Adridos, on 10 October 2013 - 04:59 AM, said:
The missile launcher should stay as it is. It's nice to have omnies, but this is kinda a whole new caliber of modification.
...and it's stupid from a game design perspective as well, since it means the mech could only be played competetively with the missile slot removed. In the same spirit, Hunchback should loose it's hunch should no weapon be placed there. It's just unfair, uncool and it makes for a completely different mech.
No. What I'm saying, is since the newer Mechs have dynamic Geometry, if you wan't durability, you have to ditch the missiles. AKA, only support units and suicidal people will mount missiles on most of the Phoenix Mechs (a decided problem with the Griffin, especially). Don't equip missiles, don't get the hunch. And yes, whenever they do the geometry pass on my beloved HBK, I would like that feature included. Doesn't help me though since I gots to have my AC20.