Liao, this is a good move forward, and I would like to get this cleared with the rest of the War Council before we move forward.
For the longest time, I felt that Liao was severely hamstringed by only having one attack front while both Marik and Liao have honorably held up a well respected NAP.
I have been wanting to see if there was a way that we (Marik) could get Liao up further north to enjoy some heated battles. If only to strengthen the internal community Liao holds. In order to keep the community of players within your faction, you MUST give them the action they deserve to see.
As for trying to get Liao to move up north....this is a little tricky, but I am willing to see what all of us can do to help you in that matter. The algorithm is an unpredictable beast, but if it isn't poked, it will continue to sleep. Case in point: Scarborough has been stuck on your Marik attack front since DAY 4 of the birth of CW. It will continue to stay there until it is captured, or Altorra is captured. Then the randome fun begins. Hopefully northwards. Hopefully, getting back the Planet Liao (which you lost a long time ago, and is in Marik hands).
As far as leadership discussions go, I propose we keep all discussions way out in the open and public display. I grow tired of everybody thinking there is some sort of underhanded conspiracy going on with Marik. We really need to be as transparent as we should get with this.
The proposal you suggest is very inviting, and I would like to make sure the rest of the FWLM community is going to be onboard with all this, so it might take a day or two with comms and posts to make sure there are NO miss communications that could result in a false war. I am sure there are some others that might jump in on this opportunity to cause relations to burn, so please be wary of such breaches.
This will not be simple, as there are things moving around within mercs that might cause both our factions to call an audible, so we should become adaptable to changing situations.
Is this acceptable?
Edited by Stingr4y, 26 February 2015 - 07:56 AM.