond that. To sit there and then subsequently bash units or players who do not wish to abide by agreements they would not enter into but instead honor the contracts of the factions they hire on for is absurd at best. This is a game about big stompy robots going to battle. While I appreciate the greater aspect of diplomacy within an RP scope of the game please recognize that there are some who are just here to play a game and do not take this seriously at all. I know I have paid my hard earned money into this game and like to play how I determine. I'm sure all would be wise to remember that in regards to this game and not try to dictate to others what they should do with theirs. See you on the battlefield MechWarriors