cdlord, on 17 July 2013 - 07:46 AM, said:
I knew those were very similar, easily combined with additional/mix and match hardpoints, which is why I expanded my search. I still think the comment about the timeline applies, I mean, what is a mech release if not an event? In the strictest sense..... There's still the "creative license" argument which cannot be discounted. If it'll make PGI more money, then they'll devote resources to it.
A 'Mech announcement on the forums isn't an "in-game event" (and yes, I did previously specify "
in-game") in the same sense as, say, the Battle of Tukayyid, the Battle of Luthien, the Annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar, or the FedCom Civil War would be such.
As for creative license... the only point at which it's been applied to loadouts is the Hero 'Mechs and the one
Cicada variant where the Machine Guns would otherwise have been in the legs.
There are ~70-80 individual 'Mech variants currently in-game, and less than a dozen of those (where only one of that not-quite-dozen isn't a Hero 'Mech) start anything other than what is printed on the BT record sheets (where applicable).
Until that changes, that would seem to be a rather fair indicator of PGI's policies regarding 'Mech and variant selection and implementation.