MischiefSC, on 21 December 2014 - 09:53 PM, said:
You know, you'd probably make more headway against Marik. You could ignore offense on Davion, stack defense and send like 3 drunken goat herders up to Mariks otherwise empty border, kick over the cardboard cutouts they have standing in for 'soldiers' on their remaining borders and snap up lands further west. We've got other fish to fry; look at the queues. We tend to stack defense first, when it fills up go offense against whoever is attacking. After that we look after Steiner border soft spots, then FRR. Rolling into Liao space isn't as big a priority for us. What's Kurita going to do; send you nasty letters? They're losing 4 worlds a day. The red part of the map is starting to look like a childs birthday cake it's got so many deep slices missing. They are not helping you. Marik is running out of options - they're sacrificing worlds just for the hope of winning an offensive to give them some moral support.
Good luck though. When Marik has finally had enough from the two big neighbors on the borders and sues for peace (and they will, eventually. Their losses are nothing like sustainable) they're going to want to expand somewhere sooner or later. Why not kick that dog while it's down?
First, you get back all our worlds. Then, we can negotiate. Also, Liao dislikes Davion. I think we can make an alliance with anyone to kick some FedRats outa IS. Even with Clans and Word of Blake.