Odanan, on 03 April 2016 - 04:29 AM, said:
- release all the Macross Unseens: Wasp, Stinger, Valkyrie, Ostroc, Crusader, Longbow;
- release the remaining early Invasion Clan Omnimechs: Fire Moth, Pouncer, Huntsman, Kingfisher;
- release one last IS Succession Wars pack;
- release the late Invasion Clan Omnimechs: Fire Falcon, Mongrel, Black Lanner, Turkina;
- release the "counter invasion" IS mechs;
- release at least one more IIC pack;
- release at least one Clan Battlemech pack;
- release IS Omnimechs;
- release all the MW4 chassis...
...and there would still be room for more!
To note, all of this isn't even scraping the bottom of the barrel. There are some legitimately good mechs left in here. Especially (for the Clan side) now that Clan battlemechs are in the picture. I mean, some god awful ones, too, but several good ones.
The only shame is that PGI shows no desire to introduce Quadmechs. JV might want a Scorpion, but I want my Stalking Spider.

Hit the Deck, on 03 April 2016 - 05:50 AM, said:
- Arm instead of ST mounted Gauss.
- Higher arms position.
- Arms which block big part of the torso.
And of course, a BattleMech construction which is not necessarily better.

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 03 April 2016 - 12:13 PM.