CK16, on 28 March 2016 - 08:44 PM, said:
Well I have been playing MW4 Mercs lately and I found Marcus!
However you know how long it took to not find his mech in a black pile on the ground? I do not get for someone who got to his level of play would run that build!? I tried running the stock Mk.II that was bad enough to do well in, that build he has makes little sense for Solaris seems very weak. He is in the Assault Factory mach though, maybe more but the Mk.II is very fragile vs some of those builds and as stated he was known to die A LOT and very fast.
But would be nice to see if he has more ties with in Solaris, I don't think he is in the Clan Stable (I don't recall Wilder as a Clan blood name, though never know what a Van Wilder might do

For me it was very fun mech. It's just a little bit underpowered after Mektek was done. Clan Machineguns were much more powerful before the mektek. I find both the normal mk II and this manageable.
Should have asked me where Marcus Wilder is. I got notes on where EVERY single 'hero' mech is located and their pilot...
Even the unamed hero Raven that has an ER large laser and Clan LRM 20! (or in Mektek, just an LRM 20) which can be found on the opposite end of the Jungle Championship. Or the fact that the Kodiak and Arctic Wolf can be found in Solaris (Arctic Wolf is on a expeditionary game) and the kodiak was in the grand championship on the sands I believe...
Did I also mention that the only time you see a couldron born in MW4: M is in the Rogue ending for MW4 campaign and that the tank Magi is only on 2 maps (again being rogue ending, the other being a map on Halloran V I believe.)
Bishop Steiner, on 28 March 2016 - 10:11 PM, said:
as to why Marcus Wilder matters?
I pulled it up for a machine gun vomit inspired Hero mech. Unlike the "Beatstick" this thing already has an apocyphal lore on Solaris VII and such.
TheArisen, on 28 March 2016 - 10:13 PM, said:
CK was searching for an appropriate hero MK2 and someone suggested Wilder.
That should be me.
CK16, on 29 March 2016 - 05:52 PM, said:
Well I did a rendition of how a Marcus Wilder build could go.
Machine Gun's just look so tiny on an assault. BUT can anyone say 8 UAC2's?
Looks interesting. However in MW4: mercs the weapons went like...
Right Arm: 3 x Clan Machine Gun
Right Torso: 1 x Light Gauss Rifle, 2 x Jumpjets+
Left Torso: 1 x Light Gauss Rifle, 2 x Jumpjets+
Left Arm: 3 x Clan Machine Gun
(other improvementes: engine and jumpjet upgrades)
So yea, however at least your design looks more traditional to the timberwolf mk II. However I think the arm MG's should be additional machine guns on the ST.
Edited by Nightshade24, 08 April 2016 - 02:44 PM.