Trondheim Live, Daily Report : Special Report

Draconis, Star League Successfully Defend Luthien
No world is safe from the Clans; this is the bittersweet fact of life in the Clan Invasion corridor, where every day world after world is threatened by invaders from beyond the 'Sphere. Today, that truth almost came with a deadly cost.
Luthien, Capital of the Draconis Combine, seat of House Kurita, came under direct assault from Clan Smoke Jaguar on February 22nd, 3050 in the wee hours of Universal Time. Smoke Jaguar threw all its available forces, amounting to at least 3-5 Combat Galaxies with support vehicles. Among the first units to hotdrop onto the planet's surface were the "Smoke Adders", one of the many elite Clusters privileged to fight for the honor of taking Luthien. On the other side, the Draconis Combine pulled no units from its surrounding worlds, cut-off though they were, to aid in the defense of Luthien. Luthien chose to fight with its garrison units, so that when the attacks came on other worlds, they might hope to hold the Jaguars off on them as well instead of sacrificing them for the defense of the Capital.
Though garrison units, the defenders were amongst the best Kurita could offer - the highest trained, seasoned, best-equipped MechWarriors this side of Rasalhague. Elements of the infamous Night's Scorn were noted on the list of units present in the defense at the time of the attack.
Even so, initially the battle did not go well for Draconis. The Smoke Jaguars were able to secure a landing zone and pushed out towards the Imperial City, as well as sending smaller contingents towards secondary targets. By early morning, the situation was looking very grim for Luthien.
But Draconis wasn't alone.
From across the Inner Sphere, they came to the defense of Luthien. Mercs, Rasalhaguians, Cappellans, Lyrans - even Mariks and Davions set aside their grievances with Kurita to rush to the defense of Luthien. Solo fighters thrust to the frontlines as fast as they could get their Mechs of the DropShips and organized units coordinated to the areas of heaviest fighting. Though many were simply fuel for the fire of battle, more competent units and commanders quickly coordinated a stalwart defense. As more and more units poured in the attacking Smoke Jaguars were eventually worn down and overwhelmed by both numbers and tactical maneuvers.
The question remains for many, how did so many units and MechWarriors get funneled past the Smoke Jaguar Containment Zone?
Officials from all Houses have remained tight-lipped on the subject. Through persuasion, anonymous tips, and several less-than-legal means a "reasonable ploy" has been uncovered that sheds light on the mysterious appearance of so many Inner Sphere fighters.
Sources show that during the initial phases of attack, Davion, Marik, Rasalhague and Steiner - better known as the Houses of the New Star League - pulled their massive resources together to immediately send to the aid of Luthien. They were unable to, at the time, rally the garrisoning units off many worlds, and forced to grab whoever they could and whoever volunteered to go. As they gathered Liao added their considerable force as well, and joined the long convoy of JumpShips and their DropShip Carry-ons headed for Luthien. The problem was the Star League units could not get past the Smoke Jaguar defensive line blockading support to Luthien. Furthermore, many Davion Ships were stopped at the border, told to turn around or face destruction. The Davion units who signed on to the defense - very few in number at the time - looked to give up and go home, leaving the Star League to figure out its own way to Luthien. The AFFS had other plans.
After an emergency meeting of the top Generals of the AFFS, the Federated Suns officially concluded that, while they were at war with Kurita, the loss of Luthien would be a deathblow to Kuritan morale, and pave the road to Terra in gold for the Clans. Davion's small defensive ring would be no match for the Clan Invasion, and the birthplace of humanity would be Clan. This was deemed unacceptable, and so Davion would come to Kurita's defense - whether they liked it or not.
Davion procured intel to its JumpShip Captains and the Star League's forces, detailing hidden jump locations that could bypass the SJCZ and land the SLDF on Luthien before the Jaguar's knew what hit them. The jump path took them through several systems we're told aren't listed on any public galactic map - as they are all uninhabited - but have star systems that are capable of refueling JumpShips. By this route the Star League coordinated and funneled the reinforcements in to Luthien, and likewise helped withdraw any units - Star League or Kurita - that needed to be withdrawn. Rasalhague JumpShips were even noted for stopping off at several worlds and picking up Draconis units on other planets after the battle, to help quickly refill the garrison to fighting capacity. And just as quickly as they appeared, the Star League withdrew back through the hidden JumpPoints, and dispersed throughout the Inner Sphere to either return home or to their own front lines.
Though bitter tensions still remain between many Star League factions and the Draconis Combine, the selfless dedication of so many - even for a "sworn enemy" - has moved many hearts in Kurita. Kuritan commanders across the Combine expressed their gratitude to the fighters who came from each faction, including Davion, who was instrumental in the effort. Many in Kurita are still bitter about their "rescuing" by the so-called "fedrats", but commanders in their own faction have politely told them to hold their tongue, 'lest they lose the honor they have gained with victory'. For their part, Davion has chosen to ignore those fanatical Combine warriors and accept the genuine gratitude of their counterparts who offered it. Though many grumblings remain from Davion mechwarriors who fought for Draconis - and returned only to continue the fight against Draconis - the consensus has been that sometimes, you have to put the 'Sphere ahead of Davion, or Kurita, or Marik, or Liao, or Steiner, or even Rasalhague.
Sometimes, you have to fight for something bigger than yourself.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 22 February 2015 - 10:36 PM.